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New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:57 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:10 am
by ukservice

Any advance or fix in FW 11.12 with Transbmp leak? ... 2&start=45


Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:51 am
by Antonio Linares

We need an example to reproduce it. Here it is working fine

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:25 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil
Antonio Linares wrote:John,

We need an example to reproduce it. Here it is working fine

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:39 pm
by ukservice
Antonio and Daniel,

Thanks for reply.

As I told several times, this error occurs ramdonly.

So if I compile and run samples\ribbon.prg, it works fine.

But running this sample many times or keeping it some hours, suddenly the error arises. Bmps just vanishes. Enrico and others confirm the error. So there is a leak either on transbmp or the way TRBtn are painted. Maybe DC is not released properly.

Introducing MessageBox alerts in Transbmp C code allowed me to find out the concrete error and lines.

It is very hard to trace but we do very intense tests on our software to achieve high quality.

Hope you find a clue.

Thanks again.

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:14 pm
ukservice wrote: As I told several times, this error occurs ramdonly.
Please insert this code in your app:

Code: Select all



... <Your code> ...
   winExec("notepad .\checkres.txt")

Did you get any unreleased things when you close your app?

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:49 pm
by ukservice

Thanks for reply.

Yas, I did your test and know I don´t get items at checkres but the error happens.

I guess it is related to transbmp or method paint() at CLASS TRBtn.

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:56 pm
by ukservice

In buildh.bat,

Code: Select all

echo %fwh%\lib\dolphin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %fwh%\lib\libmysql.lib + >> b32.bc
Those libs are missing.


Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:02 am
by Antonio Linares

They are free and you can get them from:

Thanks to Daniel :-)

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:16 pm
by ukservice

Thanks, I know this proyect.

But I don´t understand why they are on buildh.bat as TDolphin is not included on FWH.

Also, I know how to edit buildh.bat and remove them ;).

But I feel that FWH is not propelly tested before releasing a new build. This is a sample.

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:53 pm
by Antonio Linares

Your feeling is completely wrong. This is not a sample, I personally use Dolphin for several projects and I don't want to include those lines everytime, thats why they are there but commented so they don't interfere. We also include some ADS lines and we don't use them but they are helpful for other users.

Every FWH build is tested as much as possible. We can not test ALL features as FWH/Harbour is a huge development tool with so many possibilities, but we build complex projects, run them and test that they work fine.

We deliver a new FWH build every month and that is a huge task but we decided not to make FWH users to wait for so long to get all the new and fixed features. We could simply deliver new builds a few times a year but we have a strong commitment with the FWH users.

Please show respect for the hard work that we do here. If you not are not satisfied with these tools then I kindly ask you to go away from these forums. But if you decide to stay here, please be respectful. Thanks.

Re: New FWH 11.12

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:57 pm
by ukservice
are there but commented so they don't interfere
Lines are NOT commented.

Code: Select all

echo %fwh%\lib\dolphin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %fwh%\lib\libmysql.lib + >> b32.bc

Anyway, it was just an attention or possitive warning, not criticism.

Happy New 2012 for you and Sylvia and the rest of the FW team!.

Thanks for all your help and support. Special thanks to Daniel and Mr. Rao.