CDOSYS and TSMTP are not the same. I have been using TSMTP. I once tried CDOSYS, but had sporadic errors and was never able to figure out, or did not spend enough time debuggin.
Here is my code using TSMTP, there are references to other objects, but I'm sure you can follow the code:
Code: Select all
METHOD SendViaEMail( oDbf, oPthRep ) CLASS TMpMailApp
LOCAL aEmails := HB_ATOKENS( oDbf:Send_To, iif( ";" $ oDbf:Send_To, ";", "," ) )
LOCAL oDoc := ::oProcess:Getodbf( "doctors" )
LOCAL cZipFile := Temp_Name( "zip" )
LOCAL cPass, oMail, oTmp
LOCAL aFiles := { oPthRep:cPdfFile }
LOCAL cPathNo := oDbf:PathNo
LOCAL nQueue := oDbf:Queue
LOCAL cSendTo := oDbf:Send_To
IF oPthRep:isJpg ;AADD( aFiles, oPthRep:cJpgFile ) ;ENDIF
IF oPthRep:IsTiff ;AADD( aFiles, oPthRep:cTifFile) ;ENDIF
IF oPthRep:isHtml ;AADD( aFiles, oPthRep:cHtmlFile ) ;ENDIF
IF oPthRep:isRtf ;AADD( aFiles, oPthRep:cRtfFile ) ;ENDIF
AEVAL( aEmails, { |e,n| aEmails[ n ] := ALLTRIM( e ) } )
oDoc:Seek( oDbf:Doc_id ) ;iif( oDoc:Found(), oDoc:Load(), oDoc:Blank() )
cPass := ALLTRIM( IIF( oDoc:fieldexist( "password" ) .AND. ;
!EMPTY( oDoc:VarPassword ), ;
oDoc:VarPassword, oDbf:Doc_id ) )
IF !hb_zipFile( cZipFile, aFiles, 9,,.t., cPass, .f., .f., .t. )
AEVAL( aFiles, { |e| fErase( e ) } )
ferase( cZipFile )
Logfile( "PtheMailsErrors.log", { "Error Creating .zip for case:", oDbf:PathNo } )
oMail := TMySmtp():New( ::cIp, ::nPort, ::lAuth, ::cUserName, ::cUserPass )
oMail:cReplyTo := ::cSender
oMail:nGMT := TimeZone() //-5 // Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -05:00)
oMail:aAttachments := aFiles //save file names to erase later
oMail:oSocket:lDebug := ::lDebug
oMail:oSocket:cLogFile := "smtp.log"
oMail:nDelay := ::nDelay
oMail:bConnecting := { || iif( oMail:oSocket:lDebug,;
logfile( oMail:oSocket:cLogFile, { cPathNo, "Connecting to SMTP server " + ::cSmtpServer } ), ) }
oMail:bConnected := { || iif( oMail:oSocket:lDebug, ;
logfile( oMail:oSocket:cLogFile, { cpathNo, "Sending eMail Via " + ::cSmtpServer } ), ) }
oMail:bDone := { || MailWasSent( cPathNo, nQueue, cSendto ),;
LogSuccessIntoAuditLog( cPathNo, cSendto ),;
fErase( cZipFile ),;
AEVAL( oMail:aAttachments, { |e| ferase( e ) } ),;
oMail:End(), ;
oMail := Nil,;
AEVAL( aFiles, { |e| fErase( e ) } ) }
oMail:bFailure := { || IncAttempts( cPathNo, nQueue, cSendto ) ,;
fErase( cZipFile ),;
AEVAL( oMail:aAttachments, { |e| ferase( e ) } ),;
iif( oMail != Nil .and. oMail:oSocket:lDebug, ;
logfile( oMail:oSocket:cLogFile, { "Failure to send email" } ), ),;
iif( oMail != Nil, ( oMail:end(), oMail := Nil ), ) }
oMail:SendMail( ::cSender, aEmails, ;
"Pathology report attached intended for " + ;
alltrim( StrCapFirst( oDoc:Last ) ) + ", " + alltrim( StrCapFirst( oDoc:First ) )+ ;
". Please use your password to open zipped file." + Chr( 13 ) + Chr( 12 ) + ;
"The information contained in this e-mail is privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of "+;
"the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, "+;
"you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this information is strictly "+;
"prohibited.", ;// Msg Text
"Pathology Report", ; // Subject
{ cZipFile },,, .t. ) // attached files
That is working quite well for me. Hope it helps,