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Problem to read file Ini and Xbrowse

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:42 pm
by Eoeo
I must read a file ini and insert the lines of a section into a xbrowse table

the problem is when my function create the array to put on xbrowse save one line after another often skip a new record as you can see on this picture :


As you can see it create for each line of xbrowse a string with all entries

On the file INI I have

Per Nome=Upper( FIRST ) = Upper( "frank" )
per test=FIRST = "frank"
test due=Upper( FIRST ) = Upper( "frank" )
testr=Upper( FIRST ) = Upper( "frank" )
testk=Upper( FIRST ) = Upper( "frank" ) .AND. Upper( LAST ) = Upper( "fonseca" )
kl=Upper( FIRST ) = Upper( "frank" ) .AND. Upper( LAST ) = Upper( "fonseca" )

I wanted an array with two field entry and string

the code wrong

Local aFilters:= {}



FUNCTION GetIniArray(cSection,cFile)
LOCAL aString := {}
aEntry := StrTran(GetPVProfString(cSection, , ,cFile), Chr(0), CRLF)

? MlCount(aEntry)

IF EMPTY(aEntry)
return {}

for nI:=1 to LEN(aEntry)
AADD(aString,{aEntry, GetIni( cFile, cSection, aEntry[nI]) })

return aString

FUNCTION GetIni( cIni, cSection, cEntry, xDefault )

LOCAL xVar := xDefault

// DEFAULT cIni := oApp:cIniFile

INI oIni FILE cIni
GET xVar ;
SECTION cSection ;
ENTRY cEntry ;
DEFAULT xDefault ;
OF oIni


Re: Problem to read file Ini and Xbrowse

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:05 pm
by Eoeo
Any solution ?

Re: Problem to read file Ini and Xbrowse

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:43 am
by Eoeo
Mr Nages can you help me please ?