client RDP info

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client RDP info

Post by Ugo »

hi all,

I need to know a unique value of the remote client from the server rdp.

is possible?

Thank you for your reponse.
Ciao, best regards,
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Re: client RDP info

Post by pablovidal »

What I do is to take the user name with which the user entered.

Code: Select all

Function ListUsersTs()
local oLoc := CreateObject( "wbemScripting.SwbemLocator" )
local oSrv := oLoc:ConnectServer(,"root\cimv2")
local aDat := oSrv:ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount" )
Local oDat
Local aRet := {""}

 For each oDat in aDat
  AADD(aRet, AllTrim( Upper( oDat:Name ) ) )

Return( aRet )

Pablo Alberto Vidal
Harbour 3.2.0, Fivewin 17.02, BCC7
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