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Folderex - Mouse does not work on tabs

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:38 am
by cdmmaui

I am trying REDEFINE FOLDEREX (replacing REDEFINE FOLDER). When I have multiple tabs and click the second or third tab, it does not work. If I use the shortcut keys ALT+2 or ALT+3, it works fine. Do I have to change something else in order to get FOLDEREX to work? I am using Harbour with FWH 14.09.

Thank you,

Re: Folderex - Mouse does not work on tabs

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:45 pm
by TimStone
Make sure your resource is correct:

CONTROL "",356,"TFolderex",WS_TABSTOP,5,35,600,320

And you are using the correct call:

PROMPT " General ", " Parts ", " Labor ", " Recommend ", " Totals ", " Inspect ", " Costing ", " Services ", " Attachments " ;
ON CHANGE ( oEditWork:FolderCheck( ), oWdlg1:update() ) ROUND 5 TRANSPARENT

I have used it for several years and it is fine ... but I'm using Harbour, FWH 17.07, and MSVC 2017 ...


Re: Folderex - Mouse does not work on tabs

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:29 am
by cdmmaui
Dear Tim,

Thank you so much!

Re: Folderex - Mouse does not work on tabs

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:49 pm
by TimStone
I have been using it for quite a while now and it is a nicer look for the end users.