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Como crear graficos usando ole en excel

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:47 pm
by rlblanco
Hola a todos y gracias anticipadas.

He conseguido con OLE ,abrir un libro Excel, enviar datos, formatear celdas , etc… lo básico, pero ahora mi problema es que no soy capaz de codificar en mi programa los objetos y metodos de MS Excel, para que desde el mismo, se creen dos gráficos incrustados en otra hoja del libro referenciando, es decir, definir el tipo de gráfico, los rangos necesarios con las series de datos, etc...

Me podríais ayudar si son tan amables con algún ejemplo. Si el gráfico fuese del tipo "radar" mucho mejor.

Muchas gracias por todo.
Ricardo Blanco. :oops:

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:21 pm
by cuatecatl82
Ricardo Blanco:

Hola y bienvenido al foro

Me pregunto si sería posible que nos podrías aportarar a la comunidad las funciones basicas para el manejo de Excel desde OLE :oops: , ya que muchos como yo estamos probando las diferentes formas de exportar nuestros reportes o listados a Excel y si tienes experiencia en eso pues que mejor que aplicar tus conocimientos en esta area.. 8) 8)

Saludos desde México-.. :D :D

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:58 am
by rlblanco
Hola Victor Manuel

Creo que en este tema no puedo aportar más de lo que se ve por el foro. Todos mis conocimientos para programar OLE como interface con EXCEL los he adquirido mirando aquí.

Mi mayor problema es interpretar los ejemplos en visual basic u otros lenguajes que veo en la ayuda de excel e internet y transcribirlos a la sintaxis de Harbour/fivewin, es por ello que no soy capaz de conseguir construir desde cero, es decir dandole todas sus propiedades, rangos, etc..., un gráfico incrustado en una hoja excel dando instrucciones a través de Ole desde mis aplicaciones.

Por si te puede aportar algo,esto es un pequeño fragmento de código a modo de ejemplo de como accedo yo Excel con OLE :

oExcel:=TOleAuto():New( "Excel.Application" )
oSheet:= oExcel:Get( "ActiveSheet" )

oSheet:= oExcel:sheets:item(1)
oSheet:= oExcel:sheets:item(2)
oExcel:visible := .t.

oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 1, 1 ):Value := "AREA"
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 3, 1 ):Value := "NOMBRE PILAR"

oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 2, 4 ):Value := "NOMBRE PERSONA"
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 2, 6 ):Value := "ROL PERSONA"
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 2, 7 ):Value := "COMPETENCIAS"
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 2, 8 ):Value := "VAL. REQUER."
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 2, 9 ):Value := "VAL. ACTUAL"

*oSheet:Range("A:A"):Set("ColumnWidth",32) // AJUSTA TAMAÑO UN RANGO A UN VALOR

oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 2, 1 ):Value := XFAM_PRO
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( 4, 1 ):Value := VDEN_PILAR

fila := 3

VROL :=15->ROL

oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( fila, 4):Value := VNOMBRE
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( fila, 6 ):Value := VROL


oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( fila,7 ):Value := 16->COMPET
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( fila,8 ):Value := 16->REQUERIDO
oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Cells( fila,9 ):Value := 16->NEW_EVALU



oExcel:Sheets( "Datos" ):Range("A1:I30000"):Columns:AutoFit() // FIJA AJUSTE TAMAÑO DE RANGO


oExcel:Sheets(1):Select() // me posiciono en la hoja 1 de gráficos.


// oGraficos:Add(izquierda,arriba,ancho,largo);


** apartir de aquí mis problemas

oChart:Chart:ChartWizard(gallery:= 4)
oChart:Chart:ChartWizard(title:="New Chart")


**-- más cosas..........






Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:36 am
by pymsoft
rlblanco yo hago asi:

Code: Select all

    // INCASSI
    oExcel := TOleAuto():New( "Excel.Application" )

    // Excel not available
    IF Ole2TxtError() != "S_OK"
     MsgStop("Excel non disponibile!", APP_NAME )
     oExcel := NIL

    InfStat("Invio dati a Excel (incassi)...")

    // foglio 1

    IF lMensile
      cTitolo := "VENDITA MENSILE - Dal: " + DTOC( dDataDa ) + " al: " + DTOC( dDataA ) + " - " + ALLTRIM( oV:cNameDitta )
    ELSE // giornaliero
      cTitolo := "VENDITA GIORNALIERA - Dal: " + DTOC( dDataDa ) + " al: " + DTOC( dDataA ) + " - " + ALLTRIM( oV:cNameDitta )

    oExcel:Visible := .F.
    oHoja := oExcel:Get( "ActiveSheet" )

    oHoja:Cells( 1, 01 ):Value := cTitolo
    oHoja:Cells( 1, 01 ):Font:Bold  := .T.

    oHoja:Cells( 4, 01 ):Value := "DATA"
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 02 ):Value := "IMPORTO"
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 01 ):Font:Bold  := .T.
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 02 ):Font:Bold  := .T.

    FOR i := 1 TO LEN( aIncassi )
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 01 ):Value := aIncassi[i,1]
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 02 ):Value := aIncassi[i,2]
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 02 ):Set("NumberFormat"," #.##0,00;- #.##0,00")
    oHoja:Columns("A:A"):Set("ColumnWidth", 9.43 )

    // grafico
    oHoja:Range("A4:B" + NTRIM( LEN( aIncassi ) + 4 ) ):Select()
    oChart := oExcel:Charts:Add()
    oChart:ChartType := 54 // xl3DColumnClustered

    //xl3DPie -4102
    //xlColumnClustered 51
    //xlBarClustered 57
    // xl3DColumnClustered 54

    oSourceData := oHoja:Range("A4:B" + NTRIM( LEN( aIncassi ) + 4 ))
    oChart:SetSourceData(oSourceData) //, PlotBy := 2 // xlColumns

    oChart:HasLegend := .T.
    oChart:Legend:Position := -4107 // xlBottom

    oChart:HasTitle := .T.
    oChart:ChartTitle:Characters:Text := cTitolo

    //oChartActive := oChart:ChartArea:Select()

    TRY // non funziona tutto, e se tolgo el try, end, da errori in tutti, però, in questo modo, mette gli importi
      oCh1 := oChart:PlotArea:Select()
      oCh1:RightAngleAxes := .T.
      oCh1:Elevation := 15
      oCh1:Perspective := 30
      oCh1:Rotation := 20
      oCh1:HeightPercent := 100
      oCh1:_ := .T.

      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("LegendKey", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("HasLeaderLines", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("ShowValue", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("AutoText", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("ShowBubbleSize", .F. )

    // foglio 2
    InfStat("Invio dati a Excel (Articoli più venduti)...")

    aArtAnnoLavoro := ASORT( aArtAnnoLavoro,,, { |x, y| x[2] > y[2] } )

    cTitolo := "Articoli più venduti  - " + ALLTRIM( oV:cNameDitta ) + " - dal: " + DTOC( dDataDa ) + " al: " + DTOC( dDataA )

    oExcel:Sheets(3):Select() // sara il foglio 2, perche il primo è il grafico  ;-)
    oHoja := oExcel:Get( "ActiveSheet" )

    oHoja:Cells( 1, 01 ):Value := cTitolo
    oHoja:Cells( 1, 01 ):Font:Bold  := .T.

    oHoja:Cells( 4, 01 ):Value := "ARTICOLO"
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 02 ):Value := "IMPORTO"
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 01 ):Font:Bold  := .T.
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 02 ):Font:Bold  := .T.

    FOR i := 1 TO 10 // LEN( aArtAnnoLavoro )
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 01 ):Value := ALLTRIM( aArtAnnoLavoro[i,1] ) + " - " + ALLTRIM( NameArt( aArtAnnoLavoro[i,1] ) )
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 02 ):Value := aArtAnnoLavoro[i,2]
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 02 ):Set("NumberFormat"," #.##0,00;- #.##0,00")
    //oHoja:Columns("A:A"):Set("ColumnWidth", 9.43 )

    // grafico
    oChart := oExcel:Charts:Add()
    oChart:ChartType := -4102 // xl3DPie
    oSourceData := oHoja:Range("A5:B14")

    oChart:HasLegend := .T.
    oChart:Legend:Position := -4107 // xlBottom

    oChart:HasTitle := .T.
    oChart:ChartTitle:Characters:Text := cTitolo

    TRY // non funziona tutto, e se tolgo el try, end, da errori in tutti, però, in questo modo, mette gli importi in ogni fetta della torta...
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("LegendKey", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("HasLeaderLines", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("ShowValue", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("AutoText", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("ShowBubbleSize", .F. )

    // foglio 3
    InfStat("Invio dati a Excel (Articoli più venduti in pezzi)...")

    aArtAnnoLavoro := ASORT( aArtAnnoLavoro,,, { |x, y| x[3] > y[3] } )

    cTitolo := "Articoli più venduti (in pezzi) - " + ALLTRIM( oV:cNameDitta ) + " - dal: " + DTOC( dDataDa ) + " al: " + DTOC( dDataA )

    oExcel:Sheets(5):Select() // sara il foglio 3, perche il primo è il grafico, secondo il foglio 1, terzo il secondo grafico, quarto il foglio 2  ;-)
    oHoja := oExcel:Get( "ActiveSheet" )

    oHoja:Cells( 1, 01 ):Value := cTitolo
    oHoja:Cells( 1, 01 ):Font:Bold  := .T.

    oHoja:Cells( 4, 01 ):Value := "ARTICOLO"
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 02 ):Value := "PEZZI"
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 01 ):Font:Bold  := .T.
    oHoja:Cells( 4, 02 ):Font:Bold  := .T.

    FOR i := 1 TO 10 // LEN( aArtAnnoLavoro )
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 01 ):Value := ALLTRIM( aArtAnnoLavoro[i,1] ) + " - " + ALLTRIM( NameArt( aArtAnnoLavoro[i,1] ) )
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 02 ):Value := aArtAnnoLavoro[i,3]
      oHoja:Cells( i+4, 02 ):Set("NumberFormat"," #.##0,00;- #.##0,00")
    //oHoja:Columns("A:A"):Set("ColumnWidth", 9.43 )

    // grafico
    oChart := oExcel:Charts:Add()
    oChart:ChartType := -4102 // xl3DPie
    oSourceData := oHoja:Range("A5:B14")

    oChart:HasLegend := .T.
    oChart:Legend:Position := -4107 // xlBottom

    oChart:HasTitle := .T.
    oChart:ChartTitle:Characters:Text := cTitolo

    TRY // non funziona tutto, e se tolgo el try, end, da errori in tutti, però, in questo modo, mette gli importi in ogni fetta della torta...
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("LegendKey", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("HasLeaderLines", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("ShowValue", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("AutoText", .T. )
      oChart:ApplyDataLabels:Set("ShowBubbleSize", .F. )
    // FINE più venduti in pezzi

    oExcel:Visible := .T.
    lUscitaOk := .T.

    lUscitaOk := .F.


RETURN lUscitaOk

En _ da error, por ese motivo puse el TRY CATCH
De repente te sirve para hacerte una idea, no si es lo que tu necesitas.


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:39 pm
by rlblanco
Hola pymsoft.

Muchísimas gracias por el ejemplo, algo así, es lo que echaba en falta para comprender el funcionamiento. Gracias a ello ya he conseguido hacer un gráfico incrustado tipo radar relleno en una hoja.
He andado loco con los valores de las constantes de excel, así que aquí dejo una muestra para quien las necesite.

' =======================================
' MS Excel constants
' ---------------------------------------
Const xlAll = -4104
Const xlAutomatic = -4105
Const xlBoth = 1
Const xlCenter = -4108
Const xlChecker = 9
Const xlCircle = 8
Const xlCorner = 2
Const xlCrissCross = 16
Const xlCross = 4
Const xlDiamond = 2
Const xlDistributed = -4117
Const xlDoubleAccounting = 5
Const xlFixedValue = 1
Const xlFormats = -4122
Const xlGray16 = 17
Const xlGray8 = 18
Const xlGrid = 15
Const xlHigh = -4127
Const xlInside = 2
Const xlJustify = -4130
Const xlLightDown = 13
Const xlLightHorizontal = 11
Const xlLightUp = 14
Const xlLightVertical = 12
Const xlLow = -4134
Const xlManual = -4135
Const xlMinusValues = 3
Const xlModule = -4141
Const xlNextToAxis = 4
Const xlNone = -4142
Const xlNotes = -4144
Const xlOff = -4146
Const xlOn = 1
Const xlPercent = 2
Const xlPlus = 9
Const xlPlusValues = 2
Const xlSemiGray75 = 10
Const xlShowLabel = 4
Const xlShowLabelAndPercent = 5
Const xlShowPercent = 3
Const xlShowValue = 2
Const xlSimple = -4154
Const xlSingle = 2
Const xlSingleAccounting = 4
Const xlSolid = 1
Const xlSquare = 1
Const xlStar = 5
Const xlStError = 4
Const xlToolbarButton = 2
Const xlTriangle = 3
Const xlGray25 = -4124
Const xlGray50 = -4125
Const xlGray75 = -4126
Const xlBottom = -4107
Const xlLeft = -4131
Const xlRight = -4152
Const xlTop = -4160
Const xl3DBar = -4099
Const xl3DSurface = -4103
Const xlBar = 2
Const xlColumn = 3
Const xlCombination = -4111
Const xlCustom = -4114
Const xlDefaultAutoFormat = -1
Const xlMaximum = 2
Const xlMinimum = 4
Const xlOpaque = 3
Const xlTransparent = 2
Const xlBidi = -5000
Const xlLatin = -5001
Const xlContext = -5002
Const xlLTR = -5003
Const xlRTL = -5004
Const xlFullScript = 1
Const xlPartialScript = 2
Const xlMixedScript = 3
Const xlMixedAuthorizedScript = 4
Const xlVisualCursor = 2
Const xlLogicalCursor = 1
Const xlSystem = 1
Const xlPartial = 3
Const xlHindiNumerals = 3
Const xlBidiCalendar = 3
Const xlGregorian = 2
Const xlComplete = 4
Const xlScale = 3
Const xlClosed = 3
Const xlColor1 = 7
Const xlColor2 = 8
Const xlColor3 = 9
Const xlConstants = 2
Const xlContents = 2
Const xlBelow = 1
Const xlCascade = 7
Const xlCenterAcrossSelection = 7
Const xlChart4 = 2
Const xlChartSeries = 17
Const xlChartShort = 6
Const xlChartTitles = 18
Const xlClassic1 = 1
Const xlClassic2 = 2
Const xlClassic3 = 3
Const xl3DEffects1 = 13
Const xl3DEffects2 = 14
Const xlAbove = 0
Const xlAccounting1 = 4
Const xlAccounting2 = 5
Const xlAccounting3 = 6
Const xlAccounting4 = 17
Const xlAdd = 2
Const xlDebugCodePane = 13
Const xlDesktop = 9
Const xlDirect = 1
Const xlDivide = 5
Const xlDoubleClosed = 5
Const xlDoubleOpen = 4
Const xlDoubleQuote = 1
Const xlEntireChart = 20
Const xlExcelMenus = 1
Const xlExtended = 3
Const xlFill = 5
Const xlFirst = 0
Const xlFloating = 5
Const xlFormula = 5
Const xlGeneral = 1
Const xlGridline = 22
Const xlIcons = 1
Const xlImmediatePane = 12
Const xlInteger = 2
Const xlLast = 1
Const xlLastCell = 11
Const xlList1 = 10
Const xlList2 = 11
Const xlList3 = 12
Const xlLocalFormat1 = 15
Const xlLocalFormat2 = 16
Const xlLong = 3
Const xlLotusHelp = 2
Const xlMacrosheetCell = 7
Const xlMixed = 2
Const xlMultiply = 4
Const xlNarrow = 1
Const xlNoDocuments = 3
Const xlOpen = 2
Const xlOutside = 3
Const xlReference = 4
Const xlSemiautomatic = 2
Const xlShort = 1
Const xlSingleQuote = 2
Const xlStrict = 2
Const xlSubtract = 3
Const xlTextBox = 16
Const xlTiled = 1
Const xlTitleBar = 8
Const xlToolbar = 1
Const xlVisible = 12
Const xlWatchPane = 11
Const xlWide = 3
Const xlWorkbookTab = 6
Const xlWorksheet4 = 1
Const xlWorksheetCell = 3
Const xlWorksheetShort = 5
Const xlAllExceptBorders = 7
Const xlLeftToRight = 2
Const xlTopToBottom = 1
Const xlVeryHidden = 2
Const xlDrawingObject = 14
Const xlCreatorCode = 1480803660
Const xlBuiltIn = 21
Const xlUserDefined = 22
Const xlAnyGallery = 23
Const xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105
Const xlColorIndexNone = -4142
Const xlCap = 1
Const xlNoCap = 2
Const xlColumns = 2
Const xlRows = 1
Const xlScaleLinear = -4132
Const xlScaleLogarithmic = -4133
Const xlAutoFill = 4
Const xlChronological = 3
Const xlGrowth = 2
Const xlDataSeriesLinear = -4132
Const xlAxisCrossesAutomatic = -4105
Const xlAxisCrossesCustom = -4114
Const xlAxisCrossesMaximum = 2
Const xlAxisCrossesMinimum = 4
Const xlPrimary = 1
Const xlSecondary = 2
Const xlBackgroundAutomatic = -4105
Const xlBackgroundOpaque = 3
Const xlBackgroundTransparent = 2
Const xlMaximized = -4137
Const xlMinimized = -4140
Const xlNormal = -4143
Const xlCategory = 1
Const xlSeriesAxis = 3
Const xlValue = 2
Const xlArrowHeadLengthLong = 3
Const xlArrowHeadLengthMedium = -4138
Const xlArrowHeadLengthShort = 1
Const xlVAlignBottom = -4107
Const xlVAlignCenter = -4108
Const xlVAlignDistributed = -4117
Const xlVAlignJustify = -4130
Const xlVAlignTop = -4160
Const xlTickMarkCross = 4
Const xlTickMarkInside = 2
Const xlTickMarkNone = -4142
Const xlTickMarkOutside = 3
Const xlX = -4168
Const xlY = 1
Const xlErrorBarIncludeBoth = 1
Const xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues = 3
Const xlErrorBarIncludeNone = -4142
Const xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues = 2
Const xlInterpolated = 3
Const xlNotPlotted = 1
Const xlZero = 2
Const xlArrowHeadStyleClosed = 3
Const xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleClosed = 5
Const xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleOpen = 4
Const xlArrowHeadStyleNone = -4142
Const xlArrowHeadStyleOpen = 2
Const xlArrowHeadWidthMedium = -4138
Const xlArrowHeadWidthNarrow = 1
Const xlArrowHeadWidthWide = 3
Const xlHAlignCenter = -4108
Const xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection = 7
Const xlHAlignDistributed = -4117
Const xlHAlignFill = 5
Const xlHAlignGeneral = 1
Const xlHAlignJustify = -4130
Const xlHAlignLeft = -4131
Const xlHAlignRight = -4152
Const xlTickLabelPositionHigh = -4127
Const xlTickLabelPositionLow = -4134
Const xlTickLabelPositionNextToAxis = 4
Const xlTickLabelPositionNone = -4142
Const xlLegendPositionBottom = -4107
Const xlLegendPositionCorner = 2
Const xlLegendPositionLeft = -4131
Const xlLegendPositionRight = -4152
Const xlLegendPositionTop = -4160
Const xlStackScale = 3
Const xlStack = 2
Const xlStretch = 1
Const xlSides = 1
Const xlEnd = 2
Const xlEndSides = 3
Const xlFront = 4
Const xlFrontSides = 5
Const xlFrontEnd = 6
Const xlAllFaces = 7
Const xlDownward = -4170
Const xlHorizontal = -4128
Const xlUpward = -4171
Const xlVertical = -4166
Const xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic = -4105
Const xlTickLabelOrientationDownward = -4170
Const xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal = -4128
Const xlTickLabelOrientationUpward = -4171
Const xlTickLabelOrientationVertical = -4166
Const xlHairline = 1
Const xlMedium = -4138
Const xlThick = 4
Const xlThin = 2
Const xlDay = 1
Const xlMonth = 3
Const xlWeekday = 2
Const xlYear = 4
Const xlUnderlineStyleDouble = -4119
Const xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 5
Const xlUnderlineStyleNone = -4142
Const xlUnderlineStyleSingle = 2
Const xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 4
Const xlErrorBarTypeCustom = -4114
Const xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue = 1
Const xlErrorBarTypePercent = 2
Const xlErrorBarTypeStDev = -4155
Const xlErrorBarTypeStError = 4
Const xlExponential = 5
Const xlLinear = -4132
Const xlLogarithmic = -4133
Const xlMovingAvg = 6
Const xlPolynomial = 3
Const xlPower = 4
Const xlContinuous = 1
Const xlDash = -4115
Const xlDashDot = 4
Const xlDashDotDot = 5
Const xlDot = -4118
Const xlDouble = -4119
Const xlSlantDashDot = 13
Const xlLineStyleNone = -4142
Const xlDataLabelsShowNone = -4142
Const xlDataLabelsShowValue = 2
Const xlDataLabelsShowPercent = 3
Const xlDataLabelsShowLabel = 4
Const xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent = 5
Const xlDataLabelsShowBubbleSizes = 6
Const xlMarkerStyleAutomatic = -4105
Const xlMarkerStyleCircle = 8
Const xlMarkerStyleDash = -4115
Const xlMarkerStyleDiamond = 2
Const xlMarkerStyleDot = -4118
Const xlMarkerStyleNone = -4142
Const xlMarkerStylePicture = -4147
Const xlMarkerStylePlus = 9
Const xlMarkerStyleSquare = 1
Const xlMarkerStyleStar = 5
Const xlMarkerStyleTriangle = 3
Const xlMarkerStyleX = -4168
Const xlBMP = 1
Const xlCGM = 7
Const xlDRW = 4
Const xlDXF = 5
Const xlEPS = 8
Const xlHGL = 6
Const xlPCT = 13
Const xlPCX = 10
Const xlPIC = 11
Const xlPLT = 12
Const xlTIF = 9
Const xlWMF = 2
Const xlWPG = 3
Const xlPatternAutomatic = -4105
Const xlPatternChecker = 9
Const xlPatternCrissCross = 16
Const xlPatternDown = -4121
Const xlPatternGray16 = 17
Const xlPatternGray25 = -4124
Const xlPatternGray50 = -4125
Const xlPatternGray75 = -4126
Const xlPatternGray8 = 18
Const xlPatternGrid = 15
Const xlPatternHorizontal = -4128
Const xlPatternLightDown = 13
Const xlPatternLightHorizontal = 11
Const xlPatternLightUp = 14
Const xlPatternLightVertical = 12
Const xlPatternNone = -4142
Const xlPatternSemiGray75 = 10
Const xlPatternSolid = 1
Const xlPatternUp = -4162
Const xlPatternVertical = -4166
Const xlSplitByPosition = 1
Const xlSplitByPercentValue = 3
Const xlSplitByCustomSplit = 4
Const xlSplitByValue = 2
Const xlHundreds = -2
Const xlThousands = -3
Const xlTenThousands = -4
Const xlHundredThousands = -5
Const xlMillions = -6
Const xlTenMillions = -7
Const xlHundredMillions = -8
Const xlThousandMillions = -9
Const xlMillionMillions = -10
Const xlLabelPositionCenter = -4108
Const xlLabelPositionAbove = 0
Const xlLabelPositionBelow = 1
Const xlLabelPositionLeft = -4131
Const xlLabelPositionRight = -4152
Const xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd = 2
Const xlLabelPositionInsideEnd = 3
Const xlLabelPositionInsideBase = 4
Const xlLabelPositionBestFit = 5
Const xlLabelPositionMixed = 6
Const xlLabelPositionCustom = 7
Const xlDays = 0
Const xlMonths = 1
Const xlYears = 2
Const xlCategoryScale = 2
Const xlTimeScale = 3
Const xlAutomaticScale = -4105
Const xlBox = 0
Const xlPyramidToPoint = 1
Const xlPyramidToMax = 2
Const xlCylinder = 3
Const xlConeToPoint = 4
Const xlConeToMax = 5
Const xlColumnClustered = 51
Const xlColumnStacked = 52
Const xlColumnStacked100 = 53
Const xl3DColumnClustered = 54
Const xl3DColumnStacked = 55
Const xl3DColumnStacked100 = 56
Const xlBarClustered = 57
Const xlBarStacked = 58
Const xlBarStacked100 = 59
Const xl3DBarClustered = 60
Const xl3DBarStacked = 61
Const xl3DBarStacked100 = 62
Const xlLineStacked = 63
Const xlLineStacked100 = 64
Const xlLineMarkers = 65
Const xlLineMarkersStacked = 66
Const xlLineMarkersStacked100 = 67
Const xlPieOfPie = 68
Const xlPieExploded = 69
Const xl3DPieExploded = 70
Const xlBarOfPie = 71
Const xlXYScatterSmooth = 72
Const xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers = 73
Const xlXYScatterLines = 74
Const xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers = 75
Const xlAreaStacked = 76
Const xlAreaStacked100 = 77
Const xl3DAreaStacked = 78
Const xl3DAreaStacked100 = 79
Const xlDoughnutExploded = 80
Const xlRadarMarkers = 81
Const xlRadarFilled = 82
Const xlSurface = 83
Const xlSurfaceWireframe = 84
Const xlSurfaceTopView = 85
Const xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe = 86
Const xlBubble = 15
Const xlBubble3DEffect = 87
Const xlStockHLC = 88
Const xlStockOHLC = 89
Const xlStockVHLC = 90
Const xlStockVOHLC = 91
Const xlCylinderColClustered = 92
Const xlCylinderColStacked = 93
Const xlCylinderColStacked100 = 94
Const xlCylinderBarClustered = 95
Const xlCylinderBarStacked = 96
Const xlCylinderBarStacked100 = 97
Const xlCylinderCol = 98
Const xlConeColClustered = 99
Const xlConeColStacked = 100
Const xlConeColStacked100 = 101
Const xlConeBarClustered = 102
Const xlConeBarStacked = 103
Const xlConeBarStacked100 = 104
Const xlConeCol = 105
Const xlPyramidColClustered = 106
Const xlPyramidColStacked = 107
Const xlPyramidColStacked100 = 108
Const xlPyramidBarClustered = 109
Const xlPyramidBarStacked = 110
Const xlPyramidBarStacked100 = 111
Const xlPyramidCol = 112
Const xl3DColumn = -4100
Const xlLine = 4
Const xl3DLine = -4101
Const xl3DPie = -4102
Const xlPie = 5
Const xlXYScatter = -4169
Const xl3DArea = -4098
Const xlArea = 1
Const xlDoughnut = -4120
Const xlRadar = -4151
Const xlDataLabel = 0
Const xlChartArea = 2
Const xlSeries = 3
Const xlChartTitle = 4
Const xlWalls = 5
Const xlCorners = 6
Const xlDataTable = 7
Const xlTrendline = 8
Const xlErrorBars = 9
Const xlXErrorBars = 10
Const xlYErrorBars = 11
Const xlLegendEntry = 12
Const xlLegendKey = 13
Const xlShape = 14
Const xlMajorGridlines = 15
Const xlMinorGridlines = 16
Const xlAxisTitle = 17
Const xlUpBars = 18
Const xlPlotArea = 19
Const xlDownBars = 20
Const xlAxis = 21
Const xlSeriesLines = 22
Const xlFloor = 23
Const xlLegend = 24
Const xlHiLoLines = 25
Const xlDropLines = 26
Const xlRadarAxisLabels = 27
Const xlNothing = 28
Const xlLeaderLines = 29
Const xlDisplayUnitLabel = 30
Const xlPivotChartFieldButton = 31
Const xlPivotChartDropZone = 32
Const xlSizeIsWidth = 2
Const xlSizeIsArea = 1
Const xlShiftDown = -4121
Const xlShiftToRight = -4161
Const xlShiftToLeft = -4159
Const xlShiftUp = -4162
Const xlDown = -4121
Const xlToLeft = -4159
Const xlToRight = -4161
Const xlUp = -4162
Const xlAverage = -4106
Const xlCount = -4112
Const xlCountNums = -4113
Const xlMax = -4136
Const xlMin = -4139
Const xlProduct = -4149
Const xlStDev = -4155
Const xlStDevP = -4156
Const xlSum = -4157
Const xlVar = -4164
Const xlVarP = -4165
Const xlUnknown = 1000
Const xlChart = -4109
Const xlDialogSheet = -4116
Const xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet = 4
Const xlExcel4MacroSheet = 3
Const xlWorksheet = -4167
Const xlColumnHeader = -4110
Const xlColumnItem = 5
Const xlDataHeader = 3
Const xlDataItem = 7
Const xlPageHeader = 2
Const xlPageItem = 6
Const xlRowHeader = -4153
Const xlRowItem = 4
Const xlTableBody = 8
Const xlFormulas = -4123
Const xlComments = -4144
Const xlValues = -4163
Const xlChartAsWindow = 5
Const xlChartInPlace = 4
Const xlClipboard = 3
Const xlInfo = -4129
Const xlWorkbook = 1
Const xlDate = 2
Const xlNumber = -4145
Const xlText = -4158
Const xlBitmap = 2
Const xlPicture = -4147
Const xlScenario = 4
Const xlConsolidation = 3
Const xlDatabase = 1
Const xlExternal = 2
Const xlPivotTable = -4148
Const xlA1 = 1
Const xlR1C1 = -4150
Const xlMicrosoftAccess = 4
Const xlMicrosoftFoxPro = 5
Const xlMicrosoftMail = 3
Const xlMicrosoftPowerPoint = 2
Const xlMicrosoftProject = 6
Const xlMicrosoftSchedulePlus = 7
Const xlMicrosoftWord = 1
Const xlNoButton = 0
Const xlPrimaryButton = 1
Const xlSecondaryButton = 2
Const xlCopy = 1
Const xlCut = 2
Const xlFillWithAll = -4104
Const xlFillWithContents = 2
Const xlFillWithFormats = -4122
Const xlFilterCopy = 2
Const xlFilterInPlace = 1
Const xlDownThenOver = 1
Const xlOverThenDown = 2
Const xlLinkTypeExcelLinks = 1
Const xlLinkTypeOLELinks = 2
Const xlColumnThenRow = 2
Const xlRowThenColumn = 1
Const xlDisabled = 0
Const xlErrorHandler = 2
Const xlInterrupt = 1
Const xlPageBreakAutomatic = -4105
Const xlPageBreakManual = -4135
Const xlPageBreakNone = -4142
Const xlOLEControl = 2
Const xlOLEEmbed = 1
Const xlOLELink = 0
Const xlLandscape = 2
Const xlPortrait = 1
Const xlEditionDate = 2
Const xlUpdateState = 1
Const xlLinkInfoStatus = 3
Const xlCommandUnderlinesAutomatic = -4105
Const xlCommandUnderlinesOff = -4146
Const xlCommandUnderlinesOn = 1
Const xlVerbOpen = 2
Const xlVerbPrimary = 1
Const xlCalculationAutomatic = -4105
Const xlCalculationManual = -4135
Const xlCalculationSemiautomatic = 2
Const xlReadOnly = 3
Const xlReadWrite = 2
Const xlPublisher = 1
Const xlSubscriber = 2
Const xlFitToPage = 2
Const xlFullPage = 3
Const xlScreenSize = 1
Const xlPart = 2
Const xlWhole = 1
Const xlMAPI = 1
Const xlNoMailSystem = 0
Const xlPowerTalk = 2
Const xlLinkInfoOLELinks = 2
Const xlLinkInfoPublishers = 5
Const xlLinkInfoSubscribers = 6
Const xlErrDiv0 = 2007
Const xlErrNA = 2042
Const xlErrName = 2029
Const xlErrNull = 2000
Const xlErrNum = 2036
Const xlErrRef = 2023
Const xlErrValue = 2015
Const xlBIFF = 2
Const xlPICT = 1
Const xlRTF = 4
Const xlVALU = 8
Const xlExcelLinks = 1
Const xlOLELinks = 2
Const xlPublishers = 5
Const xlSubscribers = 6
Const xlCellTypeBlanks = 4
Const xlCellTypeConstants = 2
Const xlCellTypeFormulas = -4123
Const xlCellTypeLastCell = 11
Const xlCellTypeComments = -4144
Const xlCellTypeVisible = 12
Const xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions = -4172
Const xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions = -4173
Const xlCellTypeAllValidation = -4174
Const xlCellTypeSameValidation = -4175
Const xlArrangeStyleCascade = 7
Const xlArrangeStyleHorizontal = -4128
Const xlArrangeStyleTiled = 1
Const xlArrangeStyleVertical = -4166
Const xlIBeam = 3
Const xlDefault = -4143
Const xlNorthwestArrow = 1
Const xlWait = 2
Const xlAutomaticUpdate = 4
Const xlCancel = 1
Const xlChangeAttributes = 6
Const xlManualUpdate = 5
Const xlOpenSource = 3
Const xlSelect = 3
Const xlSendPublisher = 2
Const xlUpdateSubscriber = 2
Const xlFillCopy = 1
Const xlFillDays = 5
Const xlFillDefault = 0
Const xlFillFormats = 3
Const xlFillMonths = 7
Const xlFillSeries = 2
Const xlFillValues = 4
Const xlFillWeekdays = 6
Const xlFillYears = 8
Const xlGrowthTrend = 10
Const xlLinearTrend = 9
Const xlAnd = 1
Const xlBottom10Items = 4
Const xlBottom10Percent = 6
Const xlOr = 2
Const xlTop10Items = 3
Const xlTop10Percent = 5
Const xlClipboardFormatBIFF = 8
Const xlClipboardFormatBIFF2 = 18
Const xlClipboardFormatBIFF3 = 20
Const xlClipboardFormatBIFF4 = 30
Const xlClipboardFormatBinary = 15
Const xlClipboardFormatBitmap = 9
Const xlClipboardFormatCGM = 13
Const xlClipboardFormatCSV = 5
Const xlClipboardFormatDIF = 4
Const xlClipboardFormatDspText = 12
Const xlClipboardFormatEmbeddedObject = 21
Const xlClipboardFormatEmbedSource = 22
Const xlClipboardFormatLink = 11
Const xlClipboardFormatLinkSource = 23
Const xlClipboardFormatLinkSourceDesc = 32
Const xlClipboardFormatMovie = 24
Const xlClipboardFormatNative = 14
Const xlClipboardFormatObjectDesc = 31
Const xlClipboardFormatObjectLink = 19
Const xlClipboardFormatOwnerLink = 17
Const xlClipboardFormatPICT = 2
Const xlClipboardFormatPrintPICT = 3
Const xlClipboardFormatRTF = 7
Const xlClipboardFormatScreenPICT = 29
Const xlClipboardFormatStandardFont = 28
Const xlClipboardFormatStandardScale = 27
Const xlClipboardFormatSYLK = 6
Const xlClipboardFormatTable = 16
Const xlClipboardFormatText = 0
Const xlClipboardFormatToolFace = 25
Const xlClipboardFormatToolFacePICT = 26
Const xlClipboardFormatVALU = 1
Const xlClipboardFormatWK1 = 10
Const xlAddIn = 18
Const xlCSV = 6
Const xlCSVMac = 22
Const xlCSVMSDOS = 24
Const xlCSVWindows = 23
Const xlDBF2 = 7
Const xlDBF3 = 8
Const xlDBF4 = 11
Const xlDIF = 9
Const xlExcel2 = 16
Const xlExcel2FarEast = 27
Const xlExcel3 = 29
Const xlExcel4 = 33
Const xlExcel5 = 39
Const xlExcel7 = 39
Const xlExcel9795 = 43
Const xlExcel4Workbook = 35
Const xlIntlAddIn = 26
Const xlIntlMacro = 25
Const xlWorkbookNormal = -4143
Const xlSYLK = 2
Const xlTemplate = 17
Const xlCurrentPlatformText = -4158
Const xlTextMac = 19
Const xlTextMSDOS = 21
Const xlTextPrinter = 36
Const xlTextWindows = 20
Const xlWJ2WD1 = 14
Const xlWK1 = 5
Const xlWK1ALL = 31
Const xlWK1FMT = 30
Const xlWK3 = 15
Const xlWK4 = 38
Const xlWK3FM3 = 32
Const xlWKS = 4
Const xlWorks2FarEast = 28
Const xlWQ1 = 34
Const xlWJ3 = 40
Const xlWJ3FJ3 = 41
Const xlUnicodeText = 42
Const xlHtml = 44
Const xlWebArchive = 45
Const xlXMLSpreadsheet = 46
Const xl24HourClock = 33
Const xl4DigitYears = 43
Const xlAlternateArraySeparator = 16
Const xlColumnSeparator = 14
Const xlCountryCode = 1
Const xlCountrySetting = 2
Const xlCurrencyBefore = 37
Const xlCurrencyCode = 25
Const xlCurrencyDigits = 27
Const xlCurrencyLeadingZeros = 40
Const xlCurrencyMinusSign = 38
Const xlCurrencyNegative = 28
Const xlCurrencySpaceBefore = 36
Const xlCurrencyTrailingZeros = 39
Const xlDateOrder = 32
Const xlDateSeparator = 17
Const xlDayCode = 21
Const xlDayLeadingZero = 42
Const xlDecimalSeparator = 3
Const xlGeneralFormatName = 26
Const xlHourCode = 22
Const xlLeftBrace = 12
Const xlLeftBracket = 10
Const xlListSeparator = 5
Const xlLowerCaseColumnLetter = 9
Const xlLowerCaseRowLetter = 8
Const xlMDY = 44
Const xlMetric = 35
Const xlMinuteCode = 23
Const xlMonthCode = 20
Const xlMonthLeadingZero = 41
Const xlMonthNameChars = 30
Const xlNoncurrencyDigits = 29
Const xlNonEnglishFunctions = 34
Const xlRightBrace = 13
Const xlRightBracket = 11
Const xlRowSeparator = 15
Const xlSecondCode = 24
Const xlThousandsSeparator = 4
Const xlTimeLeadingZero = 45
Const xlTimeSeparator = 18
Const xlUpperCaseColumnLetter = 7
Const xlUpperCaseRowLetter = 6
Const xlWeekdayNameChars = 31
Const xlYearCode = 19
Const xlPageBreakFull = 1
Const xlPageBreakPartial = 2
Const xlOverwriteCells = 0
Const xlInsertDeleteCells = 1
Const xlInsertEntireRows = 2
Const xlNoLabels = -4142
Const xlRowLabels = 1
Const xlColumnLabels = 2
Const xlMixedLabels = 3
Const xlSinceMyLastSave = 1
Const xlAllChanges = 2
Const xlNotYetReviewed = 3
Const xlNoIndicator = 0
Const xlCommentIndicatorOnly = -1
Const xlCommentAndIndicator = 1
Const xlCellValue = 1
Const xlExpression = 2
Const xlBetween = 1
Const xlNotBetween = 2
Const xlEqual = 3
Const xlNotEqual = 4
Const xlGreater = 5
Const xlLess = 6
Const xlGreaterEqual = 7
Const xlLessEqual = 8
Const xlNoRestrictions = 0
Const xlUnlockedCells = 1
Const xlNoSelection = -4142
Const xlValidateInputOnly = 0
Const xlValidateWholeNumber = 1
Const xlValidateDecimal = 2
Const xlValidateList = 3
Const xlValidateDate = 4
Const xlValidateTime = 5
Const xlValidateTextLength = 6
Const xlValidateCustom = 7
Const xlIMEModeNoControl = 0
Const xlIMEModeOn = 1
Const xlIMEModeOff = 2
Const xlIMEModeDisable = 3
Const xlIMEModeHiragana = 4
Const xlIMEModeKatakana = 5
Const xlIMEModeKatakanaHalf = 6
Const xlIMEModeAlphaFull = 7
Const xlIMEModeAlpha = 8
Const xlIMEModeHangulFull = 9
Const xlIMEModeHangul = 10
Const xlValidAlertStop = 1
Const xlValidAlertWarning = 2
Const xlValidAlertInformation = 3
Const xlLocationAsNewSheet = 1
Const xlLocationAsObject = 2
Const xlLocationAutomatic = 3
Const xlPaper10x14 = 16
Const xlPaper11x17 = 17
Const xlPaperA3 = 8
Const xlPaperA4 = 9
Const xlPaperA4Small = 10
Const xlPaperA5 = 11
Const xlPaperB4 = 12
Const xlPaperB5 = 13
Const xlPaperCsheet = 24
Const xlPaperDsheet = 25
Const xlPaperEnvelope10 = 20
Const xlPaperEnvelope11 = 21
Const xlPaperEnvelope12 = 22
Const xlPaperEnvelope14 = 23
Const xlPaperEnvelope9 = 19
Const xlPaperEnvelopeB4 = 33
Const xlPaperEnvelopeB5 = 34
Const xlPaperEnvelopeB6 = 35
Const xlPaperEnvelopeC3 = 29
Const xlPaperEnvelopeC4 = 30
Const xlPaperEnvelopeC5 = 28
Const xlPaperEnvelopeC6 = 31
Const xlPaperEnvelopeC65 = 32
Const xlPaperEnvelopeDL = 27
Const xlPaperEnvelopeItaly = 36
Const xlPaperEnvelopeMonarch = 37
Const xlPaperEnvelopePersonal = 38
Const xlPaperEsheet = 26
Const xlPaperExecutive = 7
Const xlPaperFanfoldLegalGerman = 41
Const xlPaperFanfoldStdGerman = 40
Const xlPaperFanfoldUS = 39
Const xlPaperFolio = 14
Const xlPaperLedger = 4
Const xlPaperLegal = 5
Const xlPaperLetter = 1
Const xlPaperLetterSmall = 2
Const xlPaperNote = 18
Const xlPaperQuarto = 15
Const xlPaperStatement = 6
Const xlPaperTabloid = 3
Const xlPaperUser = 256
Const xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd = 2
Const xlPasteSpecialOperationDivide = 5
Const xlPasteSpecialOperationMultiply = 4
Const xlPasteSpecialOperationNone = -4142
Const xlPasteSpecialOperationSubtract = 3
Const xlPasteAll = -4104
Const xlPasteAllExceptBorders = 7
Const xlPasteFormats = -4122
Const xlPasteFormulas = -4123
Const xlPasteComments = -4144
Const xlPasteValues = -4163
Const xlPasteColumnWidths = 8
Const xlPasteValidation = 6
Const xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats = 11
Const xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats = 12
Const xlKatakanaHalf = 0
Const xlKatakana = 1
Const xlHiragana = 2
Const xlNoConversion = 3
Const xlPhoneticAlignNoControl = 0
Const xlPhoneticAlignLeft = 1
Const xlPhoneticAlignCenter = 2
Const xlPhoneticAlignDistributed = 3
Const xlPrinter = 2
Const xlScreen = 1
Const xlColumnField = 2
Const xlDataField = 4
Const xlHidden = 0
Const xlPageField = 3
Const xlRowField = 1
Const xlDifferenceFrom = 2
Const xlIndex = 9
Const xlNoAdditionalCalculation = -4143
Const xlPercentDifferenceFrom = 4
Const xlPercentOf = 3
Const xlPercentOfColumn = 7
Const xlPercentOfRow = 6
Const xlPercentOfTotal = 8
Const xlRunningTotal = 5
Const xlFreeFloating = 3
Const xlMove = 2
Const xlMoveAndSize = 1
Const xlMacintosh = 1
Const xlMSDOS = 3
Const xlWindows = 2
Const xlPrintSheetEnd = 1
Const xlPrintInPlace = 16
Const xlPrintNoComments = -4142
Const xlPriorityHigh = -4127
Const xlPriorityLow = -4134
Const xlPriorityNormal = -4143
Const xlLabelOnly = 1
Const xlDataAndLabel = 0
Const xlDataOnly = 2
Const xlOrigin = 3
Const xlButton = 15
Const xlBlanks = 4
Const xlFirstRow = 256
Const xlRangeAutoFormat3DEffects1 = 13
Const xlRangeAutoFormat3DEffects2 = 14
Const xlRangeAutoFormatAccounting1 = 4
Const xlRangeAutoFormatAccounting2 = 5
Const xlRangeAutoFormatAccounting3 = 6
Const xlRangeAutoFormatAccounting4 = 17
Const xlRangeAutoFormatClassic1 = 1
Const xlRangeAutoFormatClassic2 = 2
Const xlRangeAutoFormatClassic3 = 3
Const xlRangeAutoFormatColor1 = 7
Const xlRangeAutoFormatColor2 = 8
Const xlRangeAutoFormatColor3 = 9
Const xlRangeAutoFormatList1 = 10
Const xlRangeAutoFormatList2 = 11
Const xlRangeAutoFormatList3 = 12
Const xlRangeAutoFormatLocalFormat1 = 15
Const xlRangeAutoFormatLocalFormat2 = 16
Const xlRangeAutoFormatLocalFormat3 = 19
Const xlRangeAutoFormatLocalFormat4 = 20
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport1 = 21
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport2 = 22
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport3 = 23
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport4 = 24
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport5 = 25
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport6 = 26
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport7 = 27
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport8 = 28
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport9 = 29
Const xlRangeAutoFormatReport10 = 30
Const xlRangeAutoFormatClassicPivotTable = 31
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable1 = 32
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable2 = 33
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable3 = 34
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable4 = 35
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable5 = 36
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable6 = 37
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable7 = 38
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable8 = 39
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable9 = 40
Const xlRangeAutoFormatTable10 = 41
Const xlRangeAutoFormatPTNone = 42
Const xlRangeAutoFormatNone = -4142
Const xlRangeAutoFormatSimple = -4154
Const xlAbsolute = 1
Const xlAbsRowRelColumn = 2
Const xlRelative = 4
Const xlRelRowAbsColumn = 3
Const xlTabular = 0
Const xlOutline = 1
Const xlAllAtOnce = 2
Const xlOneAfterAnother = 1
Const xlNotYetRouted = 0
Const xlRoutingComplete = 2
Const xlRoutingInProgress = 1
Const xlAutoActivate = 3
Const xlAutoClose = 2
Const xlAutoDeactivate = 4
Const xlAutoOpen = 1
Const xlDoNotSaveChanges = 2
Const xlSaveChanges = 1
Const xlExclusive = 3
Const xlNoChange = 1
Const xlShared = 2
Const xlLocalSessionChanges = 2
Const xlOtherSessionChanges = 3
Const xlUserResolution = 1
Const xlNext = 1
Const xlPrevious = 2
Const xlByColumns = 2
Const xlByRows = 1
Const xlSheetVisible = -1
Const xlSheetHidden = 0
Const xlSheetVeryHidden = 2
Const xlPinYin = 1
Const xlStroke = 2
Const xlCodePage = 2
Const xlSyllabary = 1
Const xlAscending = 1
Const xlDescending = 2
Const xlSortRows = 2
Const xlSortColumns = 1
Const xlSortLabels = 2
Const xlSortValues = 1
Const xlErrors = 16
Const xlLogical = 4
Const xlNumbers = 1
Const xlTextValues = 2
Const xlSubscribeToPicture = -4147
Const xlSubscribeToText = -4158
Const xlSummaryAbove = 0
Const xlSummaryBelow = 1
Const xlSummaryOnLeft = -4131
Const xlSummaryOnRight = -4152
Const xlSummaryPivotTable = -4148
Const xlStandardSummary = 1
Const xlTabPositionFirst = 0
Const xlTabPositionLast = 1
Const xlDelimited = 1
Const xlFixedWidth = 2
Const xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote = 1
Const xlTextQualifierNone = -4142
Const xlTextQualifierSingleQuote = 2
Const xlWBATChart = -4109
Const xlWBATExcel4IntlMacroSheet = 4
Const xlWBATExcel4MacroSheet = 3
Const xlWBATWorksheet = -4167
Const xlNormalView = 1
Const xlPageBreakPreview = 2
Const xlCommand = 2
Const xlFunction = 1
Const xlNotXLM = 3
Const xlGuess = 0
Const xlNo = 2
Const xlYes = 1
Const xlInsideHorizontal = 12
Const xlInsideVertical = 11
Const xlDiagonalDown = 5
Const xlDiagonalUp = 6
Const xlEdgeBottom = 9
Const xlEdgeLeft = 7
Const xlEdgeRight = 10
Const xlEdgeTop = 8
Const xlNoButtonChanges = 1
Const xlNoChanges = 4
Const xlNoDockingChanges = 3
Const xlToolbarProtectionNone = -4143
Const xlNoShapeChanges = 2
Const xlDialogOpen = 1
Const xlDialogOpenLinks = 2
Const xlDialogSaveAs = 5
Const xlDialogFileDelete = 6
Const xlDialogPageSetup = 7
Const xlDialogPrint = 8
Const xlDialogPrinterSetup = 9
Const xlDialogArrangeAll = 12
Const xlDialogWindowSize = 13
Const xlDialogWindowMove = 14
Const xlDialogRun = 17
Const xlDialogSetPrintTitles = 23
Const xlDialogFont = 26
Const xlDialogDisplay = 27
Const xlDialogProtectDocument = 28
Const xlDialogCalculation = 32
Const xlDialogExtract = 35
Const xlDialogDataDelete = 36
Const xlDialogSort = 39
Const xlDialogDataSeries = 40
Const xlDialogTable = 41
Const xlDialogFormatNumber = 42
Const xlDialogAlignment = 43
Const xlDialogStyle = 44
Const xlDialogBorder = 45
Const xlDialogCellProtection = 46
Const xlDialogColumnWidth = 47
Const xlDialogClear = 52
Const xlDialogPasteSpecial = 53
Const xlDialogEditDelete = 54
Const xlDialogInsert = 55
Const xlDialogPasteNames = 58
Const xlDialogDefineName = 61
Const xlDialogCreateNames = 62
Const xlDialogFormulaGoto = 63
Const xlDialogFormulaFind = 64
Const xlDialogGalleryArea = 67
Const xlDialogGalleryBar = 68
Const xlDialogGalleryColumn = 69
Const xlDialogGalleryLine = 70
Const xlDialogGalleryPie = 71
Const xlDialogGalleryScatter = 72
Const xlDialogCombination = 73
Const xlDialogGridlines = 76
Const xlDialogAxes = 78
Const xlDialogAttachText = 80
Const xlDialogPatterns = 84
Const xlDialogMainChart = 85
Const xlDialogOverlay = 86
Const xlDialogScale = 87
Const xlDialogFormatLegend = 88
Const xlDialogFormatText = 89
Const xlDialogParse = 91
Const xlDialogUnhide = 94
Const xlDialogWorkspace = 95
Const xlDialogActivate = 103
Const xlDialogCopyPicture = 108
Const xlDialogDeleteName = 110
Const xlDialogDeleteFormat = 111
Const xlDialogNew = 119
Const xlDialogRowHeight = 127
Const xlDialogFormatMove = 128
Const xlDialogFormatSize = 129
Const xlDialogFormulaReplace = 130
Const xlDialogSelectSpecial = 132
Const xlDialogApplyNames = 133
Const xlDialogReplaceFont = 134
Const xlDialogSplit = 137
Const xlDialogOutline = 142
Const xlDialogSaveWorkbook = 145
Const xlDialogCopyChart = 147
Const xlDialogFormatFont = 150
Const xlDialogNote = 154
Const xlDialogSetUpdateStatus = 159
Const xlDialogColorPalette = 161
Const xlDialogChangeLink = 166
Const xlDialogAppMove = 170
Const xlDialogAppSize = 171
Const xlDialogMainChartType = 185
Const xlDialogOverlayChartType = 186
Const xlDialogOpenMail = 188
Const xlDialogSendMail = 189
Const xlDialogStandardFont = 190
Const xlDialogConsolidate = 191
Const xlDialogSortSpecial = 192
Const xlDialogGallery3dArea = 193
Const xlDialogGallery3dColumn = 194
Const xlDialogGallery3dLine = 195
Const xlDialogGallery3dPie = 196
Const xlDialogView3d = 197
Const xlDialogGoalSeek = 198
Const xlDialogWorkgroup = 199
Const xlDialogFillGroup = 200
Const xlDialogUpdateLink = 201
Const xlDialogPromote = 202
Const xlDialogDemote = 203
Const xlDialogShowDetail = 204
Const xlDialogObjectProperties = 207
Const xlDialogSaveNewObject = 208
Const xlDialogApplyStyle = 212
Const xlDialogAssignToObject = 213
Const xlDialogObjectProtection = 214
Const xlDialogCreatePublisher = 217
Const xlDialogSubscribeTo = 218
Const xlDialogShowToolbar = 220
Const xlDialogPrintPreview = 222
Const xlDialogEditColor = 223
Const xlDialogFormatMain = 225
Const xlDialogFormatOverlay = 226
Const xlDialogEditSeries = 228
Const xlDialogDefineStyle = 229
Const xlDialogGalleryRadar = 249
Const xlDialogEditionOptions = 251
Const xlDialogZoom = 256
Const xlDialogInsertObject = 259
Const xlDialogSize = 261
Const xlDialogMove = 262
Const xlDialogFormatAuto = 269
Const xlDialogGallery3dBar = 272
Const xlDialogGallery3dSurface = 273
Const xlDialogCustomizeToolbar = 276
Const xlDialogWorkbookAdd = 281
Const xlDialogWorkbookMove = 282
Const xlDialogWorkbookCopy = 283
Const xlDialogWorkbookOptions = 284
Const xlDialogSaveWorkspace = 285
Const xlDialogChartWizard = 288
Const xlDialogAssignToTool = 293
Const xlDialogPlacement = 300
Const xlDialogFillWorkgroup = 301
Const xlDialogWorkbookNew = 302
Const xlDialogScenarioCells = 305
Const xlDialogScenarioAdd = 307
Const xlDialogScenarioEdit = 308
Const xlDialogScenarioSummary = 311
Const xlDialogPivotTableWizard = 312
Const xlDialogPivotFieldProperties = 313
Const xlDialogOptionsCalculation = 318
Const xlDialogOptionsEdit = 319
Const xlDialogOptionsView = 320
Const xlDialogAddinManager = 321
Const xlDialogMenuEditor = 322
Const xlDialogAttachToolbars = 323
Const xlDialogOptionsChart = 325
Const xlDialogVbaInsertFile = 328
Const xlDialogVbaProcedureDefinition = 330
Const xlDialogRoutingSlip = 336
Const xlDialogMailLogon = 339
Const xlDialogInsertPicture = 342
Const xlDialogGalleryDoughnut = 344
Const xlDialogChartTrend = 350
Const xlDialogWorkbookInsert = 354
Const xlDialogOptionsTransition = 355
Const xlDialogOptionsGeneral = 356
Const xlDialogFilterAdvanced = 370
Const xlDialogMailNextLetter = 378
Const xlDialogDataLabel = 379
Const xlDialogInsertTitle = 380
Const xlDialogFontProperties = 381
Const xlDialogMacroOptions = 382
Const xlDialogWorkbookUnhide = 384
Const xlDialogWorkbookName = 386
Const xlDialogGalleryCustom = 388
Const xlDialogAddChartAutoformat = 390
Const xlDialogChartAddData = 392
Const xlDialogTabOrder = 394
Const xlDialogSubtotalCreate = 398
Const xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit = 415
Const xlDialogWorkbookProtect = 417
Const xlDialogScrollbarProperties = 420
Const xlDialogPivotShowPages = 421
Const xlDialogTextToColumns = 422
Const xlDialogFormatCharttype = 423
Const xlDialogPivotFieldGroup = 433
Const xlDialogPivotFieldUngroup = 434
Const xlDialogCheckboxProperties = 435
Const xlDialogLabelProperties = 436
Const xlDialogListboxProperties = 437
Const xlDialogEditboxProperties = 438
Const xlDialogOpenText = 441
Const xlDialogPushbuttonProperties = 445
Const xlDialogFilter = 447
Const xlDialogFunctionWizard = 450
Const xlDialogSaveCopyAs = 456
Const xlDialogOptionsListsAdd = 458
Const xlDialogSeriesAxes = 460
Const xlDialogSeriesX = 461
Const xlDialogSeriesY = 462
Const xlDialogErrorbarX = 463
Const xlDialogErrorbarY = 464
Const xlDialogFormatChart = 465
Const xlDialogSeriesOrder = 466
Const xlDialogMailEditMailer = 470
Const xlDialogStandardWidth = 472
Const xlDialogScenarioMerge = 473
Const xlDialogProperties = 474
Const xlDialogSummaryInfo = 474
Const xlDialogFindFile = 475
Const xlDialogActiveCellFont = 476
Const xlDialogVbaMakeAddin = 478
Const xlDialogFileSharing = 481
Const xlDialogAutoCorrect = 485
Const xlDialogCustomViews = 493
Const xlDialogInsertNameLabel = 496
Const xlDialogSeriesShape = 504
Const xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabels = 505
Const xlDialogChartOptionsDataTable = 506
Const xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture = 509
Const xlDialogDataValidation = 525
Const xlDialogChartType = 526
Const xlDialogChartLocation = 527
Const xlDialogPhonetic = 538
Const xlDialogChartSourceData = 540
Const xlDialogSeriesOptions = 557
Const xlDialogPivotTableOptions = 567
Const xlDialogPivotSolveOrder = 568
Const xlDialogPivotCalculatedField = 570
Const xlDialogPivotCalculatedItem = 572
Const xlDialogConditionalFormatting = 583
Const xlDialogInsertHyperlink = 596
Const xlDialogProtectSharing = 620
Const xlDialogOptionsME = 647
Const xlDialogPublishAsWebPage = 653
Const xlDialogNewWebQuery = 667
Const xlDialogImportTextFile = 666
Const xlDialogExternalDataProperties = 530
Const xlDialogWebOptionsGeneral = 683
Const xlDialogWebOptionsFiles = 684
Const xlDialogWebOptionsPictures = 685
Const xlDialogWebOptionsEncoding = 686
Const xlDialogWebOptionsFonts = 687
Const xlDialogPivotClientServerSet = 689
Const xlDialogPropertyFields = 754
Const xlDialogSearch = 731
Const xlDialogEvaluateFormula = 709
Const xlDialogDataLabelMultiple = 723
Const xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabelMultiple = 724
Const xlDialogErrorChecking = 732
Const xlDialogWebOptionsBrowsers = 773
Const xlDialogCreateList = 796
Const xlDialogPermission = 832
Const xlDialogMyPermission = 834
Const xlPrompt = 0
Const xlConstant = 1
Const xlRange = 2
Const xlParamTypeUnknown = 0
Const xlParamTypeChar = 1
Const xlParamTypeNumeric = 2
Const xlParamTypeDecimal = 3
Const xlParamTypeInteger = 4
Const xlParamTypeSmallInt = 5
Const xlParamTypeFloat = 6
Const xlParamTypeReal = 7
Const xlParamTypeDouble = 8
Const xlParamTypeVarChar = 12
Const xlParamTypeDate = 9
Const xlParamTypeTime = 10
Const xlParamTypeTimestamp = 11
Const xlParamTypeLongVarChar = -1
Const xlParamTypeBinary = -2
Const xlParamTypeVarBinary = -3
Const xlParamTypeLongVarBinary = -4
Const xlParamTypeBigInt = -5
Const xlParamTypeTinyInt = -6
Const xlParamTypeBit = -7
Const xlParamTypeWChar = -8
Const xlButtonControl = 0
Const xlCheckBox = 1
Const xlDropDown = 2
Const xlEditBox = 3
Const xlGroupBox = 4
Const xlLabel = 5
Const xlListBox = 6
Const xlOptionButton = 7
Const xlScrollBar = 8
Const xlSpinner = 9
Const xlSourceWorkbook = 0
Const xlSourceSheet = 1
Const xlSourcePrintArea = 2
Const xlSourceAutoFilter = 3
Const xlSourceRange = 4
Const xlSourceChart = 5
Const xlSourcePivotTable = 6
Const xlSourceQuery = 7
Const xlHtmlStatic = 0
Const xlHtmlCalc = 1
Const xlHtmlList = 2
Const xlHtmlChart = 3
Const xlReport1 = 0
Const xlReport2 = 1
Const xlReport3 = 2
Const xlReport4 = 3
Const xlReport5 = 4
Const xlReport6 = 5
Const xlReport7 = 6
Const xlReport8 = 7
Const xlReport9 = 8
Const xlReport10 = 9
Const xlTable1 = 10
Const xlTable2 = 11
Const xlTable3 = 12
Const xlTable4 = 13
Const xlTable5 = 14
Const xlTable6 = 15
Const xlTable7 = 16
Const xlTable8 = 17
Const xlTable9 = 18
Const xlTable10 = 19
Const xlPTClassic = 20
Const xlPTNone = 21
Const xlCmdCube = 1
Const xlCmdSql = 2
Const xlCmdTable = 3
Const xlCmdDefault = 4
Const xlCmdList = 5
Const xlGeneralFormat = 1
Const xlTextFormat = 2
Const xlMDYFormat = 3
Const xlDMYFormat = 4
Const xlYMDFormat = 5
Const xlMYDFormat = 6
Const xlDYMFormat = 7
Const xlYDMFormat = 8
Const xlSkipColumn = 9
Const xlEMDFormat = 10
Const xlODBCQuery = 1
Const xlDAORecordset = 2
Const xlWebQuery = 4
Const xlOLEDBQuery = 5
Const xlTextImport = 6
Const xlADORecordset = 7
Const xlEntirePage = 1
Const xlAllTables = 2
Const xlSpecifiedTables = 3
Const xlHierarchy = 1
Const xlMeasure = 2
Const xlSet = 3
Const xlWebFormattingAll = 1
Const xlWebFormattingRTF = 2
Const xlWebFormattingNone = 3
Const xlDisplayShapes = -4104
Const xlHide = 3
Const xlPlaceholders = 2
Const xlAtTop = 1
Const xlAtBottom = 2
Const xlPivotTableVersion2000 = 0
Const xlPivotTableVersion10 = 1
Const xlPivotTableVersionCurrent = -1
Const xlPrintErrorsDisplayed = 0
Const xlPrintErrorsBlank = 1
Const xlPrintErrorsDash = 2
Const xlPrintErrorsNA = 3
Const xlPivotCellValue = 0
Const xlPivotCellPivotItem = 1
Const xlPivotCellSubtotal = 2
Const xlPivotCellGrandTotal = 3
Const xlPivotCellDataField = 4
Const xlPivotCellPivotField = 5
Const xlPivotCellPageFieldItem = 6
Const xlPivotCellCustomSubtotal = 7
Const xlPivotCellDataPivotField = 8
Const xlPivotCellBlankCell = 9
Const xlMissingItemsDefault = -1
Const xlMissingItemsNone = 0
Const xlMissingItemsMax = 32500
Const xlDone = 0
Const xlCalculating = 1
Const xlPending = 2
Const xlNoKey = 0
Const xlEscKey = 1
Const xlAnyKey = 2
Const xlSortNormal = 0
Const xlSortTextAsNumbers = 1
Const xlUpdateLinksUserSetting = 1
Const xlUpdateLinksNever = 2
Const xlUpdateLinksAlways = 3
Const xlLinkStatusOK = 0
Const xlLinkStatusMissingFile = 1
Const xlLinkStatusMissingSheet = 2
Const xlLinkStatusOld = 3
Const xlLinkStatusSourceNotCalculated = 4
Const xlLinkStatusIndeterminate = 5
Const xlLinkStatusNotStarted = 6
Const xlLinkStatusInvalidName = 7
Const xlLinkStatusSourceNotOpen = 8
Const xlLinkStatusSourceOpen = 9
Const xlLinkStatusCopiedValues = 10
Const xlWithinSheet = 1
Const xlWithinWorkbook = 2
Const xlNormalLoad = 0
Const xlRepairFile = 1
Const xlExtractData = 2
Const xlAsRequired = 0
Const xlAlways = 1
Const xlNever = 2
Const xlEvaluateToError = 1
Const xlTextDate = 2
Const xlNumberAsText = 3
Const xlInconsistentFormula = 4
Const xlOmittedCells = 5
Const xlUnlockedFormulaCells = 6
Const xlEmptyCellReferences = 7
Const xlListDataValidation = 8
Const xlDataLabelSeparatorDefault = 1
Const xlIndicatorAndButton = 0
Const xlDisplayNone = 1
Const xlButtonOnly = 2
Const xlRangeValueDefault = 10
Const xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet = 11
Const xlRangeValueMSPersistXML = 12
Const xlSpeakByRows = 0
Const xlSpeakByColumns = 1
Const xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove = 0
Const xlFormatFromRightOrBelow = 1
Const xlArabicNone = 0
Const xlArabicStrictAlefHamza = 1
Const xlArabicStrictFinalYaa = 2
Const xlArabicBothStrict = 3
Const xlQueryTable = 0
Const xlPivotTableReport = 1
Const xlCalculatedMember = 0
Const xlCalculatedSet = 1
Const xlHebrewFullScript = 0
Const xlHebrewPartialScript = 1
Const xlHebrewMixedScript = 2
Const xlHebrewMixedAuthorizedScript = 3
Const xlSrcExternal = 0
Const xlSrcRange = 1
Const xlSrcXml = 2
Const xlTextVisualLTR = 1
Const xlTextVisualRTL = 2
Const xlListDataTypeNone = 0
Const xlListDataTypeText = 1
Const xlListDataTypeMultiLineText = 2
Const xlListDataTypeNumber = 3
Const xlListDataTypeCurrency = 4
Const xlListDataTypeDateTime = 5
Const xlListDataTypeChoice = 6
Const xlListDataTypeChoiceMulti = 7
Const xlListDataTypeListLookup = 8
Const xlListDataTypeCheckbox = 9
Const xlListDataTypeHyperLink = 10
Const xlListDataTypeCounter = 11
Const xlListDataTypeMultiLineRichText = 12
Const xlTotalsCalculationNone = 0
Const xlTotalsCalculationSum = 1
Const xlTotalsCalculationAverage = 2
Const xlTotalsCalculationCount = 3
Const xlTotalsCalculationCountNums = 4
Const xlTotalsCalculationMin = 5
Const xlTotalsCalculationMax = 6
Const xlTotalsCalculationStdDev = 7
Const xlTotalsCalculationVar = 8
Const xlXmlLoadPromptUser = 0
Const xlXmlLoadOpenXml = 1
Const xlXmlLoadImportToList = 2
Const xlXmlLoadMapXml = 3
Const xlSmartTagControlSmartTag = 1
Const xlSmartTagControlLink = 2
Const xlSmartTagControlHelp = 3
Const xlSmartTagControlHelpURL = 4
Const xlSmartTagControlSeparator = 5
Const xlSmartTagControlButton = 6
Const xlSmartTagControlLabel = 7
Const xlSmartTagControlImage = 8
Const xlSmartTagControlCheckbox = 9
Const xlSmartTagControlTextbox = 10
Const xlSmartTagControlListbox = 11
Const xlSmartTagControlCombo = 12
Const xlSmartTagControlActiveX = 13
Const xlSmartTagControlRadioGroup = 14
Const xlListConflictDialog = 0
Const xlListConflictRetryAllConflicts = 1
Const xlListConflictDiscardAllConflicts = 2
Const xlListConflictError = 3
Const xlXmlExportSuccess = 0
Const xlXmlExportValidationFailed = 1
Const xlXmlImportSuccess = 0
Const xlXmlImportElementsTruncated = 1
Const xlXmlImportValidationFailed = 2

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:49 pm
by pymsoft
me alegro que te haya servido el ejemplo
