Hay que setear alguna variable de ambiente ?Programa demasiado extenso para colocarlo en memoria
Problemas al actualizarme a FWH2.7
Problemas al actualizarme a FWH2.7
Estoy usando XP y al ejecutar HARBOUR.EXE me da el error
Baje el Harbour de :
http://hyperupload.com/download/0123f5f ... r.exe.html
El equipo tiene un procesador AMD 1,4GHz y 448 MB de RAM
http://hyperupload.com/download/0123f5f ... r.exe.html
El equipo tiene un procesador AMD 1,4GHz y 448 MB de RAM
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Antonio :
Ahora tengo estos errores:
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxDeCrypt' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxPtoD' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxDtoP' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxEnCrypt' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DBFNTX' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|rddsys
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_OUTPORTBYTE' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\TDOSPRN.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INPORTBYTE' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\TDOSPRN.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_NVIEWLIBLOAD' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\UTILPRN.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_NVIEWLIB32' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\UTILPRN.OBJ
Hay versiones actualizadas de estas librerias ?
Ahora tengo estos errores:
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxDeCrypt' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxPtoD' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxDtoP' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_sxEnCrypt' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DBFNTX' referenced from D:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|rddsys
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_OUTPORTBYTE' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\TDOSPRN.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INPORTBYTE' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\TDOSPRN.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_NVIEWLIBLOAD' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\UTILPRN.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_NVIEWLIB32' referenced from D:\FWH\OBJ\UTILPRN.OBJ
Hay versiones actualizadas de estas librerias ?
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Tienes que enlazar la libreria hbsix.lib. Revisa samples\buildh.bat para comprobar que enlazas las librerias correctas ya que cambiaron.
OutPortByte() e InPortByte() son funciones que no existen (no se pueden implementar) en 32 bits. Para que las usas ?
La DLL nview ya no se usa. Ahora se usa la FreeImage que es mucho más completa y potente. Tendrás que localizar en la sección utilidades de estos foros versiones actualizadas de esas classes que la usan.
Tienes que enlazar la libreria hbsix.lib. Revisa samples\buildh.bat para comprobar que enlazas las librerias correctas ya que cambiaron.
OutPortByte() e InPortByte() son funciones que no existen (no se pueden implementar) en 32 bits. Para que las usas ?
La DLL nview ya no se usa. Ahora se usa la FreeImage que es mucho más completa y potente. Tendrás que localizar en la sección utilidades de estos foros versiones actualizadas de esas classes que la usan.
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Antonio :
Baje el Browse de Hernan de esta direccion
http://hyperupload.com/download/0275445 ... e.zip.html
copie twbrw32.lib a \FWH\LIB, compile sin problemas,
pero al ejecutar el programa me da este error
Error BASE/1004 Message not found: TWBROWSE:SET3DSTYLE
entonces genere nuevamente la twbrw32.lib con LIB_FWH.BAT y tuve estos errores con wbrwline.c :
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 308: Call to function 'hb_itemArrayGet' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8069 source\wbrwline.c 308: Nonportable pointer conversion in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 309: Call to function 'hb_itemType' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 309: Call to function 'hb_itemGetL' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 312: Call to function 'hb_itemGetNL' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 314: Call to function 'hb_itemArrayGet' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8069 source\wbrwline.c 314: Nonportable pointer conversion in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 315: Call to function 'hb_itemType' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 317: Call to function 'hb_itemGetNL' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 320: Call to function 'hb_itemGetC' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8069 source\wbrwline.c 320: Nonportable pointer conversion in function PaintTheLine
Error E2288 source\wbrwline.c 1010: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2451 source\wbrwline.c 1137: Undefined symbol 'HB_ITEM' in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2379 source\wbrwline.c 1137: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2451 source\wbrwline.c 1138: Undefined symbol 'aLine' in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 1138: Call to function 'hb_itemCopy' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2288 source\wbrwline.c 1167: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
*** 5 errors in Compile ***
Ojala me pudieras ayudar, gracias
Baje el Browse de Hernan de esta direccion
http://hyperupload.com/download/0275445 ... e.zip.html
copie twbrw32.lib a \FWH\LIB, compile sin problemas,
pero al ejecutar el programa me da este error
Error BASE/1004 Message not found: TWBROWSE:SET3DSTYLE
entonces genere nuevamente la twbrw32.lib con LIB_FWH.BAT y tuve estos errores con wbrwline.c :
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 308: Call to function 'hb_itemArrayGet' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8069 source\wbrwline.c 308: Nonportable pointer conversion in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 309: Call to function 'hb_itemType' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 309: Call to function 'hb_itemGetL' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 312: Call to function 'hb_itemGetNL' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 314: Call to function 'hb_itemArrayGet' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8069 source\wbrwline.c 314: Nonportable pointer conversion in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 315: Call to function 'hb_itemType' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 317: Call to function 'hb_itemGetNL' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 320: Call to function 'hb_itemGetC' with no prototype in function PaintTheLine
Warning W8069 source\wbrwline.c 320: Nonportable pointer conversion in function PaintTheLine
Error E2288 source\wbrwline.c 1010: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2451 source\wbrwline.c 1137: Undefined symbol 'HB_ITEM' in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2379 source\wbrwline.c 1137: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2451 source\wbrwline.c 1138: Undefined symbol 'aLine' in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 source\wbrwline.c 1138: Call to function 'hb_itemCopy' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2288 source\wbrwline.c 1167: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
*** 5 errors in Compile ***
Ojala me pudieras ayudar, gracias
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Revisa estos mensajes. Si no te solucionan el problema, dínoslo. Gracias.
http://fivetechsoft.com/forums/viewtopi ... t=wbrwline
Revisa estos mensajes. Si no te solucionan el problema, dínoslo. Gracias.
http://fivetechsoft.com/forums/viewtopi ... t=wbrwline
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 37485
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
- Location: Spain
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Vaya, parece que los enlaces que apuntaban a www.hyperupload.com de esos mensajes han dejado de funcionar.
Vamos a preguntar en el foro principal si alguien tiene el fichero descargado, para volver a alojarlo en hyperupload.
Vamos a preguntar en el foro principal si alguien tiene el fichero descargado, para volver a alojarlo en hyperupload.