Sending Data with from pocket pc

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Sending Data with from pocket pc

Post by VagelisN »

Is it possible to send data from a pocket pc via FTP or Email?
I want to create an application that collects data to a table stored localy to the pocket pc an when the user choose to send them creates an ascii file and send it to an ftp server or email account or what ever is possible over internet. (is the tftp available to the pocket pc edition?)

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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Class TSocket is already available and it has a SendData() method. We provide a samples\sockcli.prg sample.

Using sockets you may connect to a FTP server, or a mail server, and send the data you want. Its not difficult.

Class TFTP has not been ported yet to FWPPC. We plan to port it soon.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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