Problem with Checkbox Object?

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Bill Simmeth
Posts: 42
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Problem with Checkbox Object?

Post by Bill Simmeth »

First, thank you to Antonio and company for a terrific tool -- FWPPC!

Second, thank you for moving to this new forum format. It is far superior to the old NTTP...

Finally, I have a problem with the checkbox object. Perhaps I am not defining it correctly? The object's height is greatly exaggerated when displayed. This causes it to clip siblings and be sensitive to taps in areas not normally associated with it. If I query for the :nTop and :nBottom values of the object, they are what I expect, but not what is displayed. This problem occurs whether I specify a size or not.

I have included a small sample PRG below that illustrates the problem. I have set the checkbox background to "N*" to highlight the issue.

Thanks in advance...

Code: Select all

// Test checkbox objects

#include ""

#xtranslate NTrim(<n>) => LTrim(Str(<n>))



   LOCAL oWnd, oChk1, oChk2
   LOCAL lChk1 := .T.
   LOCAL lChk2 := .F.


   @ 2, 1 CHECKBOX oChk1 VAR lChk1 PROMPT "Check 1" OF oWnd COLOR "N/N*"

   @ 6, 1 CHECKBOX oChk2 VAR lChk2 PROMPT "Check 2" OF oWnd COLOR "N/N*"

      ON CLICK MsgInfo( "Top 1=" + NTrim( oChk1:nTop ) + ", Bott 1=" + NTrim( oChk1:nBottom ) + CRLF + ;
                        "Top 2=" + NTrim( oChk2:nTop ) + ", Bott 2=" + NTrim( oChk2:nBottom ) )

Bill Simmeth
Merchant Software Corp
Marshall, Virginia USA
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Thanks for your kind words.

We have just published a new FWPPC build, you may download, that fixes the checkbox sizes. Using this new build, and with these little changes in your code:

Code: Select all

   @ 2, 1 CHECKBOX oChk1 VAR lChk1 PROMPT "Check 1" OF oWnd COLOR "N/N*" SIZE 80, 20

   @ 6, 1 CHECKBOX oChk2 VAR lChk2 PROMPT "Check 2" OF oWnd COLOR "N/N*" SIZE 80, 20
We get this image:

We appreciate your feedback, Thanks.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Bill Simmeth
Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:20 pm
Location: Marshall, Virginia, USA

WOW! What great service!!

Post by Bill Simmeth »

Thank you for the FAST fix. Tremendous support!
Bill Simmeth
Merchant Software Corp
Marshall, Virginia USA
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