un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Please Manuel,
Local aforecast:= {}
Local header_date:= I18n("Data")
Local header_day:= I18n("Giorno")
Local header_max:= I18n("Massima")
Local header_min:= I18n("Minima")
Local header_prev:= I18n("Previsione")
Local header_image:= I18n(" ")
Local oBrwForecast
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Risultati" SIZE 500, 550 pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
for i=1 to len(aHTexto)
cTexto:= "Data: " + hDias["date"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "giorno : " + hDias["day"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Massima: " + hDias["high"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Minima: " + hDias["low"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Previsione:" + hDias["text"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Codigo de imagen :" + hDias["code"] +CRLF*/
* msginfo( cTexto )
cData:= hDias["date"]
cDay:= hDias["day"]
cMax:= hDias["high"]
cMin:= hDias["low"]
cPrev:= hDias["text"]
cImage:= hDias["code"]
// "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/we/52/"+hDias["code"]+".gif"
@ 185,10 XBROWSE oBrwForecast SIZE 250,060 PIXEL OF oDlg;
DATASOURCE aForecast ;
COLUMNS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ;
HEADERS header_date,header_day,header_max,header_min,header_prev,header_image;
COLSIZES 45, 45,45,50,80,45
WITH OBJECT oBrwForecast
:lHScroll := .f.
It showed on horizontal 1 record one day instead I wish show on vertical ...mhm,.. perhaps it need a matricial math but Inot Know how make it
Local aforecast:= {}
Local header_date:= I18n("Data")
Local header_day:= I18n("Giorno")
Local header_max:= I18n("Massima")
Local header_min:= I18n("Minima")
Local header_prev:= I18n("Previsione")
Local header_image:= I18n(" ")
Local oBrwForecast
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Risultati" SIZE 500, 550 pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
for i=1 to len(aHTexto)
cTexto:= "Data: " + hDias["date"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "giorno : " + hDias["day"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Massima: " + hDias["high"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Minima: " + hDias["low"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Previsione:" + hDias["text"] +CRLF
cTexto+= "Codigo de imagen :" + hDias["code"] +CRLF*/
* msginfo( cTexto )
cData:= hDias["date"]
cDay:= hDias["day"]
cMax:= hDias["high"]
cMin:= hDias["low"]
cPrev:= hDias["text"]
cImage:= hDias["code"]
// "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/we/52/"+hDias["code"]+".gif"
@ 185,10 XBROWSE oBrwForecast SIZE 250,060 PIXEL OF oDlg;
DATASOURCE aForecast ;
COLUMNS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ;
HEADERS header_date,header_day,header_max,header_min,header_prev,header_image;
COLSIZES 45, 45,45,50,80,45
WITH OBJECT oBrwForecast
:lHScroll := .f.
It showed on horizontal 1 record one day instead I wish show on vertical ...mhm,.. perhaps it need a matricial math but Inot Know how make it
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
after run ok... now gime me an error when load forecast but it load the array the same ... I not understood why
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Probablemente una de las llamadas a los bmps esté fallando por falta de tiempo en la carga ( se carga antes la pantalla que se descarga el bmp ) .Silvio.Falconi wrote:after run ok... now gime me an error when load forecast but it load the array the same ... I not understood why
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Silvio , Nueva versión con tu propuesta

Code: Select all
// Our first DialogBox sample
#include "FiveWin.ch"
#include "ttitle.ch"
function Main()
local obmp ,cBmp
local oDlg, oIco ,cCity:= "Marbella"+space(20)
local cUrl := "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/brand/purplelogo//uh/us/news-wea.gif"
local ofont
DEFINE Font ofont NAME "Verdana" SIZE 0,14
DEFINE ICON oIco FILE "..\icons\fivewin.ico"
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Ciudad a buscar" ;
ICON oIco SIZE 350, 240
@ 30,10 IMAGE oBmp FILE cBmp OF oDlg size 142,35 pixel NOBORDER
obmp:lTransparent := .t.
// oBmp:display()
@ 60, 10 SAY "Introduce la ciudad a buscar :" size 100, 12 ;
FONT oFont pixel OF oDlg
@ 70, 10 GET cCity size 120, 12 FONT oFont pixel OF oDlg
@ 105, 85 BUTTON "&Buscar" SIZE 40, 12 OF oDlg pixel ;
FONT oFont ;
ACTION llamada(cCity)
@ 105,130 BUTTON "&Salir" SIZE 40, 12 pixel OF oDlg;
FONT oFont ;
ACTION oDlg:End()
ON INIT DlgBarTitle( oDlg, " Servicio Metereologico","c:\fwh\bitmaps\alphaBmp\weather.bmp" ,44 ) ;
ON PAINT DlgStatusBar(oDlg, 68,, .t. )
return nil
Function cargaBmp(cUrl,oImage)
local cResp := loadBmp(cUrl)
local nZeroZeroClr
if !Empty( cResp )
// oImage:LoadFromString( cResp )
oImage:LoadFromMemory( cResp )
Return nil
Function loadBmp(cUrl)
local oHttp
local cResp := nil
oHttp := CreateObject( "winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1" )
oHttp:Open("GET", cUrl, .f. )
cResp := oHttp:ResponseBody()
MsgStop( "Error" )
Return cResp
End Try
Return cResp
Function llamada(cCity)
local oHttp
local cResp
local cDir
local Formato := "json" // "xml"
local cUnits:= "c"
cDir := "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1)"
cDir:= cDir + " where text= '"+ cCity +"' ) and u='"+cUnits+"'&format=" + Formato
oHttp := CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
oHttp:Open("GET", cDir, .f. )
cResp := oHttp:ResponseText()
// memowrit("eltiempo.txt",cResp )
// msginfo("grabado")
// winexec( "notepad.exe eltiempo.txt" )
leejson( cResp )
MsgStop( "Error" )
Return cResp
End Try
Return nil
function Leejson(cResp )
local hvar
local hvar1,hvar2
local cTexto:=""
local oDlg, cBmp
local nValor
local oBmp
local ofont1,ofont2
Local oBrwForecast
local aForecast:= {}
local i
local cImage,cMin,cMax,cData,cDay
local ahTexto,hDias,cPrev
local cUrl
hb_jsondecode( cResp, @hvar )
hvar1:= hvar["query"]["results"]["channel"]
define font ofont1 name "Arial" size 0,16 bold
DEFINE Font ofont2 NAME "Verdana" SIZE 0,13
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Resultados" SIZE 500, 550 pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
@ 10 ,80 SAY alltrim(hvar1["title"] ) OF oDlg SIZE 180, 20 ;
pixel Font ofont1 color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
@ 25, 70 SAY "Fecha : "+ alltrim(hvar["query"]["created"]) SIZE 180, 20 OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["wind"]
@ 40, 100 say alltrim("Viento") SIZE 50, 20 OF oDlg ;
@ 50, 50 say alltrim("Sensacion Termica :" ) OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 50, 130 say alltrim( hVar2["chill"]+chr(186)+" "+ hvar1["units"]["temperature"] ) OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 60, 50 say "Direcccion " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 60, 130 say hVar2["direction"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 70, 50 say "Velocidad " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 70, 130 say hVar2["speed"]+" "+ hvar1["units"]["speed"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["atmosphere"]
@ 85, 95 say "Atmosfera " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont1
@ 100, 50 say "Humedad " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 100, 130 say hVar2["humidity"] + " %" OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 110, 50 say "Presion Barometrica " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 110, 130 say hVar2["pressure"] + " "+ hvar1["units"]["pressure"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nValor:= hVar2["rising"]
if nValor == "0"
cTexto := "Estable"
elseif nValor == "1"
cTexto := "Subiendo"
elseif nValor == "2"
cTexto := "Bajando"
@ 120, 50 say "Tendencia Barometrica: " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 120, 130 say cTexto OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["astronomy"]
@ 160, 30 say "Orto " + hVar2["sunrise"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 160, 160 say "Ocaso " + hVar2["sunset"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["item"]
for i=1 to len(aHTexto)
cData:= hDias["date"]
cDay:= hDias["day"]
cMax:= hDias["high"]
cMin:= hDias["low"]
cPrev:= hDias["text"]
cUrl:= "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/we/52/"+hDias["code"]+".gif"
cImage:= loadBmp(cUrl)
Aadd(aForecast,{cData,cDay,cMax,cMin,cPrev,cImage} )
@ 185,10 XBROWSE oBrwForecast SIZE 230,060 PIXEL OF oDlg;
DATASOURCE aForecast ;
COLUMNS 1,2,3,4,5,6 ;
HEADERS "Fecha","Dia","maxima","minima","prevision","imagen" ;
COLSIZES 45, 45,45,50,80,45
WITH OBJECT oBrwForecast
:lHScroll := .f.
@ 10,12 IMAGE oBmp FILE cBmp OF oDlg size 32,32 pixel NOBORDER
@ 260, 100 BUTTON "&Ok" SIZE 40, 12 OF oDlg pixel ;
ACTION odlg:end() FONT oFont2
ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on paint DlgStatusBar(oDlg, 68,, .t. )
return nil
Function DlgStatusBar(oDlg, nHeight, nCorrec , lColor )
Local nDlgHeight := oDlg:nHeight
Local aColor := { { 0.40, nRGB( 200, 200, 200 ), nRGB( 184, 184, 184 ) },;
{ 0.60, nRGB( 184, 184, 184 ), nRGB( 150, 150, 150 ) } }
DEFAULT nHeight := 72
DEFAULT nCorrec := 0
DEFAULT lColor := .F.
nDlgHeight:= nDlgHeight+ncorrec
IF lColor
GradienTfill(oDlg:hDC,nDlgHeight-( nHeight-2 ),0,nDlgHeight-20,oDlg:nWidth, aColor ,.t.)
WndBoxIn( oDlg:hDc,nDlgHeight-( nHeight-1 ),0,nDlgHeight-( nHeight ),oDlg:nWidth )
WndBoxIn( oDlg:hDc,nDlgHeight -( nHeight-1 ),4,nDlgHeight-( nHeight ),oDlg:nWidth - 10 )
Return Nil
FUNCTION DlgBarTitle( oWnd, cTitle, cBmp ,nHeight )
LOCAL oTitle
LOCAL nColText := 180
LOCAL nRowImg := 0
DEFAULT cTitle := ""
DEFAULT nHeight := 48
IF nHeight < 48
nColText := 60
nRowImg := 12
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial" size 10, 30
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial" size 12, 30
@ -1, -1 TITLE oTitle size oWnd:nWidth+1, nHeight+1 of oWnd SHADOWSIZE 0
@ nRowImg, 10 TITLEIMG OF oTitle BITMAP cBmp SIZE 48, 48 REFLEX ;
@ nRowImg-2 , nColText TITLETEXT OF oTitle TEXT cTitle COLOR CLR_BLACK FONT oFont
oTitle:aGrdBack := { { 1, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ), RGB( 229, 233, 238 ) } }
oTitle:nShadowIntensity = 0
oTitle:nShadow = 0
oTitle:nClrLine1 := nrgb(0,0,0)
oTitle:nClrLine2 := RGB( 229, 233, 238 )
oWnd:oTop:= oTitle
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
here not load the array into xbrowse and the xbrowse is empty ...
Mesa Aquí xbrowse permanece vacío y la matriz no cobrar probablemente tal vez tenemos que cargar la imagen después y no antes. Podemos guardar el vínculo de la imagen y cuando creo la tabla xbrowse la imagen podría cobrar
I tried with
Aadd(aForecast,{cData,cDay,cMax,cMin,cPrev,cUrl} )
WITH OBJECT oBrwForecast:aCols[6]
:nEditType := TYPE_IMAGE
:lBmpStretch := .F.
:lBmpTransparent := .t.
:bStrImage := { || loadBmp(aForecast[6])}
:bStrData :={ || ""}
pero se necesita mucho tiempo para cargar la imagen
here not load the array into xbrowse and the xbrowse is empty ...
Mesa Aquí xbrowse permanece vacío y la matriz no cobrar probablemente tal vez tenemos que cargar la imagen después y no antes. Podemos guardar el vínculo de la imagen y cuando creo la tabla xbrowse la imagen podría cobrar
I tried with
Aadd(aForecast,{cData,cDay,cMax,cMin,cPrev,cUrl} )
WITH OBJECT oBrwForecast:aCols[6]
:nEditType := TYPE_IMAGE
:lBmpStretch := .F.
:lBmpTransparent := .t.
:bStrImage := { || loadBmp(aForecast[6])}
:bStrData :={ || ""}
pero se necesita mucho tiempo para cargar la imagen
Last edited by Silvio.Falconi on Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Manuel, un gran aporte
C. Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
Si alguien te dice que algo no se puede hacer, recuerda que esta hablando de sus limitaciones, no de las tuyas.
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
Si alguien te dice que algo no se puede hacer, recuerda que esta hablando de sus limitaciones, no de las tuyas.
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
si muestra el xbrw con los días de la semana,
si muestra el xbrw con los días de la semana,
Cesar Cortes Cruz
SysCtrl Software
' Sin +- FWH es mejor "
SysCtrl Software
' Sin +- FWH es mejor "
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
but here not load imagessysctrl2 wrote:perfecto
si muestra el xbrw con los días de la semana,
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
A veces si a veces no ... depende de la velocidad de conexión , no encuentro como solucionarlo
Una soluciuon es tener descargados ya las imágenes , o grabarlas en un archivo temporal ....
Mañana lo repienso a ver si lo solucionamos

Una soluciuon es tener descargados ya las imágenes , o grabarlas en un archivo temporal ....
Mañana lo repienso a ver si lo solucionamos

- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
I found the solution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no xbrowse !!!!
the code ( to make best)

no xbrowse !!!!
the code ( to make best)
Code: Select all
// Our first DialogBox sample
#include "FiveWin.ch"
#include "ttitle.ch"
function Main()
local obmp ,cBmp
local oDlg, oIco ,cCity:= "Marbella"+space(20)
local cUrl := "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/brand/purplelogo//uh/us/news-wea.gif"
local ofont
DEFINE Font ofont NAME "Verdana" SIZE 0,14
DEFINE ICON oIco FILE "..\icons\fivewin.ico"
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Ciudad a buscar" ;
ICON oIco SIZE 350, 240
@ 30,10 IMAGE oBmp FILE cBmp OF oDlg size 142,35 pixel NOBORDER
obmp:lTransparent := .t.
// oBmp:display()
@ 60, 10 SAY "Introduce la ciudad a buscar :" size 100, 12 ;
FONT oFont pixel OF oDlg
@ 70, 10 GET cCity size 120, 12 FONT oFont pixel OF oDlg
@ 105, 85 BUTTON "&Buscar" SIZE 40, 12 OF oDlg pixel ;
FONT oFont ;
ACTION llamada(cCity)
@ 105,130 BUTTON "&Salir" SIZE 40, 12 pixel OF oDlg;
FONT oFont ;
ACTION oDlg:End()
ON INIT DlgBarTitle( oDlg, " Servicio Metereologico","c:\fwh\bitmaps\alphaBmp\weather.bmp" ,44 ) ;
ON PAINT DlgStatusBar(oDlg, 68,, .t. )
return nil
Function cargaBmp(cUrl,oImage)
local cResp := loadBmp(cUrl)
local nZeroZeroClr
if !Empty( cResp )
// oImage:LoadFromString( cResp )
oImage:LoadFromMemory( cResp )
Return nil
Function loadBmp(cUrl)
local oHttp
local cResp := nil
oHttp := CreateObject( "winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1" )
oHttp:Open("GET", cUrl, .f. )
cResp := oHttp:ResponseBody()
MsgStop( "Error" )
Return cResp
End Try
Return cResp
Function llamada(cCity)
local oHttp
local cResp
local cDir
local Formato := "json" // "xml"
local cUnits:= "c"
cDir := "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1)"
cDir:= cDir + " where text= '"+ cCity +"' ) and u='"+cUnits+"'&format=" + Formato
oHttp := CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
oHttp:Open("GET", cDir, .f. )
cResp := oHttp:ResponseText()
// memowrit("eltiempo.txt",cResp )
// msginfo("grabado")
// winexec( "notepad.exe eltiempo.txt" )
leejson( cResp )
MsgStop( "Error" )
Return cResp
End Try
Return nil
function Leejson(cResp )
local hvar
local hvar1,hvar2
local cTexto:=""
local oDlg, cBmp
local nValor
local oBmp
local ofont1,ofont2
Local oBrwForecast
local i
local cImage,cMin,cMax,cData,cDay
local ahTexto,hDias,cPrev
local cUrl
hb_jsondecode( cResp, @hvar )
hvar1:= hvar["query"]["results"]["channel"]
define font ofont1 name "Arial" size 0,16 bold
DEFINE Font ofont2 NAME "Verdana" SIZE 0,13
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Resultados" SIZE 500, 600 pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
@ 10 ,80 SAY alltrim(hvar1["title"] ) OF oDlg SIZE 180, 20 ;
pixel Font ofont1 color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
@ 25, 70 SAY "Fecha : "+ alltrim(hvar["query"]["created"]) SIZE 180, 20 OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["wind"]
@ 40, 100 say alltrim("Viento") SIZE 50, 20 OF oDlg ;
@ 50, 50 say alltrim("Sensacion Termica :" ) OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 50, 130 say alltrim( hVar2["chill"]+chr(186)+" "+ hvar1["units"]["temperature"] ) OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 60, 50 say "Direcccion " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 60, 130 say hVar2["direction"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 70, 50 say "Velocidad " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 70, 130 say hVar2["speed"]+" "+ hvar1["units"]["speed"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["atmosphere"]
@ 85, 95 say "Atmosfera " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont1
@ 100, 50 say "Humedad " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 100, 130 say hVar2["humidity"] + " %" OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 110, 50 say "Presion Barometrica " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 110, 130 say hVar2["pressure"] + " "+ hvar1["units"]["pressure"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nValor:= hVar2["rising"]
if nValor == "0"
cTexto := "Estable"
elseif nValor == "1"
cTexto := "Subiendo"
elseif nValor == "2"
cTexto := "Bajando"
@ 120, 50 say "Tendencia Barometrica: " OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 120, 130 say cTexto OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["astronomy"]
@ 160, 30 say "Orto " + hVar2["sunrise"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
@ 160, 160 say "Ocaso " + hVar2["sunset"] OF oDlg ;
pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
hvar2:= hvar1["item"]
nCol:= 5
for i=1 to len(aHTexto)
cData:= hDias["date"]
cDay:= hDias["day"]
cMax:= hDias["high"]
cMin:= hDias["low"]
cPrev:= hDias["text"]
cUrl:= "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/we/52/"+hDias["code"]+".gif"
@ nRow,nCol say cData OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol say cDay OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol say cMax OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol say cMin OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol say cPrev OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 10
@ nRow,nCol IMAGE oBmp FILE cBmp OF oDlg size 32,32 pixel NOBORDER
@ 10,12 IMAGE oBmp FILE cBmp OF oDlg size 32,32 pixel NOBORDER
@ 280, 100 BUTTON "&Ok" SIZE 40, 12 OF oDlg pixel ;
ACTION odlg:end() FONT oFont2
ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on paint DlgStatusBar(oDlg, 68,, .t. )
return nil
Function DlgStatusBar(oDlg, nHeight, nCorrec , lColor )
Local nDlgHeight := oDlg:nHeight
Local aColor := { { 0.40, nRGB( 200, 200, 200 ), nRGB( 184, 184, 184 ) },;
{ 0.60, nRGB( 184, 184, 184 ), nRGB( 150, 150, 150 ) } }
DEFAULT nHeight := 72
DEFAULT nCorrec := 0
DEFAULT lColor := .F.
nDlgHeight:= nDlgHeight+ncorrec
IF lColor
GradienTfill(oDlg:hDC,nDlgHeight-( nHeight-2 ),0,nDlgHeight-20,oDlg:nWidth, aColor ,.t.)
WndBoxIn( oDlg:hDc,nDlgHeight-( nHeight-1 ),0,nDlgHeight-( nHeight ),oDlg:nWidth )
WndBoxIn( oDlg:hDc,nDlgHeight -( nHeight-1 ),4,nDlgHeight-( nHeight ),oDlg:nWidth - 10 )
Return Nil
FUNCTION DlgBarTitle( oWnd, cTitle, cBmp ,nHeight )
LOCAL oTitle
LOCAL nColText := 180
LOCAL nRowImg := 0
DEFAULT cTitle := ""
DEFAULT nHeight := 48
IF nHeight < 48
nColText := 60
nRowImg := 12
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial" size 10, 30
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial" size 12, 30
@ -1, -1 TITLE oTitle size oWnd:nWidth+1, nHeight+1 of oWnd SHADOWSIZE 0
@ nRowImg, 10 TITLEIMG OF oTitle BITMAP cBmp SIZE 48, 48 REFLEX ;
@ nRowImg-2 , nColText TITLETEXT OF oTitle TEXT cTitle COLOR CLR_BLACK FONT oFont
oTitle:aGrdBack := { { 1, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ), RGB( 229, 233, 238 ) } }
oTitle:nShadowIntensity = 0
oTitle:nShadow = 0
oTitle:nClrLine1 := nrgb(0,0,0)
oTitle:nClrLine2 := RGB( 229, 233, 238 )
oWnd:oTop:= oTitle
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Silvio . Yeaaaaa very very good

- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg

other modifies
Code: Select all
nCol:= 5
for i=1 to len(aHTexto)
cData:= hDias["date"]
cDay:= hDias["day"]
cMax:= hDias["high"]
cMin:= hDias["low"]
cPrev:= hDias["text"]
cUrl:= "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/we/52/"+hDias["code"]+".gif"
@ nRow,nCol say cData OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol+15 say cDay OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol+15 say cMax OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol+15 say cMin OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 8
@ nRow,nCol say cPrev OF oDlg pixel color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE FONT ofont2
nRow+= 10
@ nRow,nCol IMAGE oBmp FILE cBmp OF oDlg size 32,32 pixel NOBORDER
@ 170, 2 GROUP oGroup TO 260,248 LABEL "Forecast Week" OF oDlg pixel TRANSPARENT
when the data hDias["text"] is small it is not on center ...how I can resolve it ?
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Another Manuel,
why the text are on english language ?
is there a code to set the language ?
on https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/doc ... html#codes I not found the language
but on https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ I see the lang
there is hvar1["language"] at hvar1:= hvar["query"]["results"]["channel"]
I add afet the title
@ 10 ,190 SAY alltrim(hvar1["language"] ) OF oDlg SIZE 180, 20 ;
pixel Font ofont1 color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
and return me en_Us
How we can set the lang on texts ?
or we must translate this on Italian or Germany or Espanol... only english ?
Code Description
0 tornado
1 tropical storm
2 hurricane
3 severe thunderstorms
4 thunderstorms
5 mixed rain and snow
6 mixed rain and sleet
7 mixed snow and sleet
8 freezing drizzle
9 drizzle
10 freezing rain
11 showers
12 showers
13 snow flurries
14 light snow showers
15 blowing snow
16 snow
17 hail
18 sleet
19 dust
20 foggy
21 haze
22 smoky
23 blustery
24 windy
25 cold
26 cloudy
27 mostly cloudy (night)
28 mostly cloudy (day)
29 partly cloudy (night)
30 partly cloudy (day)
31 clear (night)
32 sunny
33 fair (night)
34 fair (day)
35 mixed rain and hail
36 hot
37 isolated thunderstorms
38 scattered thunderstorms
39 scattered thunderstorms
40 scattered showers
41 heavy snow
42 scattered snow showers
43 heavy snow
44 partly cloudy
45 thundershowers
46 snow showers
47 isolated thundershowers
3200 not available
why the text are on english language ?
is there a code to set the language ?
on https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/doc ... html#codes I not found the language
but on https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ I see the lang
Code: Select all
"query": {
"count": 1,
"created": "2014-12-09T22:13:09Z",
"lang": "it-IT",
"results": {
"channel": {
"title": "Yahoo! Weather - Nome, AK",
"link": "http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/weather/Nome__AK/*http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USAK0170_f.html",
"description": "Yahoo! Weather for Nome, AK",
"language": "en-us",
"lastBuildDate": "Tue, 09 Dec 2014 8:54 am AKST",
"ttl": "60",
"location": {
"city": "Nome",
"country": "United States",
"region": "AK"
I add afet the title
@ 10 ,190 SAY alltrim(hvar1["language"] ) OF oDlg SIZE 180, 20 ;
pixel Font ofont1 color CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE
and return me en_Us
How we can set the lang on texts ?
or we must translate this on Italian or Germany or Espanol... only english ?
Code Description
0 tornado
1 tropical storm
2 hurricane
3 severe thunderstorms
4 thunderstorms
5 mixed rain and snow
6 mixed rain and sleet
7 mixed snow and sleet
8 freezing drizzle
9 drizzle
10 freezing rain
11 showers
12 showers
13 snow flurries
14 light snow showers
15 blowing snow
16 snow
17 hail
18 sleet
19 dust
20 foggy
21 haze
22 smoky
23 blustery
24 windy
25 cold
26 cloudy
27 mostly cloudy (night)
28 mostly cloudy (day)
29 partly cloudy (night)
30 partly cloudy (day)
31 clear (night)
32 sunny
33 fair (night)
34 fair (day)
35 mixed rain and hail
36 hot
37 isolated thunderstorms
38 scattered thunderstorms
39 scattered thunderstorms
40 scattered showers
41 heavy snow
42 scattered snow showers
43 heavy snow
44 partly cloudy
45 thundershowers
46 snow showers
47 isolated thundershowers
3200 not available
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
Silvio por el momento Yahoo solo funciona en ingles.
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 4956
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
Re: un pequeño ejemplo ...meteo.prg
I tried .. I am on yahoo console and I try to insert Lang="it-IT" and here run ok
https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console ... D%22sfo%22
for a sample
select * from geo.places where text="Teramo,Ab" and lang="it-IT"
return right me I put in bold italian text
"query": {
"count": 1,
"created": "2014-12-09T23:21:40Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"diagnostics": {
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"url": {
"execution-start-time": "1",
"execution-stop-time": "18",
"execution-time": "17",
"content": "http://wws.geotech.yahooapis.com/v1/pla ... lang=it-IT"
"user-time": "18",
"service-time": "17",
"build-version": "0.2.212"
"results": {
"place": {
"lang": "it-IT",
"uri": "http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/place/724792",
"woeid": "724792",
"placeTypeName": {
"code": "7",
"content": "Città"
"name": "Teramo",
"country": {
"code": "IT",
"type": "Paese",
"woeid": "23424853",
"content": "Italia"
"admin1": {
"code": "",
"type": "Regione",
"woeid": "7153350",
"content": "Abruzzi"
"admin2": {
"code": "IT-TE",
"type": "Provincia",
"woeid": "12591815",
"content": "Teramo"
"admin3": {
"code": "",
"type": "Comune",
"woeid": "12676370",
"content": "Teramo"
"locality1": {
"type": "Città",
"woeid": "724792",
"content": "Teramo"
"locality2": null,
"postal": {
"type": "Codice Postale",
"woeid": "12846808",
"content": "64100"
"centroid": {
"latitude": "42.660728",
"longitude": "13.706400"
"boundingBox": {
"southWest": {
"latitude": "42.653450",
"longitude": "13.682890"
"northEast": {
"latitude": "42.668060",
"longitude": "13.729030"
"areaRank": "1",
"popRank": "10",
"timezone": {
"type": "Fuso Orario",
"woeid": "28350914",
"content": "Europe/Rome"
THE REST QUERY How do I use this?
I tried .. I am on yahoo console and I try to insert Lang="it-IT" and here run ok
https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console ... D%22sfo%22
for a sample
select * from geo.places where text="Teramo,Ab" and lang="it-IT"
return right me I put in bold italian text
"query": {
"count": 1,
"created": "2014-12-09T23:21:40Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"diagnostics": {
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"url": {
"execution-start-time": "1",
"execution-stop-time": "18",
"execution-time": "17",
"content": "http://wws.geotech.yahooapis.com/v1/pla ... lang=it-IT"
"user-time": "18",
"service-time": "17",
"build-version": "0.2.212"
"results": {
"place": {
"lang": "it-IT",
"uri": "http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/place/724792",
"woeid": "724792",
"placeTypeName": {
"code": "7",
"content": "Città"
"name": "Teramo",
"country": {
"code": "IT",
"type": "Paese",
"woeid": "23424853",
"content": "Italia"
"admin1": {
"code": "",
"type": "Regione",
"woeid": "7153350",
"content": "Abruzzi"
"admin2": {
"code": "IT-TE",
"type": "Provincia",
"woeid": "12591815",
"content": "Teramo"
"admin3": {
"code": "",
"type": "Comune",
"woeid": "12676370",
"content": "Teramo"
"locality1": {
"type": "Città",
"woeid": "724792",
"content": "Teramo"
"locality2": null,
"postal": {
"type": "Codice Postale",
"woeid": "12846808",
"content": "64100"
"centroid": {
"latitude": "42.660728",
"longitude": "13.706400"
"boundingBox": {
"southWest": {
"latitude": "42.653450",
"longitude": "13.682890"
"northEast": {
"latitude": "42.668060",
"longitude": "13.729030"
"areaRank": "1",
"popRank": "10",
"timezone": {
"type": "Fuso Orario",
"woeid": "28350914",
"content": "Europe/Rome"
THE REST QUERY How do I use this?
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC