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Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:30 am
by Ricardo Ramirez E.
Estoy usando UEstudio..
al compilar btnget.prg indicaba que no conseguia encontrar winten.h y clipapi.h

Pregunta : Pq no reconoce los .H y si los CH, si ambos estan en c:\fwh\include\ ?

Como solucion tuve que indicar la ruta completa asi : <c:\fwh\include\WinTen.h>

Pero ahora me arroja estos errores :(
Error E2451 C:\C\SCROLL.C 126: Undefined symbol 'params' in function GETSCROLLR
Warning W8065 C:\C\SCROLL.C 126: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETSCROLLR
Warning W8065 C:\\C\SCROLL.C 127: Call to function 'STORNI' with no prototype in function GETSCROLLR
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Fatal: Unable to open file 'SCROLL.OBJ'
SysAluno.EXE - 3 error(es), 4 advertencia(s)


Re: UEstudio

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:02 am
by Antonio Linares

Por favor pon aqui el contenido de SCROLL.C y te indicaremos como tienes que modificarlo, gracias :-)

Re: UEstudio

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:57 am
by Ricardo Ramirez E.
Gracias, por tu respuesta scroll.c era usado la usaba con versiones antiguas de la TSbrowse, termine por obviarlo en mi archivo.MAK y el ejecutable se genera
sin problemas.
Ahora usando UEstudio .. al generar el executable, me arroja este error en la BtnGet.prg

--------------------Configuración: SysAluno - Debug--------------------
xHarbour Compiler build 1.1.0 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6195)
Copyright 1999-2008,
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
xHarbour Compiler build 1.1.0 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6195)
Copyright 1999-2008,
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2209 c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h 18: Unable to open include file 'fwHarb.h'
Warning W8065 C:\\software\\Clases\\BtnGet\\btnget.prg 746: Call to function '_parnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETBTN
Warning W8065 C:\\software\\Clases\\BtnGet\\btnget.prg 751: Call to function '_parni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETBTN
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Fatal: Unable to open file 'BTNGET.OBJ'
SysAluno.EXE - 2 error(es), 2 advertencia(s)

Y las lineas correspondientes de la BtnGet.prg son:

Code: Select all

#ifdef __HARBOUR__

#include <c:\fwh\include\WinTen.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h>  //<ClipApi.h>

#ifndef __HARBOUR__
   CLIPPER GETBTN( PARAMS )  // ( hWnd, nLen ) --> Nil
    HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 );

    RECT rect;

   GetClientRect( hWnd, &rect );
   rect.right -= (short)_parni( 2 ) ;
   SendMessage( hWnd, EM_SETRECTNP, 0, ( LONG ) &rect );

#pragma ENDDUMP


Re: UEstudio

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:02 am
by Antonio Linares

Modifica el código asi:

Code: Select all


#include <hbapi.h>
#include <Windows.h>

HB_FUNC( GETBTN )  // ( hWnd, nLen ) --> Nil
    HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) hb_parnl( 1 );

    RECT rect;

   GetClientRect( hWnd, &rect );
   rect.right -= (short) hb_parnl( 2 ) ;
   SendMessage( hWnd, EM_SETRECTNP, 0, ( LONG ) &rect );

#pragma ENDDUMP

Re: UEstudio

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:16 am
by Ricardo Ramirez E.
Uso .MAK y ahora estoy intentando usar projectos UEstudio.
revisando mi archivo mak tengo:

Como agrego __HARBOUR__ a los flags de BCC55 en mi projecto UEstudio?
Este es mi projecto.
Target =
Working Directory =.
Command Line Arguments =

Category&02 = Harbour Options
Automatic Memvar Declaration = no|yes
Variables Are Assumed = no|yes
Generate Preprocessed Output = no|yes
Warning Level = 1|2|3|4|0
User Include Path =
User Defines =

Compiler Options =
Linker Options =

Excluded Files = Excludes

Target = Provides a space for you to specify an output file and location of the program that the linker creates.
Working Directory = Provides a space for you to specify the directory in which executing occurs. If you do not specify a directory, executing occurs in the directory where the executable is located.
Command Line Arguments = Provides a space for you to specify command-line arguments you want to pass to the program at startup.
Compiler Options = Provides a space for you to specify an additional compiler options.
User Defines = Shows the switches the tool will use to build. Use ';' as delimiter.
Linker Options = Provides a space for you to specify an additional linker options.
Excluded Files = This will exclude the file(s) included in this UE project group from the build.

User Defines = @[;|-D%s]
Automatic Memvar Declaration = no=|yes=/a
Variables Are Assumed = no=|yes=/v
Generate Preprocessed Output = no=|yes=/p
User Include Path = ^^@[;|;%s]
User Include Path&1 = ^^@[;| /i%s]
Use Multi Thread Library = no|yes
Warning Level = @/w%s

FWH = c:\FWH
HPATH = c:\xHarbour110
CPATH = c:\bcc55


HOPT = /n /gc0 /q $(Compiler Options) /i$(HPATH)\INCLUDE $(User Include Path&1) $(User Defines) $(Automatic Memvar Declaration) $(Variables Are Assumed) $(Generate Preprocessed Output) $(Warning Level)

LOPT = -Gn -aa -Tpe -s -v
LIBS1 = $(FWH)\LIB\FiveHX.lib $(FWH)\LIB\FiveHC.lib
LIBS2 = $(HPATHL)\rtl.lib $(HPATHL)\vm.lib $(HPATHL)\gtgui.lib $(HPATHL)\lang.lib $(HPATHL)\macro.lib $(HPATHL)\rdd.lib $(HPATHL)\dbfcdx.lib $(HPATHL)\dbfntx.lib $(HPATHL)\dbffpt.lib $(HPATHL)\hbsix.lib $(HPATHL)\debug.lib $(HPATHL)\common.lib $(HPATHL)\pp.lib $(HPATHL)\codepage.lib $(HPATHL)\pcrepos.lib
LIBS3 = $(CPATHL)\cw32.lib $(CPATHL)\import32.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\odbc32.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\msimg32.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\nddeapi.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\iphlpapi.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\rasapi32.lib
LIBS = $(LIBS1) $(LIBS2) $(LIBS3)


BuildMode = %UESMode%

TargetExt = .EXE
ReleaseOut = Release
DebugOut = Debug
UseFullPaths = 1
UseDosNames = 1
Excludes = $(Excluded Files)
GenerateEDGroup=$(External Dependencies)
.CPP = .C

run = Execute Application
makef = Show Makefile

[Execute Application]
Title = Execute $T
Cmd0 = $(Command Line Arguments)
Depends = $T
ShowWindow = 1
DisplayConsole = $(DCon)

[Show Makefile]
Title=Show makefile
Cmd0=uestudio makefile


FGO = .obj;
FGR = .res;
FGL = .lib;
FGD = .def;

FGO = %s
FGR = %s
FGL = %s

Out = $T
Depends = $FGO $FGR
DebugFlag =
ReleaseFlag =
Cmd0 = ilink32 $(LOPT) c0w32.obj $FGO, $T,, $(LIBS),, $FGR

Out = $In.c
DebugFlag = /b
ReleaseFlag = /l
Cmd0 = harbour $I $(HOPT) $R /o$O

IncFiles = 1
CaseSensitive = 0
IncDirs = .;$(INCLUDE);
IncKeyWords = #include;
Comments = /*.*/.//.eol.

Out = $In.obj
Cmd0 = bcc32 $(COPT) -o$O $I
IncDirs = .;$(INCLUDE);

Out = $In.res
Cmd0 = brc32 -r -fo$O $I

IncFiles = 1
CaseSensitive = 0
IncDirs = .;$(INCLUDE);
IncKeyWords = #include;
Comments = /*.*/.//.eol.

Re: UEstudio

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:46 pm
by Antonio Linares

Esos flags ya estan en esta linea de las que has mostrado:


Re: UEstudio

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:59 pm
by Ricardo Ramirez E.
Esos flags ya estan en esta linea de las que has mostrado:

Gracias.. estuve revisando el archivo de projecto y me di cuenta de ello.

Ya consegui generar el executable, pero como indico en el projecto que el exe debe generarse en una determinada carpeta?
En el projecto x defecto el nombre de archvio de recursos es el nombre del projecto en si. Donde debe estar ese .RES? ya lo coloque en la carpeta
de mi projecto y dentro de \debug sin exito, el Exe se genera sin el .RES :(