I tested same filter with DBFCDX and RecCount() also is different in DBFCDX from OrdKeyCount(). I am lost.
Im not sure what you mean.
Recno() = record number in the table
OrdKeyNo() record number in the index
OrdKeyCount() = total records in the index (if index with condition this will never be the same as reccount)
Reccount() = total records in the table
The index records are logical so not the same as table records.
In adordd OrdKeyNo = AbsolutePositon and OrdKeyCount = RecordCount
LastRec Reccount = see function my previous post
Recno = value of fieldrecno
Does filter works without indexes? Here ok
Does filter works with indexes without conditions? Here ok
Does Filter works with indexes with conditions? didnt try but it should since the filter its applied to the recordset and the recordset its build with where clause matching index condition.
All this without adding or changing keys being filtered.
So in xbrowse what is your bskip ?
::bSkip := {| n | ( ::cAlias )->( DbSkipper( IfNil( n, 1 ) ) ) },;
adordd should be treated as any dbf rdd.