Socket on Windows Server 2000
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:27 pm
I have some program written in eVC++ communicating with socket server running on WServer 2000 and all works properly.
Socket server is based on FWH 2.6.
The next program is on FWPPC and it cannot communicate with this socket server but it have made connection to any other socket server running on WinXP or Windows Serwer 2003.
Here is e piece of eVC++ code
WSAStartup in FWPPC have different parameter (x0101) - maby this is a problem.
Socket server is based on FWH 2.6.
The next program is on FWPPC and it cannot communicate with this socket server but it have made connection to any other socket server running on WinXP or Windows Serwer 2003.
Here is e piece of eVC++ code
Code: Select all
BOOL OpenConnectionBtn(HWND hDlg)
if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData))
return nRet;
strncpy(szRemoteName, "", sizeof(szRemoteName));
memset(&Hints, 0, sizeof(Hints));
Hints.ai_family = nFamily;
Hints.ai_socktype = nSockType;
if(getaddrinfo(szRemoteName, szPort, &Hints, &AddrInfo))
MessageBox(hDlg,L"serwer not found!",L"Error",MB_OK);
return nRet;
for(AI = AddrInfo; AI != NULL; AI = AI->ai_next)
if((AI->ai_family == AF_INET) || (AI->ai_family == PF_INET6))
sock = socket(AI->ai_family, AI->ai_socktype, AI->ai_protocol);
if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET)
if (AI->ai_socktype == SOCK_STREAM)
if(connect(sock, AI->ai_addr, AI->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR)
nRet = TRUE;
if (AI == NULL)
MessageBox(hDlg,L"I cannot connect to any server",L"Error",MB_OK);
return nRet;