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ERROR ON VISTAMENU : png failed!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:22 am
by Eoeo
Look this snapshot


I have problem to show png files

the files are showed bad

Code: Select all


oVistaMenu := TVistaMenu():New( 0,nSplit, 100,100, oApp:oDlg() )

     ON INIT (VistaMenu(oVistaMenu,oApp():oDlg)



Function VistaMenu(oVistaMenu, oParent)
oVistaMenu:nColumns := 2
           oVistaMenu:nType := 1

  oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Configurazione ", ".\bitmaps\pngs\config.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Specificare la stampante","SH_IMPRIMIR", { || PrinterSetup() } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Creare una copia di sicurezza",, { || (ZipBackup(),Pstart()) } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Ripristinare  una copia di sicurezza",, { || (ZipRestore(),Pstart()) } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Inserire una password",, { || Password() } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Indicizzare gli archivi",, { || (Ut_Indexar(),Pstart()) } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Configurazione generale",, { ||  (oApp:Configurazione(),Pstart()) } )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Gestione Ordini", ".\bitmaps\pngs\invoiceM.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Ver el estado y las tareas de red" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Configurar el uso compartido de archivos" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Gestione Clienti", ".\bitmaps\pngs\clienti2.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Reproducir un CD u otros archivos multimedia automáticamente" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Impresora" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Mouse" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Gestione Articoli", ".\bitmaps\pngs\articoli2.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Desinstalar un programa" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Cambiar programas de inicio" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Gestione Fornitori", ".\bitmaps\pngs\fornitori.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Cambiar la configuración de la bateria" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Ajustar parametros de configuración de movilidad de uso frecuente" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Gestione Utenti", ".\bitmaps\pngs\image7.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Modificare il tipo di accesso" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Opzioni", ".\bitmaps\pngs\image12.png" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Personalizzazione", ".\bitmaps\pngs\image8.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Cambiar fondo de escritorio" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Cambiar la combinación de colores" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Ajustar la resolución de pantalla" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Utilità", ".\bitmaps\pngs\image9.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Cambiar teclados u otros métodos de entrada" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Cambiar el idioma para mostrar" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "Cassa Facile", ".\bitmaps\pngs\touch.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Permitir que Windows sugiera parametros de configuración" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Optimizar la presentación visual" )

    oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "E-Commerce", ".\bitmaps\pngs\ecommerce.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Parametri Generali" ,, { || oApp:Author() } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Carico / Scarico Ordini" ,, { || GoWeb("") } )

      oItem :=  oVistaMenu:AddItem( "CopyRights", ".\bitmaps\pngs\image2.png" )
             oItem:AddItem( "Autore di "+oApp:cAppname ,, { || oApp:Author() } )
             oItem:AddItem( "Visitare il sito di eoeo" ,, { || GoWeb("") } )

           * oApp():oWndVista:oClient :=  oVistaMenu
           oParent:oClient :=  oVistaMenu



Re: ERROR ON VISTAMENU : png failed!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:07 am
by ukoenig
It seems showing bad quality, these files are not proper converted.
I noticed original FWH-png's and will have a look at them, maybe to increase quality and repair them
or replace them with better ones.

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: ERROR ON VISTAMENU : png failed!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:15 am
by Eoeo
the files are good quality i can send you some to see the quality !!!
when i use vistamenu it converte it on bad quality

I tried on win xp and Seven
I take them from

Re: ERROR ON VISTAMENU : png failed!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:17 pm
by ukoenig

I will do some tests.
I noticed, different image-sizes are accepted.
That makes it possible, building groups but adding spaces to the text, doesnt help.
Is there maybe a solution, to define the left text-startposition ?
The normal used sizes are 48x48. I Added a Image 128x128.


I found a fixed nleft-value in
METHOD Paint( hDC, lSelected, lFocus, lLast ) CLASS TVistaMenuItem

Maybe using Image-width ?

Enabled :
//if ::lLevel1
nLeft += ::oWnd:nWLeftImage
but there is still some more work to do.

if ::lLevel1 .or. (!::lLevel1 .and. ::oWnd:nType == 1 )
DrawMText( hDC, ::cText , {nTop,nLeft,nBottom,nRight} )
DrawText( hDC, ::cText , {nTop,nLeft,nBottom,nRight}, 32 )
if !lLast
Linea( hDC, nTop+1, nRight-11, nBottom-1, nRight-11, rgb( 207,207,207))
Best Regards
Uwe :?:

Re: ERROR ON VISTAMENU : png failed!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:20 am
by Eoeo
Perhaps it not run ok If it is created on a dialog class

Re: ERROR ON VISTAMENU : png failed!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:58 pm
by Eoeo
Any solution ?