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RED Local con ADS

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:57 pm
by Loren

Tengo armado mi aplicativo con ADS Local 7.10. Todo bien y el exe corre perfectamente, pero no es capaz de ejecutarse en varios PCs simultaneamente.

En cada PC, tengo mi EXE que se conecta ál DD del servidor así:

MsgRun( "Espere un momento, Conectando con el Servidor", "AGE",{ || lConecte := AdsConnect60( cruta+"\age.add", 1, "", "" ) } )

Para conectarme desde un PC tengo que cerrar otro.
En mi archivo adslocal.cfg tengo insertado:

Sin ADS, el programa corre en RED Local sin problemas.

¿ cual puede ser el origen de este mal funcionamiento ? Mil gracias.

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:23 pm
by Patricio Avalos Aguirre
Hola Lorenzo

cual es el error que te da?

Puedes probar en el DD cambiar lockingMode a COMPATIBLE

Boton derecho en el DD, luego connection Properties

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:27 pm
by hgarcia
Hasta donde sé el servidor local solo permite 5 usuarios simultáneos si quieres ampliar el número de usuarios concurrentes tienes que adquirir una licencia mínimo de 10, puedes decir que es muy costosa pero los resultados bien valen la pena la inversión, sobre todo cuando te des cuenta que con un diccionario de datos habilitando la conexión a Internet puedes acceder a tus bases de datos desde cualquier punto con tu aplicación.


Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:29 pm
by Carlos Mora

te pongo mi ADSLocal.cfg, esta configurado para el máximo de 30 usuarios. Me funciona correctamente, la unica diferencia es que no arranco ninguna conexion, solo abro las tablas normalmente con un USE...

Espero te resulte útil

Code: Select all

;              Advantage Local Server configuration file
; The Advantage Local Server DLL (for Windows) and SO (for Linux) reads
; this configuration file when the DLL/SO is loaded. Values input
; after the keyword and equal sign are used to configure the DLL/SO.
; If no value is inserted after a keyword and equal sign, the default
; is used. This file should be located in the same directory as your
; Advantage Local Server DLL (adsloc32.dll) or SO (
; Number of Connections
; Default = 20; Range = 1 - No upper limit
; Number of Tables
; Default = 50; Range = 1 - No upper limit
; Number of Index Files
; Default = 75; Range = 1 - No upper limit
; Number of Data Locks
; Default = 500; Range = 1 - No upper limit
; Maximum Size of Error Log (in KBytes)
; Default = 1000 KBytes; Range = 1 KByte - No upper limit
; Error Log and Assert Log Path
; Default = C:\
; ANSI Character Set
; Default = Use the currently configured ANSI character set that is active
;           on the workstation.
; If you do not wish to use the ANSI character set that is active on the
;   current workstation, the available ANSI character sets to be used are:
;     Danish, Dutch, Engl(Amer), Engl(UK), Engl(Can), Finnish, French,
;     French Can, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish,
;     Span(Mod), Swedish, Russian, ASCII, Turkish, Polish, Baltic, or
;     Ukrainian
; OEM/Localized Character Set
; Default = USA
; Options are:
; Local File Flush Frequency (in milliseconds)
; Default = 20000 ms (20 seconds); Range = 0 ms - 100000 ms
; Lowercase All Paths
; Default = 0 (false)
; Options are: 0 (for false) and 1 (for true)
; Option to force the Linux Advantage Local Server SO to lowercase all
;    paths and filenames before attempting to access them on disk. This
;    option is ignored by the Advantage Local Server DLL for Windows.

;Number of concurrent users
;Default = 5. Range = 0 - 30.

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:21 pm
by Loren
Compañeros, gracias a todos.

pude solucionar el problema de acceso multiple indicando en mi PRG principal el comando:


Ya hice pruebas, con varios PC's conectados y accesando a la misma DBF (con 90.000 registros y 25mb). Hacer un filtrado de datos mediante DBFILTER(&bfiltro,cfiltro) tarda aprox. 14 segundos si hay 3 PC conectados simultaneamente y 10 si hay 2 PC. En la RED no se conectarán más de 5 PC.

¿ Considerais este tiempo como razonable ?

Un saludo.

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:17 am
by Ruben Fernandez

En ADS esta el comando AOF (que es un filtro optimizado), quizas te sirva tambien, y ademas mejore tus tiempos.
No se como se usa pero seguramente en el foro te daran la respuesta.


Ruben Fernandez

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:24 pm
by Patricio Avalos Aguirre
Bien lorenzo que bueno que solucionaste tu problema

prueba usar AdsSetAof(..)

Code: Select all


cVar := "patricio"
cCiudad:= "La Serena"
cPais := "Chile"

cFiltro := 'campousr= "' +cVar + '"'
cFiltro += ' .and. campociu="' + cCiudad + '"'
cFiltro += ' .and. campopais="' + cPais + '"'

//el cfiltro debiera quedar asi.. 
//cFiltro := 'campousr="patricio" .and. campociu="La Serena" .and. campopais = "Chile" '

if !BaseDbf->( AdsSetAof(cFiltro ) )
   MsgInfo( "Error en el filtro" + CRLF + CRLF + cFiltro, "Usuario" )


BaseDbf->( AdsClearAof() )

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:12 am
by Loren

Probé con : (cAlias)->( AdsSetAOF( cFilter ) )

y los tiempos invertidos para filtrado son prácticamente los mismos.

Quizás no modifique y me quede con DBSetFilter.

Gracias. Un saludo.

Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:53 am
by MarioG
Si usas xHarbour, para el uso de AdsSetAOF() inlcui esta funcion:


Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:00 pm
by MarioG

es un Set de [x]Harbour o de Ads? (no lo encuentro en las repectivas ayudas)


Re: RED Local con ADS

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:03 pm
by MarioG
Me rectifico respecto de SET( _SET_OPTIMIZE, .T. )
Para ADS:
Advantage Optimized Filters (AOFs) provide high performance filter optimization for Advantage applications. AOFs speed filter processing by using index keys instead of table records. If a specified field has an index built on it, an AOF uses the index file rather than the table to process the filter. AOFs are used to increase performance of record filtering when directly opening a table for navigational use and setting a filter on that table, as well as used to increase the performance of filtering records in the WHERE clause of an SQL query. Reducing the amount of data that must be retrieved from the disk increases performance.

An AOF can be thought of as a query on the table. When an application sets an AOF on a table opened directly, or issues an SQL SELECT query with a WHERE clause, the Advantage Database Server will build an AOF to filter those records. The server uses indexes that have been opened for the given table to quickly determine which records are in the AOF. The actual AOF consists of an array of bits (in natural record number order) where each bit represents a single record. The bit for each record that passes the filter condition is turned on.

In general, AOFs are created by matching portions of the filter or WHERE clause expression with index key expressions. For example, if the field "lastname" is indexed, Advantage can quickly optimize the filter expression "lastname >= ‘W’ .AND. lastname <= ‘Wil’". The Advantage Database Server will Seek to the appropriate location in the index and traverse the index pages and set bits in the AOF for records that pass the filter condition. When doing this, Advantage does not read the actual records but will read only the necessary index pages needed to resolve the filter.

AOFs are created when an SQL SELECT query has a WHERE clause or by one of the following methods when opening a table directly:

· Calling the AdsSetAOF function with the Advantage Client Engine API

· By default, the Filter property in the TAdsTable and TAdsQuery components will create an Advantage Optimized Filter. To use traditional record filters with the Filter property rather than AOFs, set the AdsOptimizedFilters subproperty to False.

· By default, all filters set will use AOFs with the Advantage CA-Visual Objects RDDs. Calling the Visual Objects function RDDSetInfo( _SET_OPTIMIZE ) or the command "Set Optimize OFF" provides the ability to disable the use of AOFs.

AOFs are only optimized for DBF tables with CDX index files and with ADT tables with ADI index files. AOFs are not fully supported with DBF tables that use NTX indexes. If an AOF is built on a DBF table with an NTX index, the AOF will be non-optimized. Under certain circumstances, it may still be advantageous to use AOFs with DBF tables and NTX indexes. If multiple passes are to be made through the table with the AOF set (e.g., due to data displayed in a grid), the AOF will generally be faster because all records that do not pass the filter condition will be removed from the AOF during the first pass through the data, and they will not be read during subsequent passes.

Because the Advantage Database Server creates and uses AOFs, network traffic is eliminated when creating AOFs on the Advantage Database Server. With Advantage Local Server, however, network traffic is an issue when creating AOFs on tables that reside on network drives because the index data used to create the AOF must be transported across the network to the client where the Advantage Local Server will create the AOF bitmap. But AOFs with Advantage Local Server should still provide much better performance than when using traditional record filters because only those records that pass the filter condition will ever need to be read over to the client PC.

When using AOFs with the Advantage Database Server, there will be some increased resource usage on the server. This is especially true if non-optimized filters are created. For example, if the filter "lastname = ‘Smith’" is used and there is no index available on lastname, the filter will not be optimized. This means that every bit will be turned on initially. Therefore, the memory allocation will be approximately RecordCount / 8 bytes. The total memory allocation for a 1,000,000 record table will be approximately 125,000 bytes. As a developer, you should keep this in mind when using AOFs. The allocation is probably "small" for most server configurations, but if you have a very large number of users forcing allocations like this, the total may be prohibitive. The memory allocation for the array of bits is done in non-contiguous blocks on a demand basis, so if a huge table has only a few records that pass the filter condition, the actual amount of allocated memory is usually quite small.