New FTDN July/Julio 2011 (FWH 11.07)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN July/Julio 2011 (FWH 11.07)

Post by Antonio Linares »

July 2011

* New: function cFileSetExt( cFileName, cExt ) --> cFileNameWithNewExt

* New: samples\classch.prg, This example shows how to create a Harbour Class entirely
from language C (low level) and to inherit another Class from it from PRG (high level)

* New: Libraries FiveH32.lib and FiveHC32.lib are to be used with Microsoft C++ 2010 (Express, Visual).
FiveHCM.lib and FiveHMX.lib are to be used with xHarbour commercial.

* Enhancement: Recent changes to Print Preview have been adapted to FWH 64 bits.

* Enhancement: DEFINE FONT ... command now has an additional optional clause CHARSET <nCharSet>.

* Enhancement: XBrowse: Method SetMySql() is improved to avoid additional blank row at the end of the browse with some versions of TMySql.

* Enhancement: XBrowse: Method SetRDD() modified to make compatible with SQLRDD.

* Fix: Cursors were not properly working on FWH 64. Now it is ok.

* Enhancement: XBrowse: Multi-Select functionality is extended to MARQSTYLE_HIGHLWIN7 also, to provide the same behavior as Windows 7 style.

* New: Command XBREPORT <oXbRep> <Clauses similar to xbrowse> [BRWSETUP <xbrowsesetup>] [REPSETUP <reportsetup>] [TITLE <ctitle>]
Quick and handy command to generate and run simple reports from any datasource with syntax similar to xbrowse.

#include ""
#include ""
function Main()
XBREPORT <oXbr> COLUMNS "First", "City", "Age", "Salary" ALIAS "CUSTOMER" ;
TITLE "Customer Report" ;
BRWSETUP { |oBrw| oBrw:Salary:nFooterType := AGGR_SUM }
return nil

* Fix: XBrowse's array sort is not functiong correctly due to a bug in 10.06. Now fixed.

* Enhancement: XBrowse Win7bars look closer to Windows 7 bars.

* Enhancement: DATA nHeadBmpNo of XBrowse Column can be codeblock also.

* Samples: New: xbrwin7b.prg demonstrating selection box similar to windows 7.

* New: Function FW_DbfToArray( cFieldList ) -> ArrayData. ( fwh\source\classes\database.prg)
cFieldList should be a character string containing comma delimited names of fields.
Usage: aData := (cAlias)->( FW_DbfToArray( "First,City,State,Salary" ) )
The list may contain any valid expressions also. If such expressions contain variables, they need to be private or public.
Example: aData := CUST->( FW_DbfToArray( "RecNo(),First,City,Int((Date()-HireDate)/365)" ) )

* New: function GetTasks() has been properly implemented for 32 and 64 bits. Please review samples\GetTasks.prg

* Enhancement: Implemented support for Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Tab+Shift in Class TFolder. Class TControl Method KeyDown()
has been modified.

* Enhancement: Class TControl, Method SetFocus now set focus properly of any control inside dialog

* Fix: Class TRibbon , fixed bug reported by ukservice in post ... 08#p116808

* Fix: Class xBrowse , Method SetDolphin now working properly

* Fix: Class TRBtn, now displayed the ToolTips in button created inside the TRGroup Objects,
suggestion by Otto in post: ... 63#p116863

* Enhancement: Class TRBtn, Added TOOLTIP clause in command ADD BUTTON

* Enhancement: Class EXplorerList was in samples folder, now is inside fivewin library, please check

* New: function RCDataToFile( hInstance, cResName, cFileName ), save to file a binary resource,
hInstance [in, optional]: A handle to the module contains the resource. If this parameter is 0, the function searches the module used to create the current process.
cResName [in]: string with name of the resource.
cFileName [in]: string with name of file will be saved

* New Data Type 'T' in xHarbour:
xHarbour now introduced new datatype 'T' for datatime values, same way as Harbour.
Picture clauses '@D' and '@E' fail with this new datatype in xHarbour. CMONTH and CDOW functions also fail.
Consequent changes are made to
cValToChar() function in ValBlank.Prg, cValToStr() function in ValToStr.Prg, XBrowse for handling ADO date values

* Modifications to xbrowse to avoid runtime error due to recent changes in Harbour with Ole classes.

* Enhancements: XBrowse method BrwFitSize() and xBrowser browse size calculation improved.

* Fix: Class TFolderEx for xHarbour does not allow the function named CheckArray(). Renamed as CheckArr().

* Fix: Class Control.prg: Fix for not painting controls inside a group, where group is defined later than controls.
refer topic: ... 68#p117368

* Fix: SAYs are not overpainted again and again as reported in: ... 07&start=0
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Posts: 861
Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:27 am

Re: New FTDN July/Julio 2011 (FWH 11.07)

Post by hua »

c:\fwh\lib\readme.txt not updated to include
* New: Libraries FiveH32.lib and FiveHC32.lib are to be used with Microsoft C++ 2010 (Express, Visual).
FiveHCM.lib and FiveHMX.lib are to be used with xHarbour commercial.
FWH 11.08/FWH 19.03
xHarbour 1.2.1 (Rev 6406) + BCC
Harbour 3.1 (Rev 17062) + BCC
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1904111533) + BCC
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Antonio Linares
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Posts: 37481
Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:47 pm
Location: Spain

Re: New FTDN July/Julio 2011 (FWH 11.07)

Post by Antonio Linares »


Updated for next build to be published, thanks! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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