Microsoft Visual Studio free / gratis

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Antonio Linares
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Microsoft Visual Studio free / gratis

Post by Antonio Linares »

It seems that at the same time that Microsoft has turned .NET into open source, it has also decided to give away Visual Studio for free !!! :-)

I have not tested it myself yet but it seems as this is the website to download it from:

A la vez que Microsoft ha hecho .NET open source, tambien ha decidido dar Visual Studio gratis !!! :-)

No lo he probado aún pero parece que la página de descarga es esta:
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Microsoft Visual Studio free / gratis

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Microsoft Visual Studio free / gratis (Android and iOS)

Post by Antonio Linares »

I have read that they are going to include (if it is not included yet) an Android emulator and support for both Android and the iPhone/iPad.

This could be great for the project that I have in mind :-)

He leido que van a incluir (si no lo han incluido ya) un emulador de Android y soporte para Android y iPhone/iPad.

Esto puede ser magnífico para el proyecto que tengo en mente :-) ... -platform/
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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