mod_harbour on Windows 32 bit

mod_harbour is an Apache module that allows to run PRGs directly on the web !!!
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mod_harbour on Windows 32 bit

Post by dakosimo »

HI all.
I tried to install mod_harbour on windows 32 bit computer, but no success.
Every time when try to open some sample (for example http://localhost/samples/arrays.prg) I get message

mod_harbour version May 13 2020, 12:49:18
The specified module could not be found.
failed to load hb_apache()

I followed suggested installation procedure. Also copied libcurl-x64.dll, libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll and libssl-1_1-x64.dll to D:\xampp\apache\bin (I installed xampp 7.3.2 on D drive). Problem is that I can find these files on four locations in mod_harbour-master folder.


I am confused what of them to use.

Next what confuses me is why I need to copy 64 bit files on windows 32 computer ?
I could not find installation procedure dedicated only for windows 32 bit, step by step. All of them target windows 64 bit computers, with aside mentioning windows 32 bit machines.

Anybody can link me to step by step installation procedure for windows 32 bit machines only ?

Thank you and Best regards.

Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:24 am

Re: mod_harbour on Windows 32 bit

Post by dakosimo »

I did not succeeded to install mod_harbour on windows 32 computer using xampp.

Then I found post Start with ModHarbou in this forum, which explains how to install on windows 32 computer using Apache24.

That did job for me.

Thanks and Best regards.

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