Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

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Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

Post by anserkk »

Dear Mr.Antonio,

First of all let me thank you for giving us this really wonderful and excellent class TxBrowse :D
I wish in TxBrowse we had the following Methods also

1) A method to transfer xBrowse Data to OpenOffice Calc (Equiavalent of MS Excel). Similiar to the xBrowse Method ToExcel()

2) At present ToExcel() uses OLE to transfer xBrowse Data to MS Excel, which means you need to have MS Excel installed in the PC for ToExcel() to work. To transfer xBrowse data to MS-Excel format I wish we had another method also (RAW). I have found some class's like TXLS which generate MS Excel data without using the OLE technology

If we have the option to create MS Excel file without using OLE, then we can avoid the requirement no. 1 because OpenOffice Calc can open MS Excel format files.

In my part of the world there are lot of OpenOffice users and the numbers are growing and are demanding reports in Calc instead of MS Excel. If we had these functions within TXBrowse it save's development time considerably with more convenience.

Thanks and Regards

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Antonio Linares
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Re: Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

Post by Antonio Linares »


Here you have a good example from Enrico to start managing OpenOffice from FWH:

http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewt ... ice#p67574

Surely you will be able to enhance it :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

Post by anserkk »


Thankyou for the info. The info from Mr.Enrico is very useful to get a start. For the time being it will help me to develop routines to read the DBF/RecordSet displayed in the xBrowse and then transfer that data to OpenOffice Format. I plan to produce most of my reports on temp DBF in xBrowse, so that the user has the option to export the report either to Excel or Calc. From Excel or Calc they can control the printing/formatting as they wish.

I prefer not to alter the original FWH class's as this impose us to re-create the custom modifications and re-test the class everytime there is new FWH version. :D

I hope you will consider this suggestion/requirement (OpenOffice support in xBrowse) in future. :D


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Re: Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

Post by Antonio Linares »


If you develop the OpenOffice support routines, we will happily include them in FWH so you will not have to use modified FWH classes in the future. Thanks :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

Post by anserkk »

Dear Mr.Antonio,

I will be happy to contribute something from my side to FiveWin community. Once the routines are ready I shall upload it here. :D

As you know that I am only a beginner in FWH, I may get struck at certain stages and as usual I expect your support/push in the right direction.


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Re: Wish : Additions in TxBrowse

Post by Antonio Linares »


You are welcome to publish your progress on these forums managing OpenOffice and we will try to help you as much as we can :-)

Many thanks,
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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