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TEdit y LimitText

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:53 am
by Xevi
Estoy intentando hacer con un TEdit con valor de la variable numérico, ponerle una longitud máxima y no quiere, no funciona, o lo hago mal.

Code: Select all

Static nNum1 := 37
Local oEditNum1
@ 5, 100 EDIT oEditNum1 VAR nNum1 SIZE 47, 21 LIMITTEXT BY 5 CHARS FONT oFont10 PIXEL OF oWnd
He intentado...

Code: Select all

oEditNum1:lLimitText := .T.
oEditNum1:nLimitChars := 5
pero nada... puedo introducir tanto texto (números, de eso se trata) como quiera, no se establece el límite en 5 dígitos.

Re: TEdit y LimitText

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:57 pm
by Xevi
El tema de utilizar variables numéricas en Edit y limitar la longitud, como va a ser que no... pues utilizo variable de texto, con la cláusula NUMBER y limitando el texto a 5 caracteres


luego, solo es custion de pasar el valor del texto de oEditNum1 a Val() y tema solucionado!!!

Bien, por ahora, porque el tema de pictures y demás con TEdit(), eso de momento no lo he probado, y no se si se podrá o deberé de utilizar TGet()


Re: TEdit y LimitText

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:09 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
We suggest using TEdit only for entering character values of variable length without picture clauses.
For variables of all other types as well as text with picture clauses, TGet is best suited.

This is more suitable for text fields from RDBMS (eg. mysql, mssql, etc).
Here we have character fields with variable length, eg. VarChar(n).

If we want to use TGet, we need to first pad the value, use TGet and then trim the result and save it.
With TEdit this process is not required.

Re: TEdit y LimitText

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:21 pm
by Xevi

GET no es un control que me guste utilizar, por sus espaciados y longitudes "fijas", no se corresponden muchas veces con la realidad, de ahí el control TEdit es el que más se asemeja a la realidad en el momento de introducción de datos, aunque con una máscara (picture) igual SI que el GET sea el más apropiado... iré avanzando en el aprendizaje de FW y a ver con que problemillas me voy encontrando!!!


Re: TEdit y LimitText

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:17 am
by nageswaragunupudi
but nothing ... I can enter as much text (numbers, that's it) as you want, the limit is not set in 5 digits.
Limitbychars is implemented only for character values, not for numerics. For numerics, appropriate control is TGet.
GET is not a control that I like to use, because of its "fixed" spacings and lengths, they do not correspond many times with reality, hence the control TEdit is the one that most resembles reality at the time of introduction of data, although with a mask (picture) equal IF that the GET is the most appropriate ... I will go forward in the learning of FW and to see what little problems I'm encountering !!!
That is purely your personal taste.
I already stated the official clarification of FWH about which control is suitable for what purpose. That is how FWH built these controls. If you still want to use TEdit in all cases, that is a matter of your personal taste, but please keep in mind its limitations.