Copying table from one database (catalog) to another database on the same server:
Code: Select all
SELECT * INTO dbDest.dbo.NewTable FROM dbSrc.dbo.OldTable
Copying table from one server to another server.
Need to use OPENROWSET or LINKEDSERVER features of MS SQL. However, this is limited to cases where the source server is accessible to the destination server. (Eg. both servers located on the same network).
Please read more about the documentation on openrowset and linked servers.
Simple, though a bit slower, is to read from the source server and write to the destination server. This approach may not look sophisticated but works well and is not unduly slow.
This is a program I just tested for copying "customer" table from my local SQLEXPRESS server to a temporary table "#customer" on the cloud server provided by FWH for our test use.
Code: Select all
#include ""
function Main()
local oLocal := FW_OpenAdoConnection( "MSSQL,SQLEXPRESS,FWH", .t. )
local oCloud := FW_MSSQLDB()
local oRs, aRows, aStruct, cCol, cVal, cTable, cSql
local lIdentityInsert := .f.
local nBatch := 100
? "Open Local Table"
cTable := "customer"
oRs := FW_OpenRecordSet( oLocal, "SELECT * FROM [" + cTable + "]" )
aStruct := FWAdoStruct( oRs )
lIdentityInsert := ( AScan( aStruct, { |a| a[ 2 ] == "+" } ) > 0 )
cCol := "( " + FW_QuotedColSQL( FW_ArrayAsList( ArrTranspose( aStruct )[ 1 ] ) ) + " )"
? "Write to cloud server"
FWAdoCreateTable( "#" + cTable, aStruct, oCloud )
cSql := "INSERT INTO [#" + cTable + "] " + cCol + " VALUES "
if lIdentityInsert
oCloud:Execute( "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [#" + cTable + "] ON" )
do while !oRs:Eof()
aRows := oRs:GetRows( nBatch )
if HarbourNew()
aRows := ArrTransposeQ( aRows )
cVal := FW_ValToSQL( aRows )
cVal := SubStr( cVal, 2, Len( cVal ) - 2 )
oCloud:Execute( cSql + cVal )
if lIdentityInsert
oCloud:Execute( "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [#" + cTable + "] OFF" )
? "Verify"
oRs := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCloud, "SELECT * FROM [#" + cTable + "]" )
return nil
You can test by changing oLocal to your local server and cTable to your table and test this program as it is.
You can also use your destination server by changing oCloud to your destination server and run the same program.
This is the logic I use when required and find the performance to be satisfactory in general.