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FWH 13.7 with XHarbour and BCC582 - Unresolved Externals

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:22 pm
by Badara Thiam
Hi All,

I return on the FW forums after long time of silence.
This week i begin with FWH 13.7 and i have found 2 unresolved externals,
for CallDll32() and GetModuleFileNameExA() listed below :

Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Error: Unresolved external 'GetModuleFileNameExA' referenced from D:\FWH137\FWH\LIB\FIVEHX.LIB|GETTASKS
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CALLDLL32' referenced from D:\PROGS\OBJ32\FWTESTS.OBJ

How can i resolve this ? Thank's for your help.

Best regards
Badara Thiam

Re: FWH 13.7 with XHarbour and BCC582 - Unresolved Externals

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:12 am
by Badara Thiam
Hi Antonio,

At this time i have just found this in BCC582\INCLUDE\WINABLE.H
about GetWindowModuleFileName(), nothing about CallDll32().
Please, where are located GetModuleFileNameExA() and CallDll32() ?

Code: Select all

#if (WINVER < 0x0500) // these structures and functions
            // are in NT 5.00 and above winuser.h
// In USER32

// This gets GUI information out of context.  If you pass in a NULL thread ID,
// we will get the 'global' information, using the foreground thread.  This
// is guaranteed to be the real active window, focus window, etc.  Yes, you
// could do it yourself by calling GetForegorundWindow, getting the thread ID
// of that window via GetWindowThreadProcessId, then passing the ID into
// GetGUIThreadInfo().  However, that takes three calls and aside from being
// a pain, anything could happen in the middle.  So passing in NULL gets
// you stuff in one call and hence also works right.
typedef struct tagGUITHREADINFO
    DWORD   cbSize;
    DWORD   flags;
    HWND    hwndActive;
    HWND    hwndFocus;
    HWND    hwndCapture;
    HWND    hwndMenuOwner;
    HWND    hwndMoveSize;
    HWND    hwndCaret;
    RECT    rcCaret;

#define GUI_CARETBLINKING   0x00000001
#define GUI_INMOVESIZE      0x00000002
#define GUI_INMENUMODE      0x00000004
#define GUI_SYSTEMMENUMODE  0x00000008
#define GUI_POPUPMENUMODE   0x00000010

    DWORD   idThread,

    HWND    hwnd,
    LPWSTR  lpFileName,
    UINT    cchFileName

    HWND    hwnd,
    LPSTR   lpFileName,
    UINT    cchFileName

#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetWindowModuleFileName        GetWindowModuleFileNameW
#define GetWindowModuleFileName        GetWindowModuleFileNameA

#endif // WINVER < 0x0500
Best regards.

Re: FWH 13.7 with XHarbour and BCC582 - Unresolved Externals

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:44 am
by Antonio Linares

Please link Borland's lib/psdk/psapi.lib thanks

Re: FWH 13.7 with XHarbour and BCC582 - Unresolved Externals

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:19 pm
by Badara Thiam

Yes i forget to read the new Buildx.bat... Thanks