fwdbu request
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
fwdbu request
it is possible add to the function TxtStruct( oBrw ) of fivedbu the list of index and key expression and for expression .
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: fwdbu request
Hello Silvio,
this is a very useful practical feature. Thank you for asking.
Best regards,
this is a very useful practical feature. Thank you for asking.
Best regards,
Code: Select all
function TxtStruct( oBrw )
local cCode := "local aFields := { ", n, bClipboard
local cIndexCode := " Indexes in use " + Space( 23 ) + "TagName" + CRLF
local J := 0
for j = 1 to 15
if ! Empty( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ) )
cIndexCode += Space( 8 ) + ;
If( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexOrd() ) == j, "=> ", " " ) + ;
PadR( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ), 35 ) + ;
( Alias( n ) )->( OrdName( j ) ) + ;
if Empty( oBrw:oRs )
for n = 1 to FCount()
if n > 1
cCode += Space( 19 )
cCode += '{ "' + FieldName( n ) + '", "' + ;
FieldType( n ) + '", ' + ;
AllTrim( Str( FieldLen( n ) ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( FieldDec( n ) ) ) + " },;" + CRLF
for n = 1 to oBrw:oRS:Fields:Count
if n > 1
cCode += Space( 19 )
cCode += '{ "' + oBrw:oRS:Fields[ n - 1 ]:Name + '", "' + ;
FWAdoFieldType( oBrw:oRs, n ) + '", ' + ;
AllTrim( Str( FWAdoFieldSize( oBrw:oRs, n ) ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( FWAdoFieldDec( oBrw:oRs, n ) ) ) + ;
" },;" + CRLF
cCode = SubStr( cCode, 1, Len( cCode ) - 4 ) + " }" + CRLF + CRLF
if Empty( oBrw:oRs )
cCode += 'DbCreate( "myfile.dbf", aFields, "' + RddName() + '" )'
cCode += CRLF + cIndexCode
bClipboard = { | oDlg | AddClipboardButton( oDlg ), cCode }
MemoEdit( bClipboard, FWString( "Code" ) )
return nil
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: fwdbu request
Thanks Otto 
I think this is a better implementation as it writes the code that we need to create the indexes
See the result for FWH\samples\aswapt.dbf:

I think this is a better implementation as it writes the code that we need to create the indexes

Code: Select all
function TxtStruct( oBrw )
local cCode := "local aFields := { ", n, bClipboard
if Empty( oBrw:oRs )
for n = 1 to FCount()
if n > 1
cCode += Space( 19 )
cCode += '{ "' + FieldName( n ) + '", "' + ;
FieldType( n ) + '", ' + ;
AllTrim( Str( FieldLen( n ) ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( FieldDec( n ) ) ) + " },;" + CRLF
for n = 1 to oBrw:oRS:Fields:Count
if n > 1
cCode += Space( 19 )
cCode += '{ "' + oBrw:oRS:Fields[ n - 1 ]:Name + '", "' + ;
FWAdoFieldType( oBrw:oRs, n ) + '", ' + ;
AllTrim( Str( FWAdoFieldSize( oBrw:oRs, n ) ) ) + ", " + ;
AllTrim( Str( FWAdoFieldDec( oBrw:oRs, n ) ) ) + ;
" },;" + CRLF
cCode = SubStr( cCode, 1, Len( cCode ) - 4 ) + " }" + CRLF + CRLF
if Empty( oBrw:oRs )
cCode += 'DbCreate( "myfile.dbf", aFields, "' + RddName() + '" )'
for n = 1 to 15
if ! Empty( ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) )
cCode += CRLF + CRLF + "INDEX ON " + ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) + " TO " + ;
( Alias() )->( OrdName( n ) )
bClipboard = { | oDlg | AddClipboardButton( oDlg ), cCode }
MemoEdit( bClipboard, FWString( "Code" ) )
return nil
Code: Select all
local aFields := { { "APTCLI", "C", 40, 0 },;
{ "APTVEH", "C", 40, 0 },;
{ "APTDAT", "D", 8, 0 },;
{ "APTBTI", "C", 5, 0 },;
{ "APTETI", "C", 5, 0 },;
{ "APTDUR", "N", 5, 0 },;
{ "APTACN", "C", 6, 0 },;
{ "APTLIC", "C", 12, 0 },;
{ "APTQUO", "C", 8, 0 },;
{ "APTASG", "C", 20, 0 },;
{ "APTUSD", "L", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTUID", "C", 12, 0 },;
{ "APTCLR", "C", 2, 0 },;
{ "APTREM", "L", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTBEG", "C", 18, 0 },;
{ "APTEND", "C", 18, 0 },;
{ "APTPHO", "C", 18, 0 },;
{ "APTNOT", "M", 10, 0 },;
{ "APTSUM", "C", 60, 0 },;
{ "APTITV", "N", 4, 0 },;
{ "APTSEQ", "N", 12, 0 },;
{ "APTRON", "L", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTALD", "L", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTMTG", "L", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTPRI", "L", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTIMP", "N", 1, 0 },;
{ "APTBSY", "N", 1, 0 } }
DbCreate( "myfile.dbf", aFields, "DBFCDX" )
INDEX ON dtos(aptdat)+aptbti TO ASWAPT
INDEX ON aptasg+dtos(aptdat)+aptbti TO ASWAPU
Code: Select all
INDEX ON dtos(aptdat)+aptbti TO ASWAPT
INDEX ON aptasg+dtos(aptdat)+aptbti TO ASWAPU
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: fwdbu request
and the tags ?
and the tags ?
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: fwdbu request
Dear Antonio,
thank you.
As to show source code is for me one oft he most used functions I inserted a button on the buttonbar for this.
Also the question “Do you want to end” I deleted.
Best regards,
thank you.
As to show source code is for me one oft he most used functions I inserted a button on the buttonbar for this.
Code: Select all
DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar PROMPT FWString( "SourceCode" ) RESOURCE "code" ACTION TxtStruct( oBrw )
Code: Select all
VALID ( FWMissingStrings(), .T. ) ;
ON PAINT DrawTiled( hDC, oWndMain, oBmpTiled )
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
Re: fwdbu request
In my copy I also changed AddClipboardButton:
function AddClipboardButton( oDlg, cText )
local oBtn
@ 238, 6 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT FWString( "Copy to clipboard" ) ;
OF oDlg SIZE 180, 28 PIXEL ;
ACTION ( CopyToClipboard( oDlg:aControls[ 1 ]:GetText() ), oDlg:end() )
return nil
function AddClipboardButton( oDlg, cText )
local oBtn
@ 238, 6 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT FWString( "Copy to clipboard" ) ;
OF oDlg SIZE 180, 28 PIXEL ;
ACTION ( CopyToClipboard( oDlg:aControls[ 1 ]:GetText() ), oDlg:end() )
return nil
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Marc Venken
- Posts: 727
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:51 am
Re: fwdbu request
In FWDbu there is no option to print the structure on paper ?
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 20.08 with Harbour
Using: FWH 20.08 with Harbour
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: fwdbu request
You copy it and paste it on notepad, email, etc
You copy it and paste it on notepad, email, etc
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: fwdbu request
I not understood
I need also the tag
sample :
INDEX ON upper(last) TAG LAST EVAL (oProgress:SetPos(nProgress++), Sysrefresh()) EVERY 1 FOR ! DELETED()
I not understood
I need also the tag
sample :
INDEX ON upper(last) TAG LAST EVAL (oProgress:SetPos(nProgress++), Sysrefresh()) EVERY 1 FOR ! DELETED()
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: fwdbu request
Hello Silvio,
I added:
Best regards,
I added:
Code: Select all
if cRDD = "DBFCDX"
cCode += CRLF + CRLF + "INDEX ON " + ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) + " TO TAG " + ;
( Alias() )->( OrdName( n ) )
cCode += CRLF + CRLF + "INDEX ON " + ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) + " TO " + ;
( Alias() )->( OrdName( n ) )
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Re: fwdbu request
Code: Select all
for n = 1 to 15
if ! Empty( ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) )
cCode += CRLF + CRLF + "INDEX ON " + ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) + ;
If( ( Alias() )->( RddName() ) == "DBFNTX", " TO ", " TAG " ) + ;
( Alias() )->( OrdName( n ) )
Re: fwdbu request
I'm rather confused by the question ...
I modified the dBU a few years ago, added some features, and have the ability to select an index. My clients have learned to use this "File Editor" effectively.
In the users manual, I added instruction on how to use the editor, plus the structure ( fields, types, sizes, and description of each ), and specify in there the indexes and keys. This way, for someone who actually needs to know what they are looking for, they can check the document and see not only the key, but also the description of each field.
If they are not willing to read the manual, and understand what they are doing, I certainly do not want them using this utility.
I also keep a copy of those structures in One Note. This allows me an instant reference to every file.
Finally, Antonio I noted you mentioned the ASWAPT.dbf. That is the one I created for the calendar implementation using Codejock. Do we have that full implementation in the Samples ?
I modified the dBU a few years ago, added some features, and have the ability to select an index. My clients have learned to use this "File Editor" effectively.
In the users manual, I added instruction on how to use the editor, plus the structure ( fields, types, sizes, and description of each ), and specify in there the indexes and keys. This way, for someone who actually needs to know what they are looking for, they can check the document and see not only the key, but also the description of each field.
If they are not willing to read the manual, and understand what they are doing, I certainly do not want them using this utility.
I also keep a copy of those structures in One Note. This allows me an instant reference to every file.
Finally, Antonio I noted you mentioned the ASWAPT.dbf. That is the one I created for the calendar implementation using Codejock. Do we have that full implementation in the Samples ?
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 19.06 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Using: FWH 19.06 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
- Contact:
Re: fwdbu request
Today we enhanced the FiveDBU functionality to generate the code to create the index files:

ASWAPT.dbf is provided in FWH\samples. It is used from FWH\samples\schedule.prg
I don't remember when it was placed there (I can check it in FWH repository) but I guess it was an example
that we tested together. If you want me to remove it please let me know it.
Today we enhanced the FiveDBU functionality to generate the code to create the index files:
ASWAPT.dbf is provided in FWH\samples. It is used from FWH\samples\schedule.prg
I don't remember when it was placed there (I can check it in FWH repository) but I guess it was an example
that we tested together. If you want me to remove it please let me know it.
Re: fwdbu request
Schedule.prg is the program I worked on with two other FW developers, which we shared freely, and it is fine to be in the samples. It uses the Codejock library.
This specific version is pretty enhanced, and is used by most of my clients very heavily. It allows for very detailed appointments, repeating ones, assigning people to them, tracking clients and their service items, color coded work types, and much more. It displays like Outlook, and allows multiple appointments for the same, or overlapping, times.
Schedule.prg is the program I worked on with two other FW developers, which we shared freely, and it is fine to be in the samples. It uses the Codejock library.
This specific version is pretty enhanced, and is used by most of my clients very heavily. It allows for very detailed appointments, repeating ones, assigning people to them, tracking clients and their service items, color coded work types, and much more. It displays like Outlook, and allows multiple appointments for the same, or overlapping, times.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 19.06 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Using: FWH 19.06 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: fwdbu request
thanksAntonio Linares wrote:Silvio,
Code: Select all
for n = 1 to 15 if ! Empty( ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) ) cCode += CRLF + CRLF + "INDEX ON " + ( Alias() )->( IndexKey( n ) ) + ; If( ( Alias() )->( RddName() ) == "DBFNTX", " TO ", " TAG " ) + ; ( Alias() )->( OrdName( n ) ) endif next
where is the last version of fwdbu
why not use a class to show dbf window ? type ....class odbfwnd from TXbrowse ?
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC