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BIG Tooltip

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:13 pm
by MdaSolution
it is possible with Fwh create a dialog when the final user move the mouse over a btnbmp ?

as this :


I need to insert on this dialog a xbrowse

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:04 pm
by MdaSolution
any solution ?

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:07 pm
by ukoenig
Hello Mda,

a Solution, to activate any Dialog from a HOT-area inside a Window ( I used a Alert ) :
You can use a Background with defined HOT-areas ( in Your sample, it would be the Numbers )
Is it a Solution, You are looking for ?


Best Regards
Uwe :)

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:23 pm
by MdaSolution
My names is Domenico ( Mda solution is my farm)
My problem is that I use btnbmp / I use it for show tables of reataurant)
can you make a test sample please
I wish to show this ... =3&t=22102

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:38 pm
by ukoenig

My Solution above doesn't need Buttons.
Mouse-move ( connected to a defined Area ) can open a Dialog or start any other Action.
A Mouseclick inside this Area, can do something else.
can You place a sample-background-image ( card ) for testing inside a post ?

Best regards
Uwe :?:

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:01 pm
by MdaSolution
Dear Ukoenig,
I want create something as Tooltip as the picture !!!
when the user move the mouse over del button it must be showed

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:52 pm
by ukoenig

I think using BTNBMP, doesn't work because of already defined NORMAL Tooltips ( on Mousecaption ).

No Problem, the same Results You can get, using SAYs :

1. replace the Buttons with SAYs ( the Say changes with Temperatures from Your Sample-screenshot ) :

Temp1 := "62.6" // change Values

@ 25,15 say oSay VAR Temp1 of oDlg SIZE 40, 15 COLOR CLR_WHITE PIXEL adjust ;

HOTSPOR-area from Say : 25,15,30,55

Top : 25
Left : 15
Bottom : 40
Right : 55

2. define a Action for the SAY, performed on clicking inside the Say-Hotspot-area
oDlg:bLClicked := {| nRow, nCol | MsgAlert( "Your Action !","Attention" ) }

3. Show Your BIG Tooltip, movin the Mouse over the SAY
oDlg:bMMoved := {| nRow, nCol | T_DISPLAY1(nRow, nCol, oDlg, 1) } // 1 defines a Dialog-number ( not needed, working with 1 Dialog )

All what You need are the Areas from the Map to show the Says like using Buttons.

My Samples are showing, how to use multiple Hotspots with a IF/ELSEIF - structure.
To get the Values of the different Says is very easy :
Load the Map from inside the Hotspot-editor and click TOP / LEFT and BOTTOM / RIGHT for the
different Places, You want to show the Temperatures.
( the same Logic is used on my modified FWH-Sample Testsay.prg )

I added some Says on this Map, to show how it works :
A click on the Temperature performs a Action !!!.


The Temperatures are defined in Vars
A Action on SAY-click :


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:00 pm
by ukoenig
A complete Sample with included Source :
BTNBMP - Solution !!!!
From inside the Dialog, You can switch between Tooltip and Edit-Mode.
Position autoadjusted to left, if it is not possible, to show on Button-position : Bottom / Right

Download ( 2.2 MB ) :

Position : Bottom / right


Because of Button-position, displayed on Left :


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:20 pm
by MdaSolution
thanks Uk this can be a ggod solution...

on this week I make a Tooltip class it run ok but It can run good if the otooltip of Windows class become a classdata !!!!
look it please
I can set the header , the footer and the message or If the tooltip have only the message run as current tooltip
only I not Know how make it with set baloon!!!
and the future we can add images


the test program lines :


Local oDlg,oBtn

DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIze 400,400

@ 1,1 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "TEST" SIZE 40,20 OF oDlg

oBtn:cTooltip:= NIL // now i must set this because it not run with windows tooltip

oToolTip := TTooltip():New(oBtn)

cMessage :="This is a Super Tooltip for Fivewin Power"+CRLF+CRLF+CRLF+;
"This is also on Beta Test" +CRLF+CRLF+CRLF+;
" SuperTooltip with Image (on Future)"
cHeader := "Header Super Tooltip"
cFooter := "Press F1 for more Help "

oBtn:bMMoved := { || oToolTip:Show( oBtn:ntop - 6, oBtn:nLeft - 6, cHeader, oBtn,cFooter, cMessage ) }


return nil

If we have on window class a classdata otooltip it can run good

we can set the size of tooltip , the timer len , and on the future insert images or another control on it

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:01 pm
by ukoenig
You can replace the Dialog with VTitle


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:05 pm
by MdaSolution
dear uk
your solution is good for me and I am trying it on my application

but why a tooltip class not is a good idea ?

Re: BIG Tooltip

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:19 pm
by ukoenig
Dear Domenico,

My only Reason is, looking for Solutions without any changes of Classes,
or creating something new.

A quick Test replacing the Dialog with VTitle from Screenshot above :

Code: Select all

FUNCTION SHOW_MSG(nButton, nBTop, nBLeft, cHead, cText1, cText2, cText3, cText4)
Local nTop := nBTop + 35, nLeft := nBLeft + 40, oBrw, oBtn1, oTitle, oBmp1
Local nValue := 3, oRad
Local  aData := { { 'Ragged Array' }, ;
                            { 123, Date(), 'Some Text', 349.23 }, ;
                               345.26, ;
                               date()-20, ;
                             { 'Next is Array', { "Nested Array", Date(), 3567.89 } } ;

lMessage := .T.

IF nTop + 315 > oDlg:nBottom 
    nTop := nBtop - 180
IF nLeft + 340 > oDlg:nRight 
    nLeft := nBLeft - 290  
//                                                     width height

@ 15, 80 TITLETEXT oTitle OF oPopup TEXT cHead FONT oSysFont2 COLOR 128

//@ 52, 104 TITLETEXT oText1 OF oPopup TEXT  "New Line 1" FONT oTextFont COLOR 255
//@ 83, 104 TITLETEXT oText2 OF oPopup TEXT  "Line 2" FONT oTextFont COLOR 255

@ 5, 5 TITLEIMG oBmp1 OF oPopup BITMAP  c_Path + "\Bitmaps\OLGA.BMP" SIZE 45, 60 ANIMA LEVEL 255 ;

oPopup:lRound := .T.
oPopup:lBorder := .T.
oPopup:nClrLine1 := 255

@ 70,15 XBROWSE oBrw PIXEL ;
ARRAY aData ;
SIZE 260, 160  OF oPopup ;

AEval( oBrw:aCols, { |oCol| oCol:nEditType   := EDIT_GET } )


@ 240, 100 BTNBMP oBtn1 OF oPopup ;
SIZE 100, 40 PIXEL 2007 ;
PROMPT "&Quit" ;
FILENAME c_path + "\Bitmaps\Exit.Bmp" ;
ACTION ( lMessage := .F., oPopup:End() ) ;
FONT oSysFont1 ;
oBtn1:lTransparent := .t. 
oBtn1:cToolTip =  { "Exit " + CRLF + "Dialog","EXIT", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 }
oBtn1:SetColor( 0, )

Best Regards
Uwe :lol: