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Sending emails from within FiveWin.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:57 pm
by Willy
I have to make a list with email addresses and a text to send.

The program has to send it automatically without further action of the user.

(It is not for sending spam of course)

Is this possible from within FiveWin.

I saw there is pop3 example in the samples map.

Is this only an early test with few possibilities or is it possible to send whole mailing without problems.




Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:09 pm
by TimStone
YOu can do a search for a recent thread on this subject. There are options and its probably fair to say that there is inconsistancy.

Your OS will make a difference. If you are using Vista, you may encounter issues with some formats while others seem to work fine.

Yes, it can be done, but you will have to try some of the methods proposed on this forum. Do a search on EMAIL and you will find the other threads with great detail.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:18 pm
by yury
hi Willy,

if I understand what you looking for, try this example:

Code: Select all

#include "" 

function Main()

local aList:={'',;
				  '' }

local aFile:={'c:\doc_1.doc',;

local oMail, cMail:='', cFile:=''

for i = 1 to len(aList)
	cMail = aList[ i ]   
	cFile = aFile[ i ]
	if .not.file(cFile)  // if file don't exist, don't attach
	oMail = TMail():New('My Subject'  ,;   // subject
                       'My Body Text',;   // body text           
                       nil           ,;   // msg type
                       nil           ,;   // conversation ID
                       Date()        ,;   // Date                   
                       Time()        ,;   // Time
                       .T.           ,;   // Receipt
                       .T.           ,;   // From User
                       {}            ,;   // Origins                
                       {cMail}       ,;   // Destinatary
                       {cFile}        )   // Files Attach



// set From User = .F. for automatic send, without further action of the user

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:29 pm
by Gale FORd
That works good when it is set with From User = .T.
If you use Outlook and try From User = .F. then you get security warnings that stop the email processing.

It is very frustrating to get Fivewin to email by itself under all conditions. That is why I ended up using an external SMTP email program.

Good luck,

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:38 am
by NK
Gale FORd wrote:That works good when it is set with From User = .T.
If you use Outlook and try From User = .F. then you get security warnings that stop the email processing.

It is very frustrating to get Fivewin to email by itself under all conditions. That is why I ended up using an external SMTP email program.

Good luck,
here an little tool for your outlook-problem. ... lopers.htm

regards, Norbert

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:27 pm
by driessen

I experienced that ClickYes is generating often problems. It is also not that easy to install it.

I found a much easier tool at

It is free for commercial and non-commercial use.

Just install it and launch Outlook and everything is ready.

Good luck

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:08 pm
by R.F.
I do use Funcky por emailing (and for a thousands of things more):

Code: Select all

Function SendMail()
   LOCAL cText := Memoread("w:\cgi-win\cdfw\message.txt")
   LOCAL oMail := TOLEAUTO():NEW("funckysmtp")
   LOCAL aFail := {}

      :Server =""
      :FromName := "google user information"
      :FromAddress := ""
      :Subject := "Comming soon training in your locality"
      :Message := cText

   DO WHILE ! fw->(EOF())
      WITH OBJECT oMail
         :ToName := ALLTRIM(fw->nombre)
         :ToAddress := ALLTRIM(fw->mail)
         IF ! :Send()
   MsgInfo ("Finished")

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:28 pm
by jacquetph
Ik heb gezien dat je werkt met Sql en Fivewin .Ik will graag inlichtigen daarover .
Can je uw email geven .
Mijn email is
Thanks .

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:19 pm
by Nop
Rene, where i down funcky? this is free? thanks

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:58 pm
by R.F.
Nop wrote:Rene, where i down funcky? this is free? thanks

you can downlad a demo with limited functionality, the full product is a little pricy but worth the price