Get control and polish nation characters
Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:28 pm
I create simple test function with 2 control: get an multiget eg:
When I type in standard get field polish nation character eg. Ą (ASCII code 165) get buffer still empty and message no show. Next, when I put normal letter, this remove first. This is for all polish nation characters without Ó (ASCII code - 211). In multiline get control all polish letters works OK - buffer is change when I type normal and nation letters.
I create simple test function with 2 control: get an multiget eg:
Code: Select all
Function TestPlc ()
Local oWnd := Nil
Local oTest1 := Nil
Local cTest1 := Space (30)
Local oTest2 := Nil
Local cTest2 := Space (30)
Define Window oWnd Title 'Nation characters'
@ 50, 5 Get oTest1 Var cTest1 Size 200, 20 Pixel On Change MsgInfo ('Ok')
@ 80, 5 Get oTest1 Var cTest1 Size 200, 20 Pixel Multiline On Change MsgInfo ('Ok')
Activate Window oWnd
Return .T.