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For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:08 pm
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
do you remember this place.
Best regards,
Otto ...

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:45 pm
by Antonio Linares
Of course I do

and such a good time that we had there smiling :-)

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:10 am
by Maurizio
Hello ,
why don't organise a FW meeting in Austria ? I think it would be nice to meet each other :lol:

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:45 am
by Antonio Linares

Otto and I recently talked about this.

We need to decide some points:

* Duration: Two days (?)
* Cost: 300 euros (?)
* How many attendees ?

* Different topics for the speaches
* Volunteers for the speaches

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:28 pm
by wilsongamboa
Antonio buenas noches
Seria fantástico
decidan, nos comunican y vemos con cuantos contamos para tan magno evento
hay muchísimos gurus que podrían necesitarse 3 días para que hagan algo muy bueno
Bueno son solo ideas
Porque no lo discutimos en el grupo ?

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 9:10 pm
by Antonio Linares
I would provide a Harbour on iPhone and Android seminar :-)

What other topics could we include ?

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 9:11 pm
by Antonio Linares
Also I can provide a FiveWeb seminar too :-)

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:03 am
by Jack
I think it is necesary to fix the subject about Win2008R2 Win2012R2 , speed, corruption and SMB2.

A session about ADO is also necessary .

1 day is not enouth, 2 days is better .

Happy to meet you !

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:05 pm
by wilsongamboa
develop apps on andriod
develop apps on ios
develop apps on linux
develop apps on mac
acces to databases
fastreport, easyreport
visual components xBrowse, ribbon,etc deeer overview,etc
best regards


pd: Excuseme my bad English

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:00 pm
by cdmmaui
Hello All!

I agree and I would come if at least two days.

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:33 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Yes! I recall this beautiful place and I will go back too. Let's do this next Aug or September. You guys talk FW; I will do hiking, camping and ride the bicycle. :-)

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:58 pm
by Antonio Linares
Great, lets see if more friends what to join us :-)

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:23 pm
by Massimo Linossi
I will come too. But find a place that is accessible to wheelchairs.

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:46 pm
by byte-one
Looking forward to a possible meeting with some programming-friends from this forum!

Re: For Antonio

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:22 am
by Antonio Linares
10 friends for now.

We need more people to join us so we can make it reality :-)