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xBrowse Sort a Tree by a column n on oItem:Cargo

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:08 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Hello everyone;

I'm looking to sort an xbrowse displaying a tree. Sorting should be by cargo contents [n] on Tree item branch. For example: suppose I wish to sort this tree by oItem:Cargo[ 2 ] and then refresh the xbrowse showing the newly ordered tree.

Code: Select all

   ::oTree := NIL 
   TREE ::oTree                           //::oTree is type Tlinklist

   FOR i := 1 to 10 

      oItem := ::oTree:Add( "Item #"+cValToChar( i )  )

      oItem:Cargo := { i, hb_RandomInt(), Time() }
      oItem:nLevel  := 1 
      oItem:bAction := { |o| o:SetTree( ::SubTree( o ) ), o:bAction := Nil }

      EVAL( oItem:bAction, oItem )
   NEXT i

Can someone suggest how to sort the tree so that it is ordered by that random integer?

Thank you,


Re: xBrowse Sort a Tree by a column n on oItem:Cargo

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:59 pm
by reinaldocrespo
After a while without any suggestions, I'm thinking perhaps I did not explain my question well enough. Suppose I want to order this tree below by the 2nd column of each parent branch (that branch is the state name with folder bmp). This sample code is from xbrwTree.prg on the Samples folder. Notice I only changed a line to include a 2nd column on each parent branch with a random number between 0 and 1000.

Code: Select all

#include ""
#include ""

function Main()   

   local oWnd, oBrw

   USE Customer
   INDEX ON Field->State TO State
   SET ORDER TO "State"
   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "DBF shown as a tree with XBrowse"

   @ 0, 0 XBROWSE oBrw OF oWnd LINES CELL

   oBrw:SetTree( BuildTree(), { "open", "close", "go" } )

   ADD TO oBrw DATA oBrw:oTreeItem:Cargo[ 1 ] HEADER "Last"
   ADD TO oBrw DATA oBrw:oTreeItem:Cargo[ 2 ] HEADER "First"

   oBrw:nMarqueeStyle = MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW

   oBrw:aCols[ 1 ]:cHeader = "State & City"

   oWnd:oClient = oBrw
return nil   

static function BuildTree()

   local oTree, cState

   TREE oTree
      while ! Eof()
         if Empty( cState )
            _TreeItem( Customer->State ):Cargo := { hb_randomInt(1000), Space( 20 ) }  //<<---- changed this line 
            cState = Customer->State
            if cState != Customer->State
               cState = Customer->State
               _TreeItem( Customer->State ):Cargo := { hb_randomInt(1000), Space( 20 ) }   //<<---- and this line
         if Customer->State == cState
            _TreeItem( Customer->City ):Cargo := { Customer->Last, Customer->First }


return oTree
Is there a way to order this tree by the random number on column #2? The child branches would have to stay attached to its original parent branch. Any suggestions?

Thank you,


Re: xBrowse Sort a Tree by a column n on oItem:Cargo

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:06 pm
by Marcelo Via Giglio
Hola Reinaldo,

I think, you need to create other tree in base to the original, let me see the tree class for a easy solution



Re: xBrowse Sort a Tree by a column n on oItem:Cargo

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:47 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Hola Marcelo;

¿Así que sigas vivo? Supongo que así dirás de mi. :-)

Si esto es algo que no existe como sospecho entonces se me ocurre extender la clase TLinkList para añadir un sort por alguna otra columna que no sea necesariamente la primera (cPrompt) --y creo que esto es lo sugieres. ¿Correcto?

Me voy a dar la tarea y comparto la solución aquí.



Re: xBrowse Sort a Tree by a column n on oItem:Cargo

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:12 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Hello everyone;

Here is the method I wrote to sort my xbrowse tree by any column. It has been tested and it works really nice.

Code: Select all

METHOD Sort( nCol ) CLASS TBatchPayments 
   LOCAL oItem    := ::oTree:oFirst
   LOCAL oPrev    := oItem:oPrev 
   LOCAL oNext    := ::oTree:oLast:oNext 
   LOCAL aItems   := {}
   LOCAL n 

   IF nCol == NIL .OR. nCol > LEN( oItem:Cargo ) .OR. --nCol < 1   ;RETURN NIL ;ENDIF 

   WHILE oItem != nil 

      IF oItem:nLevel == 1 
         AADD( aItems, oItem )

      oItem = oItem:oNext


   ASort( aItems,,, { |x, y| x:Cargo[ nCol ] < y:Cargo[ nCol ]} )

   ::oTree:oFirst       := aItems[ 1 ]
   ::oTree:oFirst:oPrev := oPrev

   for n := 2 to Len( aItems )
      aItems[ n ]:oPrev    := aItems[ n - 1 ]
      aItems[ n - 1 ]:SetNext( aItems[ n ] )
   next n

   ::oTree:oLast := ATail( aItems )
   ::oTree:oLast:SetNext( oNext )

