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Plan 32 bit beta - to all

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:51 pm
by Silvio ...

I try to explain to You

to create a plan you nust create a window or dialog with 3 part

part of calendar( days)
part of data ( archive)
part of graphics

if you can try you can try Egant.prg ( the same prg of gant class of Arthuro)

on it there are some modify


Code: Select all

 @ 26,253 PLAN  oDias WINDOW oWndGant ;
            SIZE nwincol-270,38 ;
            BORDER ;
            COLORS CLR_BLACK, wclrBack //CLR_HGRAY

   oDias:bPainted        := {|| Dias(odias,ofont,nHoriz,osplit,wDiaLab,ograficos,oSplit1,oPen1,oPen3,oPen4,oPen5,oPen2,dFecIni,dFecha,nTipo,nVertic) }

   @ 60,253 PLAN oGraficos WINDOW oWndGant ;
            SIZE nwincol-270,nWinRow-102 ;
            BORDER ;
            VSCROLL ;
            HSCROLL ;
            ON CHANGE editFec(odias,ofont,@nHoriz,osplit,ograficos,oSplit1,oPen1,oPen3,oPen4,oPen5,oPen2,dFecIni,dFecha,nTipo,nvertic,olbx,wDiaLab) ; //para modificaciones de ancho de la barra
            ON PRESED editPre(odias,ofont,@nHoriz,osplit,ograficos,oSplit1,oPen1,oPen3,oPen4,oPen5,oPen2,dFecIni,dFecha,nTipo,nvertic,olbx,wDiaLab) ; //para encadenamientos entre barras

   ograficos:bPainted    := {|| Graficos(@oGraficos,osplit,wDiaLab,oSplit1,nhoriz,oPen1,oPen3,oPen4,oPen5,oPen2,oPen6,oPen7,dFecIni,dFecha,nTipo,@nVertic,oFont) }
  * oGraficos:bRClicked := {|nRow,nCol| IIF(oGraficos:nItem > 0 , (oGraficos:lLavora := FALSE  , MenuDestro(nRow,nCol), oGraficos:lLavora := TRUE ), ;
   *                     Msginfo('Aggiungi') ) }

      // to show TOOLTIP
  oGraficos:bTrovaTip :=  {|| TrovaTip()}

to create graphics you must use the method rectang and oPen5 must be a brush

oGraficos:RECTang( nLinea+nVertic+4, nColumnaInicio+nHoriz, nLinea+nVertic+14, nColumnaFinal+nHoriz,oPen5,ActivProg->(Recno()) )

you must use wbrowse class of hernan with some modifies
see the file zip

if you have questions You can write me

Falconi Silvio

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:39 pm
by Taiwan
Hello Silvio,

Thanks for your sample.
I will try it later.



Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:55 pm
by Silvio
I making another test program and then i must try to create an agenda appointment program

if you ha ve question write me on private email pls


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:54 pm
by mauricioajordao
silvio , you can send my sample too..


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:31 am
by StefanHaupt

I get an error running the sample

"Plan.prg was compiled by older version, PCODE version 7 is no longer supported - please recompile."

Which xharbour version do you use ?


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:34 am
by Silvio
xharbour 0.99.60

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:00 am
by StefanHaupt
Ok, that s it. I´m still working with FWH 2.4, so I can´t use the latest xHarbour, right ?

Could you build the lib with an older xHarbour version ?


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:32 am
by Silvio
No sorry, I cannot now !!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:38 am
by Silvio
Which xharbour version do you use ?

I think .... I'll not found your version now