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Ultra Edit Quick Questions

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:24 am
by TimStone
I hope its OK to ask these here since so many of you use Ultra Edit. I purchased a copy and have a few quick questions:

1) When I open a file, I have to tell it to View as a Clipper file to get the keywords to highlight. If I save and close, then reopen, I have to check that again. Can we somehow assoicate .PRG with that type of view so I don't have to select this manually each time ?

2) Is there a bulk RE-INDENT key or command ? If I add a lot of code, it does not automatically reset the indent so the text isn't formatted anymore. Ive tried a few things, but surely I'm overlooking something.

I come from a Multi-Edit background, but since so many people like UE I thought I would try working with it. There are also some features that work fine ( Macro record ) that are not working currently in Multi Edit ( under Vista ).



Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:06 am
by Antonio Linares

You should have bought UEStudio instead of UltraEdit, as UEStudio includes the project manager (to automatically build FWH applications, FWPPC applications, libraries, etc.) and the resources editor.

Please try to talk to them and try to change your UltraEdit into UEStudio.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:19 am
by James Bott

I have an older copy of UE so yours may not work the same, but I had to add all the xbase/fw syntax to WORDFILE.TXT. There is a line that also specifies the file extension to associate with this syntax. My line looks like this:

/L5"Clipper" Nocase Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ File Extensions = PRG

Mine is called "Clipper" since I was working with Clipper when I added it. If the UE authors have added xbase syntax to wordfile.txt, then it may not look the same.

>Is there a bulk RE-INDENT key or command ? If I add a lot of code, it does not automatically reset the indent so the text isn't formatted anymore. Ive tried a few things, but surely I'm overlooking something.

I'm not sure what you mean by "add a lot of code." Do you mean that you are pasting it in from another file and it is not already indented, or that you are entering code and not indenting it as you go? Either way there there is no "reindent the entire file" (at least not with my version. When you are entering code you only have to indent the first line of a new indent, then all other lines start at the same location. I also have a macro for the F4 key that automaticlly indents 3 spaces which helps a lot.

To get the auto indent you may have to check that checkbox in the Advanced-Configuration menu then the Edit tab. Again it may be in a different place on your version.



Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:34 pm
by TimStone
I already had added in the word file. What I found was that I could select View As Clipper and get the highlighted words, but there is no automatic assoication from a .prg to a Clipper format. I have to manually make the association each time I open the file.

I am spoiled ... Multi Edit does have a formatting function that indents/aligns a whole file automatically. So, if I pasted in code, or if I typed in code that was not in the right starting position ( ie. comments at a column too far to the right ), I could instantly reformat. It also automatically recognises PRG files and does the highlighting etc when I open the file.

However, I do want to see if this is a better editor.

Antonio, I didn't order Studio because 1) comments here indicated the resource editor was not stable, 2) Project management wasn't a big deal, and 3) I wanted to be sure the editor would work out before I invested the extra money.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:43 pm
by James Bott

>I already had added in the word file. What I found was that I could select View As Clipper and get the highlighted words, but there is no automatic assoication from a .prg to a Clipper format.

Well, there is no option to manually select the filetype in my older version so I find it hard to imagine that they removed automatic filetype association and replaced it with manual, so there must be a solution.

Please check your wordfile to see if it contains:

...File Extensions = PRG

There are also forums on the UltraEdit site where you could ask.


Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:12 am
by Ken Wantz

First - Questions regarding UE are quickly answered by the folks at UltraEdit but be sure to send them an email. Any messages posted to the forum are NOT monitored by the Ultra Edit support staff.

Second - If you wish, you may be able to upgrade to UEStudio for the cost difference if you send an email to the sales department. UEStudio is simply UE with the added Project Manager and Resource Editor.

Third - To open the PRG file and automatically select the proper syntax:
1) Go to the Advanced menu and select Configuration
2) Select File Associations and enter .prg under File Type/ Extensions and whatever name you wish in the Description
3) Under File Types, enter *.PRG and whatever name you chose in the File Description
4) My first line in the Wordfile for the Clipper/xHarbour/FiveWin syntax reads:
/L14"Clipper/xHarbour" Line Comment = * Line Comment Valid Columns = [1] Line Comment Alt = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ String Chars = "' File Extensions = prg ch PRG CH

Now when you click on a PRG file in Windows Explorer it will load UE and open the file using the proper syntax



Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:00 pm
by TimStone
I had most of that but you had a few more items in the word list descriptor so I made the modification.