Refreshing a Get

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Wolfgang Ciriack
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Refreshing a Get

Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

i have a LISTBOX and a SAY object and i want to show some information of the selected item in the SAY object.

Code: Select all

@ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrw ;                        
      FIELDS hBmp, auftrag->zeit, auftrag->strasse ;
      HEADERS "", "Zeit", "Strasse" ;
      ON DBLCLICK ShowDetails(auftrag->(recno())) ;
      ON CHANGE (cTxt:=auftrag->straufart, oS1:SetText(cTxt)) ;
      SIZE 240, 180

@12,0 SAY oS1 VAR cTxt SIZE 240,20 OF oWnd FONT oSayFont BORDER
I tried oS1:Refresh() and oS1:SetText(cTxt) in the ON CHANGE statement of the LISTBOX, but i get always "No exported method". Is the GET object not of type TSay or is there simply something wrong with my coding ?
Best regards
Wolfgang Ciriack
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Your code is fine, except that it tries to send a message to the SAY object before it is created. Modify it this way:

Code: Select all

@ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrw ;                        
      FIELDS hBmp, auftrag->zeit, auftrag->strasse ; 
      HEADERS "", "Zeit", "Strasse" ; 
      ON DBLCLICK ShowDetails(auftrag->(recno())) ; 
      ON CHANGE (cTxt:=auftrag->straufart, If( oS1 != nil, oS1:SetText(cTxt),)) ; 
      SIZE 240, 180 
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Wolfgang Ciriack
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Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Thanks Antonio, now its working :)
Best regards
Wolfgang Ciriack
Wolfgang Ciriack
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Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Hi Antonio,
i have two more questions.

Is there a possibilty to have a bigger row height in the LISTBOX or two rows for each record ?

How can i have different bitmaps (hbmp) dependant on the content of one field ?
Best regards
Wolfgang Ciriack
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Is there a possibilty to have a bigger row height in the LISTBOX or two rows for each record ?

Yes, you have to use a larger font for it. Here I show you a working example.

How can i have different bitmaps (hbmp) dependant on the content of one field ?

Yes, in this same example I show you how to use as many bitmaps as needed.


Code: Select all

// FiveWin for Pocket PC - Testing browses

#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oBrw, hBmp1 := ReadBitmap( CurDir() + "\go.bmp" ), hBmp2 := ReadBitmap( CurDir() + "\browse.bmp" )
   local oFont
   USE ( CurDir() + "\Customer" ) VIA "DBFCDX"

   DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Verdana" SIZE 0, -14
   @ 1, 1 LISTBOX oBrw ;
      FIELDS If( RecNo() % 2 == 0, hBmp1, hBmp2 ), Customer->Last, Customer->First ;
      HEADERS "", "Last", "First" ;
      COLSIZES 20, 70, 80 ;
      SIZE 220, 167 FONT oFont
   @ 12, 17 BUTTON "Done" SIZE 80, 30 ;
      ACTION oWnd:End()
      ON CLICK MsgInfo( "Click!" )
   DeleteObject( hBmp1 )
   DeleteObject( hBmp2 ) 
return nil
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Wolfgang Ciriack
Posts: 37
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Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Thanks Antonio.
Best regards
Wolfgang Ciriack
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »

You are welcome :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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