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TprogressWhee de Silvio.Falconi

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:54 pm
Primero que nada le doy las gracias al Señor Silvio.Falconi :)
por su estupenda y genial clase TprogressWhee

empece a usarla usando los ejemplos pero a un me atoro algo con ella
y tengo muchas dudas seria bueno mas ejemplos con explicación para que es cada cosa
para personitas lentas como yo :lol:


First of all I thank Mr. Silvio.Falconi :)
for his awesome and awesome TprogressWhee class

I started using it using the examples, but I got a little stuck with it
and I have many doubts it would be good more examples with explanation for what each thing is
for slow people like me

Reitero mi agradecimiento :D

Saluditos :wink:

Re: TprogressWhee de Silvio.Falconi

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:18 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Please see the sample posted here. ... 57#p234157

In FWH1909, FWH announced many enhancements to METER class, which include CIRCULAR meters, same way as WHEELMETER but having more capabilities than wheelmeter. ... ilit=meter

Wheelmeter may not work with (commercial version), but CIRCULR METERS work with all versions.