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hb_zip difference between harbour and xharbour

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:10 am
by Richard Chidiak
Good morning

I have an ennoying difference with the zip file generated with Harbour

Supposing the working directory is Test

zipping the test directory with Xharbour will show Test as main directory , with harbour it will show C as main directory then test below

the code used is the following

lZipDone := HB_ZIPFILE( cZip , aFiles , 9, {|cFile,nPos| UPDMETER(CFILE,OMETER,NPOS,@nctr,NLEN,ODLG,@DLGFILE,OBJFILE)}, .T.,, lZipWithPath, .F. )

Does anyone know how to deal with this ?

thanks for the help

PS : this is my housekeeping program, the only one i still use xharbour for....


Re: hb_zip difference between harbour and xharbour

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:29 pm
by driessen

I recently changed from xHarbour Builder to the latest Harbour version. I only had to add som libraries,but all my hb_zip functions are working just fine without changing one single character in my code.

Re: hb_zip difference between harbour and xharbour

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:07 am
by Richard Chidiak

I did not change a single line of code neither, this is not the point

The point is that we do not get the same results and it is very ennoying for backwards compatibility

In other words a file saved with xharbour will not be restored properly with harbour and vice versa because harbour will always place the root drive on top.

I had planned to get rid of hb_zip , il will replace with 7z command line , much easier


Re: hb_zip difference between harbour and xharbour

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:42 pm
by Horizon
Hi Michel,

In order compile HB_ZIPFILE in xHarbour commercial, what libraries should i add?


add : I have forgetten the say my program is console application.