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Post by theotokos »

Good Day,

I have a RichEdit field that I record in a DBF file MEMO field, this all right so far, but now need to print this
field with formatting in a RichEdit TPrinter (oPrn: Say), or another way that you can print other fields of DBF and MEMO field (RichEdit) together.

Example of what I'm doing:

Glucose: 110 mg / dl Vr.Ref.: F1s231 fs2d1 f32s1d f3232 F3S
Sd12FSD12F 12sdf 12SD2f2f f21

Note dsdasd 1as21d2as Of the d1as
f2sd31f 321sd32f 1sd321 f3s2dsd

N.T.: Fields Vr.Ref. and field observation are RichEdi
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Antonio Linares
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Re: RichEdit

Post by Antonio Linares »

Please try with:

oRichEdit:Print( "document_name" )
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: RichEdit

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Hi Antonio.
If I want to print the text in a specific line and column, or to print it in a page but controlling the page break, because I have an header with some
other datas ?
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Re: RichEdit

Post by Antonio Linares »


Class TRichEdit Method Print() is very simple and can be easily modified:

Code: Select all

METHOD Print( cName ) CLASS TRichEdit

   local aMargins := PageGetMargins()
   local oPrn


   if ::IsSelection()

      if Empty( oPrn:hDC )
         MsgStop( "Printer not ready!" )
         return Self


      AEval( aMargins, { |x,y| aMargins[ y ] := x * 1440 / 2540 } )

      REPrint( ::hWnd, cName, oPrn:hDC, PrnGetPagNums(), PrnGetSelection(), ;
               PrnGetCollate(), PrnGetPages(), PrnGetCopies(), aMargins )



return nil
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Massimo Linossi
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Re: RichEdit

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Thanks Antonio. Have a nice weekend.
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Re: RichEdit

Post by theotokos »

Hello everybody
what I really need is to print a report and more MEMO field (RichEdit), more or less like this:

Clietnes................................Data..........................................Memo (RichEdit)
José....................................11/22/3333..................................Vr.Ref.: Jfjsldkf jsdjfsdfsd f
....................................................................................................fsd fsd fsdfsdk fksd fks
....................................................................................................efsd fsd fsdf3sd fsd fsd fds
Maria..................................11/33/2222..................................Vr.Ref.: da sdasld as dasdas das das das da
...................................................................................................d asd asd asd as das das das das das

Admittedly, this memo field (RichEdit) data will be formatted with fonts, color, etc..
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Re: RichEdit

Post by reinaldocrespo »

I'm no longer printing richtext using tprinter, but on my previous systems I used it a lot. Here are some things you may be able to use:

Code: Select all

                nFrom := 0
        a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )             //print region
        b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom ) 

        RESetSelection( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, nFrom, -1)
        nLen    := Len( aoRtf[ i ]:GetSel() ) -1

        aRet := REPrintBox( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, iif( ::isPreview, ::oPrn:hDCOut, ::oPrn:hDC ),.t., a[1 ], a[2], b[1], b[2], nFrom )
        nFrom := aRet[ 1 ]

        ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[1]

Notice how RePrintBox returns an array with the last printed pos in the RTF as the 1st element, and the line pos on the page that it printed on. You will need this in case you run into the next page. In case it helps you, below is the full method that did the printing. Keep in mind that it prints from an array of multiple rtfs and that printing all the rtfs may take multiple pages.

Code: Select all

METHOD PrintBodyWithAttributes() CLASS PathologyTranscription

local cTitle := "Pathology Transcription " + hb_TokenUpper( Trim( ::oPat:Last ) + " " + ;
                    Trim( ::oPat:last2 ) + ", " + ::oPat: name )
local nFrom     := 0
local a         := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )
local b         := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom )
local isdone    := .f.
local aoRtf     := ::aRtfTranscriptions
local i         := 1
local aRet, Elem
local nLen      := 0
local aFont, nColor
local nTotPage  := 0

    ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( a[ 1 ], 0 )[1]

    While !isdone
        while i < _MAX_AREAS +1 .and. aoRtf[ i ] == Nil
        if i > _MAX_AREAS
        RESetSelection( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, nFrom, -1)
        nLen    := Len( aoRtf[ i ]:GetSel() ) -1

        aRet := REPrintBox( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, iif( ::isPreview, ::oPrn:hDCOut, ::oPrn:hDC ),.t., a[1 ], a[2], b[1], b[2], nFrom )
        nFrom := aRet[ 1 ]

        DO CASE
            CASE nFrom < nlen           //did not finish, must run over to next page
                ntotPage++      ;aoRtf[i]:nPrintedPages++
                ::oprn:InchSay( 10.53, 7.5, "Page " + Str( nTotPage, 2 ), ::aFonts[ 1 ],,,, PAD_RIGHT )
                ::oprn:InchSay( 10.0, 4.25, "Continues on page " + str( nTotPage + 1, 2 ) + "...", ::ofont,,,, 2 )
                ::oprn:endPage()    ;::oprn:Startpage()
                a := ::oPrn:Inch2Pix( .60, 0.15 )   ;b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( 10.5, 8.15 )     //Main Boxed area
                ::oprn:Box( a[ 1 ], a[ 2 ], b[ 1 ], b[ 2 ] )        //draw box around main area

                ::oprn:InchSay( 0.30, 0.50, "...continuation from page " + Str( nTotPage, 2 ), ::oFont )
                ::PrintForm( .f. )
                ::FillHeader1( .f. )

                a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )             //new print region
                b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom )         //area for text

            CASE i == 4
                isdone := .t.

            CASE i < len( aoRtf )
                if !empty( aoRtf[ i ]:GetText() )
                    /*(aFont  := REGetCharFormat( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, @nColor )
                    logfile( "f:\mp\trace.log", { ::oprn:Pix2Inch( aFont[ LF_HEIGHT ], 0 )[1], aoRtf[i]:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ) -nTmp } )
                    ::nLastLine := ( ( ( aoRtf[i]:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ) - nTmp ) + 1 ) * ;
                            Max( ::oprn:Pix2Inch( aFont[ LF_HEIGHT ], 0 )[1], 0.10 ) ) + ;
                            iif( ntotPage > 0, 1.00, 4.69 ) */
                    ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[1]
                    ::nlastline += 0.32                     //couple of blank lines

                i++ ;nFrom := 0
                a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nLastLine, ::nLeft )        //new print region

//              nTmp := 0

            OTHERWISE               //unknown problems --get the hell out
                isdone := .t.

    ::oprn:InchSay( 10.53, 7.5, "Page " + Str( nTotPage+1, 2 ), ::aFonts[ 1 ],,,, PAD_RIGHT )
    ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[ 1 ]

return nil
The key here is understanding how REPrintBox() works.

Hope that helps.

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Re: RichEdit

Post by theotokos »

Goodnight reinaldo, it seems that your solution solves the problem, but I'm still crush through .... and did not quite understand the routine, because I will not actually
have the object in RTF Dialog (eg REDEFINE RichEdit ORTF VAR cobs ID oFld OF 4202: aDialogs [3] Valid (COBS: = ORTF: SaveAsRTF (),. t.)) and Sim call a routine
Print it and use the MEMO field with the RichEdit formats. So I need to read this field (COBS: = Protocol-> observation) and print in one position
sheet with the formatting of RichEdit. Excuse me stupid.

reinaldocrespo wrote:I'm no longer printing richtext using tprinter, but on my previous systems I used it a lot. Here are some things you may be able to use:

Code: Select all

                nFrom := 0
        a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )             //print region
        b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom ) 

        RESetSelection( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, nFrom, -1)
        nLen    := Len( aoRtf[ i ]:GetSel() ) -1

        aRet := REPrintBox( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, iif( ::isPreview, ::oPrn:hDCOut, ::oPrn:hDC ),.t., a[1 ], a[2], b[1], b[2], nFrom )
        nFrom := aRet[ 1 ]

        ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[1]

Notice how RePrintBox returns an array with the last printed pos in the RTF as the 1st element, and the line pos on the page that it printed on. You will need this in case you run into the next page. In case it helps you, below is the full method that did the printing. Keep in mind that it prints from an array of multiple rtfs and that printing all the rtfs may take multiple pages.

Code: Select all

METHOD PrintBodyWithAttributes() CLASS PathologyTranscription

local cTitle := "Pathology Transcription " + hb_TokenUpper( Trim( ::oPat:Last ) + " " + ;
                    Trim( ::oPat:last2 ) + ", " + ::oPat: name )
local nFrom     := 0
local a         := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )
local b         := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom )
local isdone    := .f.
local aoRtf     := ::aRtfTranscriptions
local i         := 1
local aRet, Elem
local nLen      := 0
local aFont, nColor
local nTotPage  := 0

    ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( a[ 1 ], 0 )[1]

    While !isdone
        while i < _MAX_AREAS +1 .and. aoRtf[ i ] == Nil
        if i > _MAX_AREAS
        RESetSelection( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, nFrom, -1)
        nLen    := Len( aoRtf[ i ]:GetSel() ) -1

        aRet := REPrintBox( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, iif( ::isPreview, ::oPrn:hDCOut, ::oPrn:hDC ),.t., a[1 ], a[2], b[1], b[2], nFrom )
        nFrom := aRet[ 1 ]

        DO CASE
            CASE nFrom < nlen           //did not finish, must run over to next page
                ntotPage++      ;aoRtf[i]:nPrintedPages++
                ::oprn:InchSay( 10.53, 7.5, "Page " + Str( nTotPage, 2 ), ::aFonts[ 1 ],,,, PAD_RIGHT )
                ::oprn:InchSay( 10.0, 4.25, "Continues on page " + str( nTotPage + 1, 2 ) + "...", ::ofont,,,, 2 )
                ::oprn:endPage()    ;::oprn:Startpage()
                a := ::oPrn:Inch2Pix( .60, 0.15 )   ;b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( 10.5, 8.15 )     //Main Boxed area
                ::oprn:Box( a[ 1 ], a[ 2 ], b[ 1 ], b[ 2 ] )        //draw box around main area

                ::oprn:InchSay( 0.30, 0.50, "...continuation from page " + Str( nTotPage, 2 ), ::oFont )
                ::PrintForm( .f. )
                ::FillHeader1( .f. )

                a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )             //new print region
                b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom )         //area for text

            CASE i == 4
                isdone := .t.

            CASE i < len( aoRtf )
                if !empty( aoRtf[ i ]:GetText() )
                    /*(aFont  := REGetCharFormat( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, @nColor )
                    logfile( "f:\mp\trace.log", { ::oprn:Pix2Inch( aFont[ LF_HEIGHT ], 0 )[1], aoRtf[i]:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ) -nTmp } )
                    ::nLastLine := ( ( ( aoRtf[i]:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ) - nTmp ) + 1 ) * ;
                            Max( ::oprn:Pix2Inch( aFont[ LF_HEIGHT ], 0 )[1], 0.10 ) ) + ;
                            iif( ntotPage > 0, 1.00, 4.69 ) */
                    ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[1]
                    ::nlastline += 0.32                     //couple of blank lines

                i++ ;nFrom := 0
                a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nLastLine, ::nLeft )        //new print region

//              nTmp := 0

            OTHERWISE               //unknown problems --get the hell out
                isdone := .t.

    ::oprn:InchSay( 10.53, 7.5, "Page " + Str( nTotPage+1, 2 ), ::aFonts[ 1 ],,,, PAD_RIGHT )
    ::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[ 1 ]

return nil
The key here is understanding how REPrintBox() works.

Hope that helps.

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Re: RichEdit

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Unless you are ok with printing only text, you will need to create the oRichText object in order to print the rtf. There is no other option. What I used to do in that case, was to create the dialog as a hidden object as in : On INIT odlg:hide() -and then print.

Hope that helps,

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Re: RichEdit

Post by theotokos »

I understood, then it creates a richedit dialog and objects necessary for printing and makes printing with formatted text. I will assemble here for the test. For now many thanks for the help. Stay with God.
reinaldocrespo wrote:Unless you are ok with printing only text, you will need to create the oRichText object in order to print the rtf. There is no other option. What I used to do in that case, was to create the dialog as a hidden object as in : On INIT odlg:hide() -and then print.

Hope that helps,

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