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Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:44 am
by Antonio Linares
Is someone using parentheses "(" ")" in the index key definition ?

If so:

1. What RDD are you using ?

2. What is your index key ?

3. Are you using Harbour or xharbour ?

thanks :-)

Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:00 am
by fp
Yes, I do it for many years. I use DBFNTX and xHarbour.
Here an example

aKey := {"Kunde+Konto+DTOS(Datum)+STR(Nummer)" ,; "1"
"DTOS(Datum)+STR(Nummer)" ,; // "2"
"Konto+DTOS(Datum)+STR(Nummer)" ,; // "3"
"STR(Nummer,6,0)+DTOS(Datum)" ,; // "4"
"PADR(UPPER(TRIM(Text1)+TRIM(Text2)),50,' ')",; // "5"
"STR(ABS(Soll+Haben),12,2)" ,; // "6"
"Kunde_2+Konto+DTOS(Datum)+STR(Nummer)" ,; // "7"
"IIF(EMPTY(Haben),Konto+Gegenkonto,Gegenkonto+Konto)"} // "8"

Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:14 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Antonio Linares wrote:Is someone using parentheses "(" ")" in the index key definition ?
Antonio Linares wrote:If so:

1. What RDD are you using ?
Antonio Linares wrote:2. What is your index key ?
Various. What do you want to know, exactly?
Antonio Linares wrote:3. Are you using Harbour or xharbour ?


Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:37 am
by Patrizio
Antonio Linares wrote:Is someone using parentheses "(" ")" in the index key definition ?

If so:

1. What RDD are you using ?

2. What is your index key ?

3. Are you using Harbour or xharbour ?

thanks :-)
2. dToS(), StrZero(), Str(), Upper(), Year(), Left() etc etc :D
3. xHarbour

Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:38 pm
by Antonio Linares

If you are using parentheses then yes, please (just some of them) :-)

Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:47 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Antonio Linares wrote:Enrico,

If you are using parentheses then yes, please (just some of them) :-)
I'm using the same our friends have already reported.


Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:08 am
by driessen
Yes, I am using parantheses in index key definitions.

1. I'm using DBFCDX RDD
2. Example of an index key : UPPER(PRDOSSIER)+STR(100000000-VAL(DTOS(PRDATUM)),9,0)+STR(10000000-RECNO(),8,0)
3. xHarbour Builder

Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:15 am
by Antonio Linares
Many thanks to all of you for your great feedback :-)

Re: Use of "(" ")" in the indexkey

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:02 am
by stefano
1. I'm using DBFNTX RDD
2. Example of an index key : index on arcdgia->dggia to "TEMPPRA" for (year(arcdgia->dggia) = cannogia ) MEMORY
3. xHarbour Builder
