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Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:01 pm
Hi Antonio,

I installed the 28/05 for IIS Modharbour following the readme.

When running any prg I receive this same error (but the last numbers)

mod_harbour error:
Le module spécifié est introuvable.

the last 3 numbers will change each time and the file libharbour.dll seem to be automatically copied each time (by IIS ?) to this folder, replacing .dll by this number 10864.471 then 10864.277 10864.120 10864.789 ...

Launching another prg from the samples folders, will give another suffix ie: 4789.125 4789.569 ...

I checked my ENV VAR LIBHARBOUR wich is a system VAR and point to E:\Modharbour\libharbour.dll

Any idea ?

J. Lefebvre, Mafact SRL Belgium

Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:02 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:40 am
I Antonio,

I re-installed following your readme from the IIS version from 28/05 then copyed the latest files as you wrote, but I always reveiv the same message.

Same result with IIS 10 on windows server 2019.

I even gived the full rigth to IIS_IUSRS on c:\windows\tmp, but with the same result.

The file size, date and time is exactly those from libharbour.dll 03-06-20 09:46 6.392 KB but the name is libharbour.7768.116 or libharbour.10152.791 ...

Best regards,


Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:03 pm
I finally got it running as FastCgi with Modharbour.exe, so you can forgot why it does'nt work as Isapi module for me.

I created 2 fastCgi entry, one for *.prg and another for *.hrb

Clock.prg is perfectly running.

Some say me that they cannot #include file c:\harbour\include\

I continue to investigate :)

Thanks for your work !


Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:32 pm
by Antonio Linares

Did you got it working with IIS ?

I do appreciate if you explain the installation process on IIS for other interested users

many thanks!

Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:33 am
Yes, it work perfectly for IIS on Windows server 2019.

Will write a step by step installation this afternoon.


Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:26 pm
Installing Modharbour.exe as FastCgi on IIS 10.

Create a folder with all the needed files from ... ows/win64/*.*

to (for exemple) c:\modharbour

Launch IIS manager from "Control Pannel, Administrative tools."

Click on the main IIS server, (same name as the server or computer itself)
From the IIS section (the last one), look for "Handler Mapping icon" and double-click it.

On the right side pannel, look for "ADD an handler mapping"

Request Path : *.prg, *.hrb
Modules : Select FastCgi
Executable : c:\modharbour\modharbour.exe
Name : Mod_Harbour_FCGI (for exemple)

Now click on the button [request restriction] and uncheck the main box then OK

Click now on OK.

Restart your IIS server.

Samples should be installed as already described by Antonio.

Don't forget to give the user IIS_IUSRS the right to the samples folder.

Enjoy FastCgi on IIS :)

Re: Strange error Modharbour and IIS

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:49 am
by Antonio Linares