I need to know if application is running Under WM5 or WM6.
How can we Get OSVersion?
I already try this:
Already running OK:
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WCHAR wszMachineName[128];
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETOEMINFO, sizeof(wszMachineName), &wszMachineName, 0);
hb_retc( WideToAnsi(wszMachineName ) ) ;
where must be SPI_GETPLATFORMNAME declared?
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WCHAR wszPlatformName[128];
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETPLATFORMNAME, sizeof(wszPlatformName), &wszPlatformName, 0);
hb_retc( WideToAnsi(wszPlatformName ) ) ;
Here is another Idea from an example using classes,
but I dont know how adapt this for FWPPC:
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// Sample for Environment class summary
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
int main()
String^ str;
String^ nl = Environment::NewLine;
// <-- Keep this information secure! -->
Console::WriteLine( "MachineName: {0}", Environment::MachineName );
Console::WriteLine( "OSVersion: {0}", Environment::OSVersion );