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Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:53 pm
by driessen

Is there a method to copy or/and paste a complete record of a DBF, without knowing its structure?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help.

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:48 pm
by karinha
Hello, see this aid program.

Is in Portuguese, but is not difficult. ... =1&t=12062

Download: ... 141&page=1


Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:07 pm
by Euclides
Hello Michel.
To 'copy' and ´paste' database records I use the array-field functions SCATTER & GATHER with option for field checking.
I you want, I can post them here.
HTH & regards, Euclides

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:12 pm
by Jack
Here is my code :

for a=1 to fcount()
append blank

if rlock()
for e=1 to fcount()
skip 0
MsgAlert("Lock error !!")

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:24 pm
by FranciscoA
Hi. I do Exactly as Jack do it. The Source and Target dbfs must be identical.

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:09 pm
by Gale FORd
These functions work even if the database is not the same. Of coarse the field will not be copied if it does not exist in the other database but no error will occur.
You can also pass a record number so that you can take 1 record and update another record in the same database.
aData := scatter()
// Select other database
// Append blank or lock record
gather( aData )

Code: Select all

function scatter( nRecNo )
   local nFldCount := fcount()
   local nCounter
   local aReturn
   local aValues := array( nFldCount )
   local aNames := array( nFldCount )
   if nRecNo == nil
      nRecNo := recno()

   goto nRecNo
   for nCounter = 1 to nFldCount
      aValues[ nCounter ] := fieldget( nCounter )
      aNames[ nCounter ] := fieldname( nCounter )
Return( {aValues, aNames } )

function gather( aRecValues, nRecNo )
   local nFldCount := len( aRecValues[1] )
   local nCounter
   if nRecNo == nil
      nRecNo := recno()
   goto nRecNo
   for nCounter = 1 to nFldCount
      nFieldPos := fieldpos(aRecValues[ 2 ][ nCounter ])
      if nFieldPos > 0
         fieldput( nFieldPos, aRecValues[ 1 ][ nCounter ] )
Return( Nil )

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:20 pm
by driessen
Thanks a lot for all your help, guys.

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:32 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
An easy way:

Assume we want to copy Record at No 100 and paste over Record No. 200

Code: Select all


oDbf:GoTo( 100 )
Assume we want to copy Record No: 150 and append the same data as a new record.

Code: Select all


oDbf:GoTo( 150 )

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:27 pm
by Otto
Dear Mr. Rao,

thank you for this example.
Would you be so kind to explain what exactly this lines are doing:


Why don’t we use here


Thanks in advance

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:24 pm
by James Bott

This is to prevent the buffer from being reloaded.

Another way you could do it:



Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:58 pm
by ukoenig
Maybe do You want to < RESET or REPLACE > defined vars of the new record ?

A test, using different copy-options for the destination record of types < numeric, logic and date > :
I added a new logic-field in DBF customer, to show how to receive different results.

Added many new options :

1. new copy-field-replacement
2. fieldprotection to replace fields with a new value
3. incremental seek
4. filter 2 - 6 can be a multiple selection fieldtyle N, L and D

The 2. record-copy shows the result of a protected field ( salary 11 ).
All other fields are replaced.

A 0 of the destination get APPENDS arecord
A >0 defines the destination record and replaces the values.


best regards
Uwe :?:

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:04 pm
by ukoenig
For the final solution of the COPY-test, I added many options
In case something is still not working or possible to make it better, just give me a answer

Download :

Usage :

1. select any field-options for the record-copy
--- ( nothing selected will make a NORMAL copy without replacing something )
2. You can change from index to natural order
3. click on a record, to copy
---The record-number will be displayed in the start-get
4. use checkboxes to enable multiple filters
5. added incremental seek
6. possible to delete double names ( records ) after tests
7. possible to define multiple copys
8. exclude fields from replacing values with defined field-numbers
9. Fieldnumbers added to the xbrowse-header
10. Added a INI, to start with the last selected record
11. You can change the Dlg-background using the included function :
--- color = WD_BACKGRD( oDlg2, 1)
--- gradient = WD_BACKGRD( oDlg2, 2, nDColorF, nDColorB, nDGradPos, lDDirect)
--- brush = WD_BACKGRD( oDlg2, 3, , , , , cDBrush )
12. added a new field < Freelancer > to customer.dbf to handle the filter of logical fields

Destination-get = 0 will append a new record.
Destination-get > 0 will replace a record.

A selected replace-checkbox will auto-switch from .T. to .F. if nesessary,
to avoid double selections.
sample :
date-vars selected : < empty date >
date vars changed to DATE() will reset the checkbox < empty date > selected before to .F.

sample :
2 copies defined and replaced with empty date-fields ( 502, 503 )
2 rows before, 2 normal copys ( 500, 501 )


best regards
Uwe :D

Re: Copy or paste one record

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:57 am
by nageswaragunupudi
I forgot another simpler way:

Code: Select all

DBGOTO( 100 )
h := FW_RecToHash()
DBGOTO( 200)
FW_HashToRec( h )
The function takes care of locking and unlocking automatically.

We can also copy selected fields

Code: Select all

DBGOTO( 100 )
h := FW_RecToHash( "FIRST,CITY,SALARY" )
DBGOTO( 200 )
FW_HashToRec( h )