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DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:21 pm
by Otto
today I started converting my DOS accounting system to TWeb.
I also had a WINDOWS accounting but this was not accepted by the power users.
Therefore I try to copy the screens from the DOS program.
From time to time I will post here about the progress.

Best regards and a nice weekend to all

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:34 am
by Otto
I changed the start menu and canceled description. For expert mode - and accounting is done by experts - this is not necessary.


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:38 am
by Silvio.Falconi
do you're using DBF ?

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 7:57 am
by Otto
the new web APP is SQL.
The old desktop DOS accounting had DBF support only.

As a first step to convert my DOS program to a web program I wrote an upload program which exports the dbf files to SQL. Uploading and creating the new tables is handled from Fivewin.

Best regards


Code: Select all

function f_konto()
   local aFibu := {}
   local cTable := "konto"
   local oRs
   local aCols :=  { { "KTONR", "C", 9, 0 },;
      { "KURZ", "C", 7, 0 },;
      { "NAME", "C", 25, 0 },;
      { "BRANCH", "C", 20, 0 },;
      { "STRA", "C", 25, 0 },;
      { "PLZ", "C", 9, 0 },;
      { "ORT", "C", 9, 0 },;
      { "SAMMEL", "C", 2, 0 },;
      { "MWSTSATZ", "N", 2, 0 },;
      { "STEUER", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "FW_CODE", "C", 2, 0 },;
      { "KASSA", "C", 3, 0 },;
      { "SKONTO", "C", 4, 0 },;
      { "ZIEL", "C", 3, 0 },;
      { "BA_BLZ", "C", 5, 0 },;
      { "BA_KTO", "C", 13, 0 },;
      { "BA_BEZ", "C", 15, 0 },;
      { "MKZ", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "VZ", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "KONTOART", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "SAMMELZEIC", "N", 1, 0 },;
      { "FIL", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "SALDO", "N", 14, 2 },;
      { "BUDGET", "N", 14, 2 },;
      { "VERGLEICH", "N", 14, 2 },;
      { "GL1", "C", 10, 0 },;
      { "GL2", "C", 10, 0 },;
      { "GL3", "C", 10, 0 },;
      { "GL4", "C", 10, 0 } }
   LOCAL cDBF := "c:\TWeb\fibu dbf files\konto.DBF"
   use( cDBF ) new ALIAS TMPDBF
   oCn   := maria_Connect( "???.???.???.???", "fibu", "root", "password" )
   IF oCn == nil
      ? "Connect fail"

   IF oCn:TableExists( cTable )
      oCn:DropTable( cTable )

   IF oCn:CreateTable( cTable, aCols, .T., "utf8" )
      ? cTable + " Created"
      do while .not. eof()
         AADD(aFibu, { field->KTONR,field->KURZ,field->NAME,field->BRANCH,field->STRA,field->PLZ,field->ORT,field->SAMMEL,field->MWSTSATZ,field->STEUER,field->FW_CODE,field->KASSA,field->SKONTO,field->ZIEL,field->BA_BLZ,field->BA_KTO,field->BA_BEZ,field->MKZ,field->VZ,field->KONTOART,field->SAMMELZEIC,field->FIL,field->SALDO,field->BUDGET,field->VERGLEICH,field->GL1,field->GL2,field->GL3,field->GL4 } )


      oCn:Insert( cTable, ;
      oRs   := oCn:RowSet( cTable )
      XBROWSER oRs SETUP oBrw:nRowHeight := 30
      ? "Failed to create " + cTable

   select TMPDBF
return nil

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:32 am
by Jack
Hi Otto,
Great job .
1) Is it possible to use TWEB with MS SQL database ?
2) Could we say that TWEB is a php code generator ?

Thanks ,


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:33 am
by Marc Venken
Otto wrote:Hello,
the new web APP is SQL.
The old desktop DOS accounting had DBF support only.

As a first step to convert my DOS program to a web program I wrote an upload program which exports the dbf files to SQL. Uploading and creating the new tables is handled from Fivewin.

Best regards


Code: Select all

function f_konto()
   local aFibu := {}
   local cTable := "konto"
   local oRs
   local aCols :=  { { "KTONR", "C", 9, 0 },;
      { "KURZ", "C", 7, 0 },;
      { "NAME", "C", 25, 0 },;
      { "BRANCH", "C", 20, 0 },;
      { "STRA", "C", 25, 0 },;
      { "PLZ", "C", 9, 0 },;
      { "ORT", "C", 9, 0 },;
      { "SAMMEL", "C", 2, 0 },;
      { "MWSTSATZ", "N", 2, 0 },;
      { "STEUER", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "FW_CODE", "C", 2, 0 },;
      { "KASSA", "C", 3, 0 },;
      { "SKONTO", "C", 4, 0 },;
      { "ZIEL", "C", 3, 0 },;
      { "BA_BLZ", "C", 5, 0 },;
      { "BA_KTO", "C", 13, 0 },;
      { "BA_BEZ", "C", 15, 0 },;
      { "MKZ", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "VZ", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "KONTOART", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "SAMMELZEIC", "N", 1, 0 },;
      { "FIL", "C", 1, 0 },;
      { "SALDO", "N", 14, 2 },;
      { "BUDGET", "N", 14, 2 },;
      { "VERGLEICH", "N", 14, 2 },;
      { "GL1", "C", 10, 0 },;
      { "GL2", "C", 10, 0 },;
      { "GL3", "C", 10, 0 },;
      { "GL4", "C", 10, 0 } }
   LOCAL cDBF := "c:\TWeb\fibu dbf files\konto.DBF"
   use( cDBF ) new ALIAS TMPDBF
   oCn   := maria_Connect( "???.???.???.???", "fibu", "root", "password" )
   IF oCn == nil
      ? "Connect fail"

   IF oCn:TableExists( cTable )
      oCn:DropTable( cTable )

   IF oCn:CreateTable( cTable, aCols, .T., "utf8" )
      ? cTable + " Created"
      do while .not. eof()
         AADD(aFibu, { field->KTONR,field->KURZ,field->NAME,field->BRANCH,field->STRA,field->PLZ,field->ORT,field->SAMMEL,field->MWSTSATZ,field->STEUER,field->FW_CODE,field->KASSA,field->SKONTO,field->ZIEL,field->BA_BLZ,field->BA_KTO,field->BA_BEZ,field->MKZ,field->VZ,field->KONTOART,field->SAMMELZEIC,field->FIL,field->SALDO,field->BUDGET,field->VERGLEICH,field->GL1,field->GL2,field->GL3,field->GL4 } )


      oCn:Insert( cTable, ;
      oRs   := oCn:RowSet( cTable )
      XBROWSER oRs SETUP oBrw:nRowHeight := 30
      ? "Failed to create " + cTable

   select TMPDBF
return nil
There are functions to convert dbf to sql ? Is it not easier to use ?

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:40 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
I not remember good now But I founded the possibility to use also dbf with a Web System not was tweb

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:01 pm
by Otto
Hello Philippe,

I do not know if it is working with MS SQL. But I think as an advice if you work with FIVEWIN MySQL - as nearly all of us are using it - is the best option if you need community help too.
TWeb is php code a framework.

The creator of TWeb Carles says:
“I am a son of Harbor and FWH. Tweb was born with the same philosophy of work.
Obviously Windows will exist many years. Obviously Internet is here and we have to take advantage of it.”

Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:02 pm
by Otto
for me SQL is perfect.
Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:04 pm
by Otto
Hello Marc,
The code I posted converts dbf file to SQL and creates SQL tables and uploads the data to the server.
I think this can’t be easier.
Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:44 pm
by Otto
we will start the reprogramming of our accounting software with the reporting part.
We are currently reaching certain limits with the DOS software in the DOSBOX printing the reports.
Therefore we upload a current data status with the posted source code before we execute report queries to the sever.

We did some tests.
The upload for a small company with the data of one year takes about 10 - 12 sec.

Kind regards


Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:23 pm
by Otto

now the first basic grid from TWeb.

Best regards

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 7:17 pm
by Massimo Linossi
Hi Otto.
Can we see a little piece of code for making the grid above ?
Thanks a lot

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:51 pm
by Marc Venken
Otto wrote:Hello Marc,
The code I posted converts dbf file to SQL and creates SQL tables and uploads the data to the server.
I think this can’t be easier.
Best regards
From post of Mr. Rao

This opens the dbf file, creates a table with the same structure and copies the data. By default, it creates the table with the same name as the dbf. If we want a different table name, we can give that as the second paramter.


Code: Select all

oCn:ImportFromDBF( "c:\fwh\samples\customer.dbf" ) ... 8&start=15

Re: DOS accounting system to TWeb

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:42 pm
by Otto
Hello Massimo,

Please read this post: ... =6&t=35444

I took test_grid_update.php from the Tweb.examples.


The only thing I did was to change the SERVERNAME and ceredentials and the table.
Then I changed inside the code the fieldnames to my names.

@Mark, thank you for the info. I will try the function tomorrow.

Best regards

Code: Select all

include ( 'config.php' );
include( TWEB_PATH . "core.php" );
include( TWEB_PATH . "core.grid.php" );

$oWeb = new TWeb( 'Test TGrid - Updated' );

    $oWnd = new TWindow();
        $o = new TBar( $oWnd, 'mybtnbar' );
            $o->AddButton( null, 'Load' , 'TGrid_Load()'    , 'images/db.png' );
            $o->AddButton( null, 'Save' , 'TGrid_Save()'    , 'images/save.png' );
        $o = new TGrid( $oWnd, 'mygrid', 60, 10 );
            $o->lSingle = false;
            $o->cTitle  = 'Customer';
            $o->SetRight( 10 );
            $o->SetBottom( 40 );            
            $o->lForceFitColumns = true;            
            //$oCol = $o->AddCol( 'id'     , 'Id'        , 100 );        
            $oCol = $o->AddCol( 'KTONR'  , 'KTONR'     , 100, 'C' );        
            $oCol = $o->AddCol( 'NAME'   , 'Name'      , 100, 'C');        
            $oCol = $o->AddCol( 'SALDO'  , 'Saldo'     , 100, 'C');                                         