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A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:43 pm
by Miguel Salas
Estoy tratando de compilar con tDolphin me da muchos errores, es la Version de FW el problema?

un Saludo a todos

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:11 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

1. creo que no seria tanto compatibilidad con fivewin sino con [x]Harbour

2. Que version de fivewin estas usando

3. Cuales son los errores que te genera?

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:42 pm
by Miguel Salas
Hola Daniel..
xharbour 1.1.0

fw 8.02
"sintax error at 'oServer' "
"sintax error at 'aServer' "

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:22 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

Reitero mi peticion por este hilo
Daniel Garcia-Gil wrote:Hola

en que linea se genera el error?
podrias colocar parte del error.log que describa el error... gracias

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:28 pm
by Miguel Salas

Code: Select all

FUNCTION ConnectTo( n )
   LOCAL c
   LOCAL hIni
   LOCAL oServer
   LOCAL cServer, cUser, cPassword, nPort, cDBName,nFlags
   LOCAL oErr

   c = "mysql"

   if n != NIL
      c = "mysql" + AllTrim( Str( n ) )

   hIni      := HB_ReadIni( "connect.ini" )
   oServer   := NIL
   cServer   := hIni[ c ]["host"]
   cUser     := hIni[ c ]["user"]
   cPassword := hIni[ c ]["psw"]
   nPort     := val(hIni[ c ]["port"])
   cDBName   := hIni[ c ]["dbname"]
   nFlags    := val(hIni[ c ]["flags"])

   nFlags  := 0

      CONNECT oServer HOST cServer ;   // aqui marca sintax error at 'oServer'
                      USER cUser ;
                      PASSWORD cPassword ;
                      PORT nPort ;
                      FLAGS nFlags;
                      DATABASE cDBName

   CATCH oErr

RETURN oServer

FUNCTION ConnectTo2()

   LOCAL hIni      := HB_ReadIni( "connect.ini" )
   LOCAL aServer   := {NIL, NIL}
   LOCAL aHost     := { hIni["mysql"]["host"], hIni["mysql2"]["host"] } ,;
         aUser     := { hIni["mysql"]["user"], hIni["mysql2"]["user"] },;
         aPassword := { hIni["mysql"]["psw"],  hIni["mysql2"]["psw"] },;
         aPort     := { val(hIni["mysql"]["port"]), val(hIni["mysql2"]["port"])}, ;
         aDBName   := { hIni["mysql"]["dbname"], hIni["mysql2"]["dbname"] },;
         aFlags    := { val(hIni["mysql"]["flags"]), val(hIni["mysql2"]["flags"])}
   LOCAL oError


      CONNECT aServer[ 1 ] HOST aHost[ 1] ;   // "AQUI MARCA "SINTAX ERROR AT 'ASERVER' "
                      USER aUser[ 1 ] ;
                      PASSWORD aPassword[ 1 ] ;
                      PORT aPort[ 1 ] ;
                      FLAGS aFlags[ 1 ];
                      NAME "CONNECT1"

      CONNECT aServer[ 2 ] HOST aHost[ 2 ] ;  // AQUI MARCA "SINTAX ERROR AT 'ASERVER' "
                      USER aUser[ 2 ] ;
                      PASSWORD aPassword[ 2 ] ;
                      PORT aPort[ 2 ] ;
                      FLAGS aFlags[ 2 ];
                      NAME "CONNECT2"

    CATCH oError
       IF aServer[ 1 ] != NIL
         aServer[ 1 ]:End()
       RETURN nil

RETURN aServer


Sludos Daniel y gracias por tus respuestas
atte Miguel

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:38 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

estas usando la version del SVN?

el error que marca es porque o falta o esta mal el xcommand en el archivo de cabecera

verifica que ese comando exista en el ch que tienes, sino existe es porque estas usando una version muy vieja de dolphin y no has actualizado tu codigo del SVN

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:03 am
by Miguel Salas

Code: Select all

 * $Id: 22-Sep-10 9:27:27 PM Z dgarciagil $
 * TDOLPHIN PROJECT source code:
 * Manager MySql server connection
 * Copyright 2010 Daniel Garcia-Gil<>
 * www -
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this software.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site
 * As a special exception, the tdolphin Project gives permission for
 * additional uses of the text contained in its release of tdolphin.
 * The exception is that, if you link the tdolphin libraries with other
 * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
 * linking the tdolphin library code into it.
 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
 * This exception applies only to the code released by the tdolphin
 * Project under the name tdolphin.  If you copy code from other
 * tdolphin Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
 * tdolphin, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
 * not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
 * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
 * this exception notice from them.
 * If you write modifications of your own for tdolphin, it is your choice
 * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.

// MySQL field types
#ifndef _TDOLPHIN_CH_
#define _TDOLPHIN_CH_

#define  MYSQL_DECIMAL_TYPE      0
#define  MYSQL_TINY_TYPE         1
#define  MYSQL_SHORT_TYPE        2
#define  MYSQL_LONG_TYPE         3
#define  MYSQL_FLOAT_TYPE        4
#define  MYSQL_DOUBLE_TYPE       5
#define  MYSQL_NULL_TYPE         6
#define  MYSQL_LONGLONG_TYPE     8
#define  MYSQL_INT24_TYPE        9
#define  MYSQL_DATE_TYPE         10
#define  MYSQL_TIME_TYPE         11
#define  MYSQL_DATETIME_TYPE     12
#define  MYSQL_YEAR_TYPE         13
#define  MYSQL_NEWDATE_TYPE      14
#define  MYSQL_NUMERIC_TYPE      15
#define  MYSQL_ENUMTYPE          247
#define  MYSQL_SET_TYPE          248
#define  MYSQL_TINY_BLOB_TYPE    249
#define  MYSQL_LONG_BLOB_TYPE    251
#define  MYSQL_BLOB_TYPE         252
#define  MYSQL_VAR_STRING_TYPE   253
#define  MYSQL_STRING_TYPE       254

#define MAX_BLOCKSIZE            65535

// MySQL field structure 
#define  MYSQL_FS_NAME           1     /* Name of column */
#define  MYSQL_FS_TABLE          2     /* Table of column if column was a field */
#define  MYSQL_FS_DEF            3     /* Default value (set by mysql_list_fields) */
#define  MYSQL_FS_TYPE           4     /* Type of field. Se mysql_com.h for types */
#define  MYSQL_FS_LENGTH         5     /* Width of column */
#define  MYSQL_FS_MAXLEN         6     /* Max width of selected set */
#define  MYSQL_FS_FLAGS          7     /* Div flags */
#define  MYSQL_FS_DECIMALS       8     /* Number of decimals in field */
#define  MYSQL_FS_CLIP_TYPE      9     /* Type of field. clipper field type */

// MySQL field flags
#define  NOT_NULL_FLAG           1        /* Field can't be NULL */
#define  PRI_KEY_FLAG            2        /* Field is part of a primary key */
#define  UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG         4          /* Field is part of a unique key */
#define  MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG       8          /* Field is part of a key */
#define  BLOB_FLAG               16         /* Field is a blob */
#define  UNSIGNED_FLAG           32         /* Field is unsigned */
#define  ZEROFILL_FLAG           64         /* Field is zerofill */
#define  BINARY_FLAG             128      /* Field is binary */
#define  ENUM_FLAG               256          /* field is an enum */
#define  AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG     512          /* field is a autoincrement field */
#define  TIMESTAMP_FLAG          1024         /* Field is a timestamp */
#define  PART_KEY_FLAG           16384      /* Intern; Part of some key */
#define  GROUP_FLAG              32768      /* Intern group field */

#define  DBS_NOTNULL             5        /* True if field has to be NOT NULL */
#define  DBS_DEFAULT             6        /* Field Value by default  */

//Create index
#define IDX_UNIQUE      1
#define IDX_FULLTEXT    2
#define IDX_SPATIAL     3
#define IDX_PRIMARY     4
#define IDX_ASC         1
#define IDX_DES         2
#define IDX_BTREE       1
#define IDX_HASH        2
#define IDX_RTREE       3

#define IS_PRIMARY_KEY( uValue )  MyAND( uValue, PRI_KEY_FLAG ) == PRI_KEY_FLAG 
#define IS_NOT_NULL( uValue ) MyAND( uValue, NOT_NULL_FLAG ) == NOT_NULL_FLAG

#define SET_WHERE    1
#define SET_GROUP    2
#define SET_HAVING   3
#define SET_ORDER    4
#define SET_LIMIT    5

//Privileges type
#define PRIV_ADMIN      1
#define PRIV_DATA       2
#define PRIV_TABLE      3
#define PRIV_ALL        4

//Backup Status process
#define ST_STARTBACKUP   1
#define ST_ENDBACKUP     3
#define ST_FILLBACKUP    4

//Restore Process 
#define ST_LOADING       2
#define ST_RESTORING     3
#define ST_ENDRESTORE    4
#define ST_RSTCANCEL     0

#define EXP_TEXT     1 
#define EXP_EXCEL    2
#define EXP_DBF      3
#define EXP_HTML     4
#define EXP_WORD     5
#define EXP_SQL      6

#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
#xcommand TRY  => BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH {|oErr| Break( oErr )}
#xcommand CATCH [<!oErr!>] => RECOVER [USING <oErr>] <-oErr->
#xcommand FINALLY => ALWAYS  

#xtranslate hb_ReadIni([<x,...>])       => hb_IniRead(<x>)
#xtranslate HASH([<x,...>])             => hb_HASH(<x>)
#xtranslate HGETPOS([<x,...>])          => hb_HPOS(<x>)
#xtranslate HSET([<x,...>])             => hb_HSET(<x>)
#xtranslate HSETCASEMATCH([<x,...>])    => hb_HSETCASEMATCH(<x>)
#xtranslate HCLONE([<x,...>])           => hb_HCLONE(<x>)
#xtranslate HGETKEYS([<x,...>])         => hb_HKEYS(<x>) 

//#include ""
#ifndef RGB
#define RGB( nR,nG,nB )  ( nR + ( nG * 256 ) + ( nB * 256 * 256 ) )
#endif /*RGB*/


#xcommand SET CASESENSITIVE <on:ON,OFF> => D_SetCaseSensitive( Upper(<(on)>) == "ON" )
#xcommand SET PADRIGHT <on:ON,OFF> => D_SetPadRight( Upper(<(on)>) == "ON" )
#xcommand SET LOGICALVALUE <on:ON,OFF> => D_LogicalValue( Upper(<(on)>) == "ON" )


#xcommand CLOSEMYSQL ALL  => _CloseHosts( "ALL" )
#xcommand CLOSEMYSQL SERVER <on> => _CloseHosts( <on> )
#xcommand SELECTSERVER <uParam> => _SelectHost( <uParam> )
#xcommand BEGINMYSQL [ TRANSACTION ] [<oServer>] => _BeginTransaction( [<oServer>] )
#xcommand COMMITMYSQL [<oServer>] => _CommitTransaction( [<oServer>] )                    
#xcommand ROLLBACKMYSQL [<oServer>] => _RollBack( [<oServer>] )                    

#xcommand CONNECT [ <srv: SERVER, MYSQL, OF> ] <oServer> ;
                  HOST <cHost> ;
                  USER <cUser> ;
                  PASSWORD <cPassword>;
                  [ PORT <nPort> ];
                  [ FLAGS <nFlags> ];
                  [ DATABASE <cDBName> ];
                  [ ON ERROR <uOnError> ] ;
                  [ NAME <cName> ];
       => ;
          <oServer> := TDolphinSrv():New( <cHost>, <cUser>, <cPassword>, <nPort>, ;
                                          <nFlags>, <cDBName>, [{| Self, nError, lInternal, cExtra | <uOnError> }], [ <cName> ] )


#xcommand CONNECT EMBEDDED [ <srv: SERVER, MYSQL, OF> ] <oServer> ;
                  [ DATABASE <cDBName> ];
                  [ OPTIONS <options,...> ];
                  [ GROUPS <groups,...> ];
                  [ ON ERROR <uOnError> ] ;
                  [ NAME <cName> ];
       => ;
          <oServer> := TDolphinSrv():Embedded( <cDBName>, \{<options>\}, \{<groups>\},;
                          [{| Self, nError, lInternal, cExtra | <uOnError> }], [ <cName> ] )


#xcommand DEFINE QUERY <oQuery> [ <cQuery> ] [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST> <uServer> ];
       => ;
          <oQuery> := TDolphinQry():New( [ <cQuery> ],[ <uServer> ] )


#xcommand SELECTDB <cdb> <srv: SERVER, MYSQL, OF> <oServer>;
       => ;
          <oServer>:SelectDB( <cdb> )

#xcommand SELECTDB <cdb>;
       => ;
          GetServerDefault():SelectDB( <cdb> )
#xcommand INSERTMYSQL TO <ctable> ;
                 COLUMNS <acolumns,...> ;
                 VALUES <avalues,...>;
                 [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST><oServer> ];
       => ;
          _InsertMySql( [<oServer>], <ctable>, {<acolumns>}, {<avalues>} )

#xcommand UPDATEMYSQL TO <ctable> ;
                 COLUMNS <acolumns,...> ;
                 VALUES <avalues,...>;
                 [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST><oServer> ];
                 [ WHERE <cWhere> ];
       => ;
          _UpdateMysql( [ <oServer> ], <ctable>, {<acolumns>}, {<avalues>}, <cWhere> )


#xcommand BACKUPMYSQL TABLES <aTables,...>;
                FILE <cFile>;
                [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST><oServer> ];
                [ < lDrop: DROP > ];
                [ < lOverwrite: OVERWRITE > ];
                [ STEP <nStep> ];
                [ HEADER <cHeader> ];
                [ FOOTER <cFooter> ];
                [ <lCan: CANCEL> <lCancel> ];
                [ ON BACKUP <uOnBackup> ];
           _BackUpMysql( [ <oServer> ], {<aTables>}, <cFile>, [<.lDrop.>], [<.lOverwrite.>], ;
                         [<nStep>], [<cHeader>], [<cFooter>], [if( <.lCan.>, @<lCancel>,)],;
                         [{| nStatus, cTabFile, nTotTable, nCurrTable, nRecNo | <uOnBackup> }] )

#xcommand RESTOREMYSQL FILE <cFile>;
                [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST><oServer> ];
                [ <lCan: CANCEL> <lCancel> ];
                [ ON RESTORE <uOnRestore> ];
           _RestoreMysql( [ <oServer> ], ;
                          [if( <.lCan.>, @<lCancel>,)],;
                          [{| nStatus, cTable, nTotLine, nIdx | <uOnRestore> }] )        

#xcommand EXECUTEESCRIPT FILE <cFile>;
                [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST><oServer> ];
                [ ON SCRIPT <uOnScript> ];    
           _ExecuteScript( [ <oServer> ], ;
                          <cFile>, [{| nID, nTotal | <uOnScript> }] )      
#xcommand SELECTTABLES TO <oQuery>;
                 TABLES <cTable,...>;
                 [ COLUMNS <cColumns,...> ];
                 [ WHERE <cWhere> ];
                 [ GROUP <cGroup> ];
                 [ HAVING <cHaving> ];
                 [ ORDER BY <cOrder> ];
                 [ LIMIT <cLimit> ];
                 [ <lWithRoll: WITROLL> ];
                 [ <srv: OF, SERVER, HOST><oServer> ];
          <oQuery> := _SelectTable( [<oServer>], [{<cColumns>}], {<cTable>}, [<cWhere>],;
                        [<cGroup>], [<cOrder>], [<cLimit>], [<.lWithRoll.>] )
#endif //_TDOLPHIN_CH_          
Si lo trae mas no se si este incoorrecto... te dejo el codigo

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:25 am
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

el ejemplo funciona perfectamente... seguro tienes mal rutado el .CH apuntando hacia otro CH mas viejo, verifica pq el error no esta en el ejemplo ni en dolphin

si quieres puedo ayudarte por teamviewer, te envie una invitacion para hablar por el chat de gmail

Re: A partir de que version de FW funciona TDolphin?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:55 pm
by Miguel Salas
Mi sincero agradecimiento a Daniel por su valioso apoyo.
He empezado a moverme en estos mares.

Attte Miguel Salas