Treport bug ?

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Treport bug ?

Post by MdaSolution »

to make easy some tables printed Iuse the class Tinforme Pubblished by josè luis ( alanit) ... me#p111880

It run good and it is very easy to use

only I wish inserted new features as colors for the text ( Title , subtitle, footer ) and color for the Grid

to print each column It use simply

RptAddColumn( {bTitulo(::aTitulos,i)},,{bCampo(::aCampos,i)},::aWidth,{},{||1},.F.,,,.F.,.F.,)

to make color I use 3 type of Pen and each Pen is definited as

DEFINE PEN ::AoPen1 STYLE ::nPenstilo WIDTH val(::nPensize) COLOR ::nColore OF ::oReport

I put the row in bold ( that not run on report )

REPORT ::oReport ;
TITLE " ",::cTitulo1,::cTitulo2,iif(::cTitulo3!=NIL,::cTitulo3," ") CENTERED;
FONT ::oFont3, ::oFont2, ::oFont1 ;
PEN ::AoPen1,::AoPen2,::AoPen3; --------------not run !!!
HEADER ' ',::cTitleHeader ;
FOOTER ::cTitleFoot, "Data: "+dtoc(date())+ " Página.: "+str(::oReport:nPage,3) ;


IF ::oReport:lCreated
IF ::lGrid
::oReport:SetPenColor(::nColore)------------> not run !!!!
::oReport:nTitleUpLine := RPT_SINGLELINE
::oReport:nTitleDnLine := RPT_SINGLELINE
::oReport:oTitle:aFont[2] := {|| 3 }
::oReport:oTitle:aFont[3] := {|| 2 }
::oReport:SetTxtColor(::nColoreFont1,1) ------------> not run !!!!
::oReport:SetTxtColor(::nColoreFont2,2) ------------> not run !!!!
------------> not run !!!!
::oReport:nTopMargin := 0.1
::oReport:nDnMargin := 0.1
::oReport:nLeftMargin := 0.1
::oReport:nRightMargin := 0.1
::oReport:oDevice:lPrvModal:= .t.


Any solution please ?
FWH .. BC582.. xharbour
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