TxBrowse and aRows future

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TxBrowse and aRows future

Post by Ugo »

Hi all,
i have a big dbf with relations filtered by "scope" in a XBrowse control.
Now i have need to see only some rows or i have need to see rows in a different order.
I think at aRows future but i not understood how use this future when the XBrowse is running.

Is possible?

Where i can found samples?

Thank you in advance for your reply.
Ciao, best regards,
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Re: TxBrowse and aRows future

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Using aRows feature:

#1. At runtime:

If the xbrowse of the DBF is already running and if we can make an array of record numbers to be shown,

Call oBrw:SetArray( aRecNos ) during runtime.
Reverse may not work :(

But you can dynamically change with another set of record numbers.
Second time onwords, simply oBrw:aArrayData := aNewRecNoArray and call oBrw:GoTop(), oBrw:Refresh( .t. )

#2 Setting up XBrowse using aRows feature initially.

Assuming we already have an array of record numbers to show:

@ <r>, <c> XBROWSE <usual clauses> ALIAS "myalias" ROWS aRecNos.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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