oBrw:nLineStyle := 3
Maestros, porque oBrw:nLineStyle := 4 ó 5 ó 6 ó 7 ó 8, no funciona?
Tengo que modificar algo en la classe TCBROWSE.PRG??
Best regards, saludos.
Maestros, porque oBrw:nLineStyle := 4 ó 5 ó 6 ó 7 ó 8, no funciona?
Tengo que modificar algo en la classe TCBROWSE.PRG??
Best regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil
Re: Duda en TCBROWSE
Hola João:
1 negras
2 grises
3 3D
4 punteadas
En TSBrowse son 5
1 todas
2 solo verticales
3 solo horizontales
4 3D
5 Punteadas
Manuel Mercado
En TCBrowse solo hay 4 estilos de linea posibles:karinha wrote:Maestros, porque oBrw:nLineStyle := 4 ó 5 ó 6 ó 7 ó 8, no funciona?
1 negras
2 grises
3 3D
4 punteadas
En TSBrowse son 5
1 todas
2 solo verticales
3 solo horizontales
4 3D
5 Punteadas
Manuel Mercado
Gracias por responder maestro Manuel.
Entonces, és una falla de la classe TCBROWSE.PRG??
La classe TWBROWSE, bién como tu magnifica TSBROWSE, nos permite usar asta la opcíon 8 -> 0 a 8.
En la classe TCBROWSE.PRG, nos és posible usar la opción 0, 5, 6, 7, 8??
No hay nada que se pueda hacer para mejorar esto?
Best regards, saludos y muchas gracias.
Entonces, és una falla de la classe TCBROWSE.PRG??
La classe TWBROWSE, bién como tu magnifica TSBROWSE, nos permite usar asta la opcíon 8 -> 0 a 8.
En la classe TCBROWSE.PRG, nos és posible usar la opción 0, 5, 6, 7, 8??
No hay nada que se pueda hacer para mejorar esto?
Best regards, saludos y muchas gracias.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil
Magnifica explicación maestro Manuel, pelo no tengo el minino conocimiento de la linguage C.mmercado wrote:La opción 0 (sin lineas) la aplica por defecto, las demás no son posibleskarinha wrote:En la classe TCBROWSE.PRG, nos és posible usar la opción 0, 5, 6, 7, 8??
Solo modificando el programa tcbfuncs.ckarinha wrote:No hay nada que se pueda hacer para mejorar esto?
Un abrazo.
Manuel Mercado
Podria ayudarme? Donde cambio para funcionar perfecto?
Un gran saludo desde Brasil, és mui querido por acá.
Best regards.
Code: Select all
#include <WinTen.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ClipApi.h>
void WndDrawBox( HDC, LPRECT, HPEN, HPEN );
void DrawBitmap( HDC, HBITMAP, WORD wCol, WORD wRow, WORD wWidth, \
WORD wHeight, DWORD dwRaster );
void DrawMasked( HDC, HBITMAP, WORD wCol, WORD wRow );
void FrameDot( HDC hDC, RECT * pRect );
#ifdef __FLAT__
DWORD MoveTo( HDC hdc, int x, int y );
CLIPPER TCDRAWCELL( PARAMS ) // ( hWnd, hDC, nRow, nColumn , nWidth ,
// uData, nAlign , nClrFore, nClrBack ,
// hFont, nBitmap, dwRaster, nLinesStyle )
HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 ) ;
HDC hDC = ( HDC ) _parnl( 2 ) ;
int nRow = _parni( 3 ) ;
int nColumn = _parni( 4 ) ;
int nWidth = _parni( 5 ) ;
LPSTR cData = _parc( 6 ) ;
int nLen = _parclen( 6 ) ;
UINT nAlign = _parni( 7 ) ;
COLORREF clrFore = ( PCOUNT() > 7 ? _parnl( 8 ): 0 );
COLORREF clrBack = ( PCOUNT() > 8 ? _parnl( 9 ): RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 10 ) ;
int nBitMap = _parni( 11 ) ;
HBITMAP hBitMap = ( HBITMAP ) _parnl( 6 ) ; // redefine parm 6 as possible bitmap
//DWORD dwRaster = ( PCOUNT() > 11 ? _parnl( 12 ) : 0x5A0049 );
HFONT hOldFont ;
BOOL bDestroyDC = FALSE ;
HPEN hGrayPen, hWhitePen, hOldPen;
RECT rct ;
int LineCount, HeaderHeight ;
WORD wLineStyle = _parni( 13 );
HBRUSH hBrush;
if( wLineStyle )
switch( wLineStyle )
case 1: // BLACK
hGrayPen = ( HPEN ) GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
hWhitePen = hGrayPen;
case 2: // GRAY
hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) );
hWhitePen = hGrayPen;
case 3: // 3D
hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) );
hWhitePen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) ); // GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN );
case 4: // DOTTED
if( ! hDC )
bDestroyDC = TRUE ;
hDC = GetDC( hWnd ) ;
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont ) ;
GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct ) ;
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm ) ;
/* Calculate number of lines available to this Client Rect. */
LineCount = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight ) - 1 ;
/* Add the extra space that will be left over on the bottom of the screen
to the header. */
// HeaderHeight = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) - ( LineCount * tm.tmHeight ) ) ;
SetTextColor( hDC, clrFore ) ;
SetBkColor( hDC, clrBack ) ;
if( nRow == 0 )
rct.top = 0 ;
rct.top = ( tm.tmHeight * nRow );
if( rct.top + tm.tmHeight <= rct.bottom )
rct.bottom = rct.top + tm.tmHeight;
/* Don't let left side go beyond rct.right of Client Rect. */
if( nColumn - ( rct.right - rct.left) <= 0 )
rct.left = nColumn ;
/* if nWidth == -1, it indicates the last column so go to limit,
Don't let right side go beyond rct.right of Client Rect. */
if( ( nWidth != -1 ) && ((rct.left + nWidth - rct.right) <= 0) )
rct.right = rct.left + nWidth ;
rct.right += 2;
ExtTextOut( hDC, rct.left, rct.top + 1, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED, \
&rct, "", 0, 0 ) ;
rct.left += 2 ;
rct.right -= 4 ;
// use this next code to use ROPs, disable the 4 lines code below
// also uncomment the dwRaster code in the begining of the function
// if ( nBitMap == 1 )
// dwRaster = 0;
// DrawBitmap( hDC, hBitMap, rct.top + 1, rct.left - 1, \
// rct.right - rct.left + 1, rct.bottom - rct.top - 1, dwRaster );
// DrawBitmap( hDC, hBitMap, rct.top + 1, rct.left - 1, \
// rct.right - rct.left + 1, rct.bottom - rct.top - 1, 0 );
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( clrBack );
FillRect( hDC, &rct, hBrush );
DeleteObject( hBrush );
DrawMasked( hDC, hBitMap, rct.top, rct.left );
// if ( nBitMap == 2 )
// InvertRect( hDC, &rct) ;
if( nRow )
DrawText( hDC, cData, nLen, &rct, nAlign | DT_VCENTER | \
if( nRow )
rct.left -= 2 ;
rct.right += 1 ;
rct.bottom -= 1 ;
if( wLineStyle )
if( wLineStyle != 3 ) // 3D
// rct.top--;
if( rct.left > 0 )
if( wLineStyle == 4 ) // DOTTED
FrameDot( hDC, &rct );
WndDrawBox( hDC, &rct, hWhitePen, hGrayPen ) ;
if( ! nRow )
WndDrawBox( hDC, &rct, hWhitePen, ( HPEN ) GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );
hOldPen = ( HPEN ) SelectObject( hDC, hGrayPen );
MoveTo( hDC, rct.left, rct.bottom - 1 );
LineTo( hDC, rct.right, rct.bottom - 1 );
MoveTo( hDC, rct.right - 1, rct.bottom - 1 );
LineTo( hDC, rct.right - 1, rct.top );
SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
if( wLineStyle )
switch( wLineStyle )
case 1: // BLACK
break; // it is a system resource, so do nothing
case 2: // GRAY
DeleteObject( hGrayPen ); // We just use this one
case 3: // 3D
DeleteObject( hGrayPen );
DeleteObject( hWhitePen );
case 4: // DOTTED
break; // do nothing
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ) ;
if( bDestroyDC )
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ) ;
#ifdef __HARBOUR__
HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 );
int wRows = _parni( 2 ); // 04-22-00
HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 3 );
HFONT hOldFont;
HDC hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
RECT rct;
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct );
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm );
rct.top += tm.tmHeight;
rct.bottom -= ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) % tm.tmHeight );
ScrollWindowEx( hWnd, 0, -( tm.tmHeight * wRows ), 0, &rct, 0, 0, 0 );
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont );
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
static WORD near GetWindowRow( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, WORD wGraphRow, \
HFONT hFont ) // -> wTextRow
RECT rct;
WORD wRow;
BOOL bDCDestroy = FALSE;
HFONT hOldFont;
int LineCount, HeaderHeight ;
if( ! hDC )
bDCDestroy = TRUE;
hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm );
GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct );
/* Calculate number of lines available to this Client Rect. */
LineCount = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight ) - 1 ;
/* Add the extra space that will be left over on the bottom of the screen
to the header. */
// HeaderHeight = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) - ( LineCount * tm.tmHeight ) ) ;
/* wRow = ( wGraphRow - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight;*/
// if( wGraphRow - rct.top <= HeaderHeight )
// wRow = 0 ;
// else
wRow = ( ( wGraphRow - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight );
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont );
if( bDCDestroy )
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
return wRow;
CLIPPER NTCWROW( PARAMS ) // hWnd, hDC, nGraphRow, hFont -> nTextRow
_retni( GetWindowRow( ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 ), ( HDC ) _parnl( 2 ),
_parni( 3 ), ( HFONT ) _parnl( 4 ) ) );
#ifdef __HARBOUR__
CLIPPER ATCBRWPOSRECT( PARAMS ) // ( hWnd, nRow, nCol, nWidth, hFont )
CLIPPER ATCBRWPOSR( PARAMS ) // ect( hWnd, nRow, nCol, nWidth, hFont )
HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 );
WORD wRow = _parni( 2 );
WORD wCol = _parni( 3 );
WORD wWidth = _parni( 4 );
HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 5 );
HDC hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
HFONT hOldFont;
WORD wMaxRight;
RECT rct;
int LineCount, HeaderHeight ;
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rct );
wMaxRight = rct.right;
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm );
/* Calculate number of lines available to this Client Rect. */
LineCount = ( ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) -
GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL ) ) / tm.tmHeight ) - 1 ;
/* Add the extra space that will be left over on the bottom of the screen
to the header. */
// HeaderHeight = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) -
// GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL ) -
// ( LineCount * tm.tmHeight ) ) ;
// rct.top += HeaderHeight + ( tm.tmHeight * ( wRow - 1 ) ) ;
rct.top += ( tm.tmHeight * wRow ) + 1;
rct.bottom = rct.top + tm.tmHeight;
rct.left += wCol;
rct.right = rct.left + wWidth;
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont );
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
_reta( 4 );
#ifdef __XPP__
#define _storni( x, y, z ) STORNI( x, params, y, z )
_storni( rct.top, -1, 1 );
_storni( rct.left, -1, 2 );
_storni( rct.bottom, -1, 3 );
_storni( ( wMaxRight <= rct.right ) ? wMaxRight - 18: rct.right, -1, 4 );
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil
Buenos dias maestro, desculpe la demora...mmercado wrote:Dime que estilo de línea quieres para poder indicarte _, por ejemplo:karinha wrote:Podria ayudarme? Donde cambio para funcionar perfecto?
nLineStyle 5 = Solo lineas verticales
Manuel Mercado
Lo que necisito, és que el BROWSE no muestre LAS LINEAS HORIZONTALES.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil
Aquí tienes tcbfuncs.c modificado:karinha wrote:Lo que necisito, és que el BROWSE no muestre LAS LINEAS HORIZONTALES
nLineStyle 5 = Muestra solo lineas verticales
nLineStyle 6 = Muestra solo lineas horizontales
Code: Select all
#include <WinTen.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ClipApi.h>
void WndDrawBox( HDC, LPRECT, HPEN, HPEN );
void DrawBitmap( HDC, HBITMAP, WORD wCol, WORD wRow, WORD wWidth, \
WORD wHeight, DWORD dwRaster );
void DrawMasked( HDC, HBITMAP, WORD wCol, WORD wRow );
void FrameDot( HDC hDC, RECT * pRect );
#ifdef __FLAT__
DWORD MoveTo( HDC hdc, int x, int y );
HB_FUNC( TCDRAWCELL ) // ( PARAMS ) // ( hWnd, hDC, nRow, nColumn , nWidth ,
// uData, nAlign , nClrFore, nClrBack ,
// hFont, nBitmap, dwRaster, nLinesStyle )
HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 ) ;
HDC hDC = ( HDC ) _parnl( 2 ) ;
int nRow = _parni( 3 ) ;
int nColumn = _parni( 4 ) ;
int nWidth = _parni( 5 ) ;
LPSTR cData = _parc( 6 ) ;
int nLen = _parclen( 6 ) ;
UINT nAlign = _parni( 7 ) ;
COLORREF clrFore = ( PCOUNT() > 7 ? _parnl( 8 ): 0 );
COLORREF clrBack = ( PCOUNT() > 8 ? _parnl( 9 ): RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 10 ) ;
int nBitMap = _parni( 11 ) ;
HBITMAP hBitMap = ( HBITMAP ) _parnl( 6 ) ; // redefine parm 6 as possible bitmap
//DWORD dwRaster = ( PCOUNT() > 11 ? _parnl( 12 ) : 0x5A0049 );
HFONT hOldFont ;
BOOL bDestroyDC = FALSE ;
HPEN hGrayPen, hWhitePen, hOldPen;
RECT rct ;
int LineCount, HeaderHeight ;
WORD wLineStyle = _parni( 13 );
HBRUSH hBrush;
if( wLineStyle )
switch( wLineStyle )
case 1: // BLACK
hGrayPen = ( HPEN ) GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
hWhitePen = hGrayPen;
case 2: // GRAY
hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) );
hWhitePen = hGrayPen;
case 3: // 3D
hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) );
hWhitePen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) ); // GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN );
case 4: // DOTTED
case 5: // Vertical gray lines
hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) );
hWhitePen = hGrayPen;
case 6: // horizontal gray lines
hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) );
hWhitePen = hGrayPen;
default :
hGrayPen = ( HPEN ) GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN );
break ;
if( ! hDC )
bDestroyDC = TRUE ;
hDC = GetDC( hWnd ) ;
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont ) ;
GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct ) ;
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm ) ;
/* Calculate number of lines available to this Client Rect. */
LineCount = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight ) - 1 ;
/* Add the extra space that will be left over on the bottom of the screen
to the header. */
// HeaderHeight = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) - ( LineCount * tm.tmHeight ) ) ;
SetTextColor( hDC, clrFore ) ;
SetBkColor( hDC, clrBack ) ;
if( nRow == 0 )
rct.top = 0 ;
rct.top = ( tm.tmHeight * nRow );
if( rct.top + tm.tmHeight <= rct.bottom )
rct.bottom = rct.top + tm.tmHeight;
/* Don't let left side go beyond rct.right of Client Rect. */
if( nColumn - ( rct.right - rct.left) <= 0 )
rct.left = nColumn ;
/* if nWidth == -1, it indicates the last column so go to limit,
Don't let right side go beyond rct.right of Client Rect. */
if( ( nWidth != -1 ) && ((rct.left + nWidth - rct.right) <= 0) )
rct.right = rct.left + nWidth ;
rct.right += 2;
ExtTextOut( hDC, rct.left, rct.top + 1, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED,
&rct, "", 0, 0 ) ;
rct.left += 2 ;
rct.right -= 4 ;
if( nBitMap )
// use this next code to use ROPs, disable the 4 lines code below
// also uncomment the dwRaster code in the begining of the function
// if ( nBitMap == 1 )
// dwRaster = 0;
// DrawBitmap( hDC, hBitMap, rct.top + 1, rct.left - 1, \
// rct.right - rct.left + 1, rct.bottom - rct.top - 1, dwRaster );
// DrawBitmap( hDC, hBitMap, rct.top + 1, rct.left - 1, \
// rct.right - rct.left + 1, rct.bottom - rct.top - 1, 0 );
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( clrBack );
FillRect( hDC, &rct, hBrush );
DeleteObject( hBrush );
DrawMasked( hDC, hBitMap, rct.top, rct.left );
// if ( nBitMap == 2 )
// InvertRect( hDC, &rct) ;
if( nRow )
DrawText( hDC, cData, nLen, &rct, nAlign | DT_VCENTER |
if( nRow )
rct.left -= 2 ;
rct.right += 1 ;
rct.bottom -= 1 ;
if( wLineStyle )
if( wLineStyle != 3 ) // 3D
// rct.top--;
if( rct.left > 0 )
if( wLineStyle == 4 ) // DOTTED
FrameDot( hDC, &rct );
switch( wLineStyle )
case 5 :
ExcludeClipRect( hDC, rct.left + 1, rct.top, rct.right -1, rct.bottom + 1 ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
ExcludeClipRect( hDC, rct.left, rct.top + 1, rct.right + 1, rct.bottom ) ;
break ;
WndDrawBox( hDC, &rct, hWhitePen, hGrayPen ) ;
if( ! nRow )
// char buffer[ 100 ];
// wsprintf( buffer, "top %02i: left %02i: bottom %02i: right %02i", rct.top, rct.left, rct.bottom, rct.right );
// OutputDebugString( buffer );
WndDrawBox( hDC, &rct, hWhitePen, ( HPEN ) GetStockObject( BLACK_PEN ) );
hOldPen = ( HPEN ) SelectObject( hDC, hGrayPen );
MoveTo( hDC, rct.left, rct.bottom - 1 );
LineTo( hDC, rct.right, rct.bottom - 1 );
MoveTo( hDC, rct.right - 1, rct.bottom - 1 );
LineTo( hDC, rct.right - 1, rct.top );
SelectObject( hDC, hOldPen );
if( wLineStyle )
switch( wLineStyle )
case 1: // BLACK
break; // it is a system resource, so do nothing
case 2: // GRAY
DeleteObject( hGrayPen ); // We just use this one
case 3: // 3D
DeleteObject( hGrayPen );
DeleteObject( hWhitePen );
case 4: // DOTTED
break; // do nothing
case 5: // VERTICAL GRAY
DeleteObject( hGrayPen );
DeleteObject( hGrayPen );
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ) ;
if( bDestroyDC )
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ) ;
#ifdef __HARBOUR__
HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 );
int wRows = _parni( 2 ); // 04-22-00
HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 3 );
HFONT hOldFont;
HDC hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
RECT rct;
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct );
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm );
rct.top += tm.tmHeight;
rct.bottom -= ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) % tm.tmHeight );
ScrollWindowEx( hWnd, 0, -( tm.tmHeight * wRows ), 0, &rct, 0, 0, 0 );
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont );
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
static WORD near GetWindowRow( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, WORD wGraphRow, \
HFONT hFont ) // -> wTextRow
RECT rct;
WORD wRow;
BOOL bDCDestroy = FALSE;
HFONT hOldFont;
int LineCount, HeaderHeight ;
if( ! hDC )
bDCDestroy = TRUE;
hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm );
GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct );
/* Calculate number of lines available to this Client Rect. */
LineCount = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight ) - 1 ;
/* Add the extra space that will be left over on the bottom of the screen
to the header. */
// HeaderHeight = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) - ( LineCount * tm.tmHeight ) ) ;
/* wRow = ( wGraphRow - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight;*/
// if( wGraphRow - rct.top <= HeaderHeight )
// wRow = 0 ;
// else
wRow = ( ( wGraphRow - rct.top ) / tm.tmHeight );
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont );
if( bDCDestroy )
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
return wRow;
HB_FUNC( NTCWROW ) // ( PARAMS ) // hWnd, hDC, nGraphRow, hFont -> nTextRow
_retni( GetWindowRow( ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 ), ( HDC ) _parnl( 2 ),
_parni( 3 ), ( HFONT ) _parnl( 4 ) ) );
#ifdef __HARBOUR__
HB_FUNC( ATCBRWPOSRECT ) // ( PARAMS ) // ( hWnd, nRow, nCol, nWidth, hFont )
CLIPPER ATCBRWPOSR( PARAMS ) // ect( hWnd, nRow, nCol, nWidth, hFont )
HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 );
WORD wRow = _parni( 2 );
WORD wCol = _parni( 3 );
WORD wWidth = _parni( 4 );
HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 5 );
HDC hDC = GetDC( hWnd );
HFONT hOldFont;
WORD wMaxRight;
RECT rct;
int LineCount, HeaderHeight ;
if( hFont )
hOldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rct );
wMaxRight = rct.right;
GetTextMetrics( hDC, &tm );
/* Calculate number of lines available to this Client Rect. */
LineCount = ( ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) -
GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL ) ) / tm.tmHeight ) - 1 ;
/* Add the extra space that will be left over on the bottom of the screen
to the header. */
// HeaderHeight = ( ( rct.bottom - rct.top ) -
// GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL ) -
// ( LineCount * tm.tmHeight ) ) ;
// rct.top += HeaderHeight + ( tm.tmHeight * ( wRow - 1 ) ) ;
rct.top += ( tm.tmHeight * wRow ) + 1;
rct.bottom = rct.top + tm.tmHeight;
rct.left += wCol;
rct.right = rct.left + wWidth;
if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont );
ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC );
_reta( 4 );
#ifdef __XPP__
#define _storni( x, y, z ) STORNI( x, params, y, z )
_storni( rct.top, -1, 1 );
_storni( rct.left, -1, 2 );
_storni( rct.bottom, -1, 3 );
_storni( ( wMaxRight <= rct.right ) ? wMaxRight - 18: rct.right, -1, 4 );
Manuel Mercado