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Image-Viewer (Source included) UPDATE 4.1

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:21 pm
by ukoenig

Because of many questions about Image-preview,
here is the basic of the Image-Viewer ( Source included ) :
The sample-images you can download from the Image-Viewer toppic
or the download-link below.
The source includes everything You need : Make-file, EXE, PRG.
Please check the directorys in the MAKE-file.
After that, you can call GO to compile.
The new version of FREEIMAGE.dll is included as well.
The Image-Converter-part is not included.
If You still need the xNVIEW-connection, I can add this option.
With the xNVIEW-conection, a image with value < FWH NO > (red Bmp),
is forced to open with the extern-viewer.

How the Image-size-slider works :
As long the Image > Folder-size, the image is adjusted to the folder.
If the image is resized to a size < Folder-size, the Image is shown with the selected size.
The origanal size, You can allways control with the button < Preview >.
The preview-dialog is opend with the selected size of the Image.
It is also possible to add a value to the slider.
As a sample : a value 50 => shows the image 1/2 of the original-size.

The < Reset > button sets Width and Height to the original size.


Download ( 1.8 MB ) :

Images copy to sub-dir /image ( 3.4 MB )

Uwe :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:03 pm
by toninhofwi
Thanks for share it.




Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:12 pm
by ukoenig
Thanks for the response,

I hope it will be useful for FWH-users.
Another interesting solution, to show a part of a Image :

Uwe :lol:


Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:37 pm
by ukoenig

here is the 1. update with some more functions :

1. Connection to the Graphic-application xNVIEW
Images, You cannot show with FREEIMAGE.dll, will open with xNVIEW ( red symbol FWH / NO )
After installing xNVIEW, first you have to define with the Button < xNPATH > the Application-path.

2. A second Folder-page is added.
It is possible now, to move a Image inside a Folder with the Sliders to show just a part of a Image.

For new compile, you have to add xBrowse.prg because of a little bug :
A extern-application is opend twice. ... highlight=
You have delete a Line ( double call of a exe-file ) in xBrowse.prg

Download UPDATE :

Download xNVIEW

Download if still missing :
Test-Images => copy to sub-dir /image ( 3.4 MB )



Maybe it can be a start of open project for a Image-Viewer.
It means, any new Ideas or Extensions to chare with other users.
There are still things, can be done better.

Uwe :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:19 am
by HunterEC

Congratulations ! Great program ! Kudos


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:37 am
by ukoenig
Hello HunterEC,

I hope, the MOVE-option solved Your problem.
I noticed : once You define a part of a Image with the Sliders < MOVE >,
let's say the < right, top corner > You want to see,
The selected position is also valid for other Images, after a Image-change in xBrowse.

Uwe :lol:

Update 4.1

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:08 pm
by ukoenig

this weekend, I will finish the Update 4.1
It is possible now, to resize ( with preview ) and save the Image
to a different file.
The function uses the new nCONVERT, because of a better image-quality
instead of FREEIMAGE.dll


The different between resize inside the Folderpage is :
Inside the folderpage, a image is resized to the pagesize, as long the imagesize is bigger.
The resize-dialog shows the original size with resize-values
in % and the new resize Width and Height.
You can overwrite the old file or save as new file like _imagename.jpg
With a combobox You can choose the Output-file-format.


Uwe :lol:

Update 4.1

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:09 am
by ukoenig

the Update 4.1 ( 0.8 MB )
Download :

The Graphic-Runs => Freeimage.dll and nConvert.exe ( 1.5 MB )
copy to Main-application-directory

The Test-Images ( 3.5 MB ) to Subdirectory : /Image

What is new :
A new Dialog with RESIZE and CONVERT - functions.
Move the Image in all directions with two sliders.
RESIZE and RESET the Image to original size.
A Combobox for Export-format ( add the Formats You need ).
New support of nCONVERT.
( You need the GRAPHIC-files from the top )
If You want to use very exotic formats, You can copy the PLUGIN sub-dir
from xNVIEW to Your application.


Uwe :lol: