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Error compiling tGet

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:42 pm
by Eroni
Good evening everyone.
I needed to customize the class tget, however when compiling an error is occurring, as follows:

Source \ SWTget.prg (343) Warning W0004 codeblock parameter: 'X' declared but not used in function: 'SWTGET_NEW'
Source \ SWTget.prg (446) Warning W0004 codeblock parameter: 'X' declared but not used in function: 'SWTGET_REDEFINE'

The error is on the following line:
bPostKey :: = {| x, y | y}

This error is occurring because I am compiling with the compiler directive /w3 and /es2, as in all my codes.

The question is, can I comment on the above code or do I have problems?

Grateful to all.


Re: Error compiling tGet

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:12 am
by nageswaragunupudi