help to compile easyreport

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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by Baxajaun »

Buenos días,

al tratar de construir Easyreport, al llegar a la compilación de recursos da el siguiente error:

Code: Select all

        c:\develop\borland\bcc582\bin\brc32.exe -r -Ic:\develop\borland\bcc582\i
nclude ereport.rc
Borland Resource Compiler  Version 5.40
Copyright (c) 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Error vrd.rc 115 35: Invalid bitmap format

** error 20018 ** deleting ereport.res
Muchas gracias.

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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by cnavarro »

Buenos dias
Descárgate de nuevo el repositorio
Borra el fichero .res
Y vuelve a generarlo
C. Navarro
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by Baxajaun »


lo acabo de descargar y le he dado a go.bat después de cambiar los paths en go.bat y ereport.mak, obteniendo el mismo resultado.

Muchas gracias.

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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by Baxajaun »


he generado el fichero ereport.res con Resedit a partir de ereport.rc. Problema solucionado.

Muchas gracias.

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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by cnavarro »

Es raro porque yo genero el .res con borland
Ese mensaje se obtiene habitualmente cuando uno de los bmps tiene canal alpha, y yo modifiqué los que he añadido para que no diera problemas
C. Navarro
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

cnavarro wrote:Puedes poner una imagen?

You can put an image?
Dear CNavarro,

If you can download the file from the list of c5ide.zop fivetech can' see the file informes.prg.

In this file there is a class Trptitem which controls the graphical objects of Paco designer Report.

The controls paco especially the vertical and horizontal lines are shown sharper and do not cover other objects that are near.

For example, I find it difficult to create vertical and horizontal lines with myrpt and Er.

Practically graphic objects Paco are used in the same way the graphic objects of FastReport


as you can see the dots are designed differently and the boxes and lines can be drawn more easily EChange and without cover objects that are close.

Sometimes on Er as in MyRpt that I do not see the exact point where to draw the line vertical or horizontal

I believe that it should not be difficult to implement the same class of paco in ER only for the most indispensable as the object Boxes and lines
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by cnavarro »

Thanks for the info
I'll watch what he says

Le echaré un vistazo
C. Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by mastintin »

He subido codigo que genera los Dots que propone Silvio ...
DotsSelect( hDC , nTop, nleft, nbottom, nRight )

Ahora falta mirar como quitamos todo el tema de ldrag y ponemos nuestro propio sistema ... me da que va a ser largo de implementar pero a la larga seguro que no funciona mejor . ¿ Quizas si derivamos la clase tcontrol ?
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by mastintin »

Silvio.Falconi wrote:
cnavarro wrote:Puedes poner una imagen?

You can put an image?
Dear CNavarro,

If you can download the file from the list of c5ide.zop fivetech can' see the file informes.prg.

In this file there is a class Trptitem which controls the graphical objects of Paco designer Report.

The controls paco especially the vertical and horizontal lines are shown sharper and do not cover other objects that are near.

For example, I find it difficult to create vertical and horizontal lines with myrpt and Er.

Practically graphic objects Paco are used in the same way the graphic objects of FastReport


as you can see the dots are designed differently and the boxes and lines can be drawn more easily EChange and without cover objects that are close.

Sometimes on Er as in MyRpt that I do not see the exact point where to draw the line vertical or horizontal

I believe that it should not be difficult to implement the same class of paco in ER only for the most indispensable as the object Boxes and lines
He realizado un cambio para que coloque dots similares . He mirado e implementar el sistema que usa c5ide supondría reconstruir todo :( .
Uno de los problemas es que no quiero incluir el codigo de control.prg en el proyecto por 2 motivos ... 1.- tiene copyring . 2.- puede sufir mejoras y cambios que perderíamos , asi que he hecho un apaño que podemos mejorar. ( faltan las lineas punteadas ) .
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by cnavarro »

Manuel, si seleccionas un item en un area, pulsas en otro area, y vuelves a la anterior, el item se desplaza (aún sin estar marcado ya)
C. Navarro
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

I think no need Tcontrol new
But a Mother class TItem as Tcontrol
and the box and line can be the son classes
If you see the Paco source code you'll see a TrptItem ( mother) and many other subclasses

I think there is not copyrights because Paco donated the source to linares
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by mastintin »

El problema no es tItem sino las clases tsay,timage,etc, que derivan del tcontrol original ... tendríamos que derivar cada una de esas clases ( como hace Paco ) y añadir su propio metodo checkdots() y showdots() . Se puede hacer y el codigo de Paco es libre , pero sería bueno realizarlo en un fork independiente , para mi que es un "divertimento en tiempos libres " es demasiado :( , asi que si te animas todos estaremos atentos a tus progresos .
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Re: help to compile easyreport

Post by mastintin »

cnavarro wrote:Manuel, si seleccionas un item en un area, pulsas en otro area, y vuelves a la anterior, el item se desplaza (aún sin estar marcado ya)
Creo que he conseguido fijar el bug. He subido código nuevo.
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