In errsysw.prg, nExtMem() does not indicate my 6 GB of Ram.
It only says 1 megs:
Hardware memory: 1 megs
Also, it may cause internal problems to FWH, as it points out no memory, when in fact it is plenty of gbs!!.
Hardware memory: 1 megs
FWH code:The amount of actual physical memory, in bytes.
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HB_FUNC( NEXTMEM ) // --> nHardwareMemory
mst.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUS );
GlobalMemoryStatus( &mst );
hb_retnl( mst.dwTotalPhys );
Have a look here: Linares wrote:FWH function nExtMem() is a simple wrapper to the Windows API function GlobalMemoryStatus() :
Our code does nothing except to call to Windows API, so the question is; is that WIndows API function failing ?
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HB_FUNC( NEXTMEM ) // --> nHardwareMemory
mst.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUSEX );
GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &mst );
hb_retnl( mst.ullAvailPhys );
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hb_retnll( mst.ullTotalPhys );