Memowrit Question

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Memowrit Question

Post by ask »

How can i exclude chr(26) (ESC character) from the end when i use memowrit?

Vladimir Grigoriev
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Post by Vladimir Grigoriev »

In Clipper MEMOWRITE() is nothing more than sequence of the functions fopen(), fwrite(), fclose(). The only thing MEMOWRITE() does itself is appending EOF character. Though I don't use Harbour but I think the same is justly for Harbour. So you can use fopen(), fwrite(), fclose() functions by youself instead of MEMOWRITE(). Though it is better to know what will say Harbour guru. :o
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Post by ask »

Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:In Clipper MEMOWRITE() is nothing more than sequence of the functions fopen(), fwrite(), fclose(). The only thing MEMOWRITE() does itself is appending EOF character. Though I don't use Harbour but I think the same is justly for Harbour. So you can use fopen(), fwrite(), fclose() functions by youself instead of MEMOWRITE(). Though it is better to know what will say Harbour guru. :o
Thank you for your answer but as i can see inside the memofile.c (witch create memowrit) the code:
#if ! defined(OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE)
if( bWriteEof ) /* if true, then write EOF */

hb_fsWrite( fhnd, &byEOF, sizeof( BYTE ) );

does something about the problem but i can understand what .If someone can explain please

Vladimir Grigoriev
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Post by Vladimir Grigoriev »

As I have understood the new function MEMOWRITE() has three parameters. The third parameter of type Logical specifies either to write EOF character ( .T. by default) or not (.F.).
So you should specify MEMOWRITE() function with three parameters and the third parameter should be specified as .F..
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Post by ask »

Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:As I have understood the new function MEMOWRITE() has three parameters. The third parameter of type Logical specifies either to write EOF character ( .T. by default) or not (.F.).
So you should specify MEMOWRITE() function with three parameters and the third parameter should be specified as .F..
I think you mean this code :
if( hb_parinfo(0) == 3 && ISLOG( 3 ) )
bWriteEof = hb_parl( 3 );

But i have xharbour 0.99.60 and fhw 2.7 and
memowrit(<file>,<text>,.f.) still writes ESC character at the end

Vladimir Grigoriev
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Post by Vladimir Grigoriev »

I think you mean this code :
if( hb_parinfo(0) == 3 && ISLOG( 3 ) )
bWriteEof = hb_parl( 3 );
Yes I have meant this code above. So maybe there is a bug in your Harbour build or there is another idea. What about your string data <text> contains EOF character itself? Can you test last character of your data before you will write on a disk it with MEMOWRITE()?
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Post by ask »

Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:
I think you mean this code :
if( hb_parinfo(0) == 3 && ISLOG( 3 ) )
bWriteEof = hb_parl( 3 );
Yes I have meant this code above. So maybe there is a bug in your Harbour build or there is another idea. What about your string data <text> contains EOF character itself? Can you test last character of your data before you will write on a disk it with MEMOWRITE()?
As you can see bellow the sample is simple but still ...

Thank you anyway

#include ""

function main()
return ""
Vladimir Grigoriev
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Post by Vladimir Grigoriev »

Unfortunately I can not test your code as I have not Harbour. From the source code of memofile.c one should conclude that MEMOWRITE() will work correctly i.e. it will write into file without EOF character if the third parameter will be set to .F..
By the way how do you determine that EOF character does present in you file? What is the file size of cc.txt?
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Post by ask »

Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:Unfortunately I can not test your code as I have not Harbour. From the source code of memofile.c one should conclude that MEMOWRITE() will work correctly i.e. it will write into file without EOF character if the third parameter will be set to .F..
By the way how do you determine that EOF character does present in you file? What is the file size of cc.txt?
The file is 4bytes .I use edit from dos to see it too. I don't know why it does not working .

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Post by ask »

I changed my code to the bellow code and now works perfectly.This means that i probably have old xharbour


#include ""

function main()
return ""


#include <hbapi.h>
#include <hbapiitm.h>
#include "hbapifs.h"

PHB_ITEM pFileName = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_STRING );
PHB_ITEM pString = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING );
BOOL bWriteEof = TRUE; /* write Eof !, by default is .T. */

if( hb_parinfo(0) == 3 && ISLOG( 3 ) )
bWriteEof = hb_parl( 3 );

if( pFileName && pString )
FHANDLE fhnd = hb_fsCreate( ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pFileName ), FC_NORMAL );

if( fhnd != FS_ERROR )
ULONG ulSize = hb_itemGetCLen( pString );

bRetVal = ( hb_fsWriteLarge( fhnd, ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pString ), ulSize ) == ulSize );

/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will add the EOF even if the write failed. [vszakats] */
/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will not return .F. when the EOF could not be written. [vszakats] */
#if ! defined(OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE)
if( bWriteEof ) /* if true, then write EOF */

hb_fsWrite( fhnd, &byEOF, sizeof( BYTE ) );

hb_fsClose( fhnd );

hb_retl( bRetVal );

#pragma ENDDUMP
Vladimir Grigoriev
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Post by Vladimir Grigoriev »

Ops! You are writing about xHarbour but the code for MEMOWRITE() discussed is from Harbour!
I have looked through xHarbour source code for MEMOWRITE() and indeed it has not the third parameter. So xHarbour MEMOWRITE() always writes EOF character! The code from xHarbour is below

PHB_ITEM pFileName = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_STRING );
PHB_ITEM pString = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING );

if( pFileName && pString )
FHANDLE fhnd = hb_fsCreate( ( BYTE * ) pFileName->item.asString.value, FC_NORMAL );

if( fhnd != FS_ERROR )
ULONG ulSize = pString->item.asString.length;

bRetVal = ( hb_fsWriteLarge( fhnd, ( BYTE * ) pString->item.asString.value, ulSize ) == ulSize );

/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will add the EOF even if the write failed. [vszakats] */
/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will not return .F. when the EOF could not be written. [vszakats] */
#if ! defined(OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE)

hb_fsWrite( fhnd, &byEOF, sizeof( BYTE ) );

hb_fsClose( fhnd );

hb_retl( bRetVal );
Vladimir Grigoriev
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Post by Vladimir Grigoriev »

I have pointed out incompatibility of MEMOWRITE() functions between Harbour and xHarbour on xHarbour forum. :o
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Post by ask »

Vladimir Grigoriev wrote:I have pointed out incompatibility of MEMOWRITE() functions between Harbour and xHarbour on xHarbour forum. :o
Thank you very much for all your help Vladimir


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Post by Otto »

Incompatibility of MEMOWRITE is still there
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