Convert HEX vector to image

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Gary Woodley
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Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Gary Woodley »

I have an image that has been stored as in HEX vector pairs format. An example is:-

Code: Select all

The code i have been supplied as an example is in PHP, has anybody any idea how I can covert this to run in my application and save the converted image to a file.

Code: Select all

if ($sig != "")
   $im = @ImageCreate (256, 256)
   or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
   $background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
   $text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
   for( $i=0 ; $i<strlen($sig) ; )
           if(substr($sig,$i,4) == "FFFF" || substr($sig,$i+4,4) == "FFFF")
                   $i += 4;
                   if(substr($sig,$i,2) != "FF")
                           $x1 = base_convert(substr($sig,$i,2),16,10);
                   if(substr($sig,$i+2,2) != "FF")
                           $y1 = base_convert(substr($sig,$i+2,2),16,10);
                   if(substr($sig,$i+4,2) != "FF")
                           $x2 = base_convert(substr($sig,$i+4,2),16,10);
                   if(substr($sig,$i+6,2) != "FF")
                           $y2 = base_convert(substr($sig,$i+6,2),16,10);
                   imageline ($im,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$text_color);
   ImagePng ($im,"temp.png");
   echo "<img src='temp.png'>";
Thanks in advance

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Antonio Linares
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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Antonio Linares »


This is a quick try. I don't know how the image should look like, so please test it and lets see :-)

Code: Select all

#include ""

function Main()

   local oWnd


      ON PAINT DrawVectors( hDC )

return nil

function DrawVectors( hDC )

   local cSig := "83B483B489B294AA97A49C999E8C9B8595818C7C8279777872776A7762775B775979577A567D5680578461866" + ;
   local n, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2 
   for n = 1 to Len( cSig )
      if substr( cSig, n, 4 ) == "FFFF" .or. substr( cSig, n + 4, 4 ) == "FFFF"
         n += 4
         if substr( cSig, n, 2 ) != "FF"
            nX1 = nHex( substr( cSig, n, 2 ) )
         if substr( cSig, n + 2, 2 ) != "FF"
            nY1 = nHex( substr( cSig, n + 2, 2 ) )
         if substr( cSig, n + 4, 2 ) != "FF"
            nX2 = nHex( substr( cSig, n + 4, 2 ) )
         if substr( cSig, n + 6, 2 ) != "FF"
            nY2 = nHex( substr( cSig, n + 6, 2 ) )
         MoveTo( hDC, nX1, nY1 )
         LineTo( hDC, nX2, nY2 )
         n += 4

return nil
regards, saludos

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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by xProgrammer »

Hi Gary, Antonio

Nice translation of the original code. It might be worth looking at the logic of it because it may produce funny results if code meets "FF" in one of the tests - the corresponding value of nX1 or nX2 or nY1 or nY2 will not be set and will either be the value from the last FOR loop (would that be correct?) or nil presumably if this is the first such iteration (which will cause a run-time error I assume). n += 4 is evaluated regardless of the condition so it could be made a step value. If indeed it is an "error" to have "FF" on an even boundary then some additional logic is required and the individual tests for "FF" would make the two tests for "FFFF" redundant.

I would question the logic further. It seems that all lines have to be connected with this code, that is nX2 nY2 will become nX1 nY1 on the next iteration. Is that correct or should the second n += 4 actually be an n += 8?

I am unfamiliar with this format, but the above are questions and issues I would be looking into, especially if you get some unexpected results.

Gary Woodley
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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Gary Woodley »


I just tested the conversion using

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This should be a handwritten GW but it seems to return random lines. Supposedly the php code is actually used to convert successfully though I have never seen it actually work.


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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Antonio Linares »

Solved! :-)

Code: Select all

#include ""

function Main()

   local oWnd


      ON PAINT DrawVectors( hDC )

return nil

function DrawVectors( hDC )

   local cSig := "564B564B574A58495948594759455944584357415641554054404F404C404940434040423E433D453A473A49384C384" + ;
"E35533358325B325D325F32613264366739693C6A3F6C426D457049724A724B724F72517254715570556F556E556C55" + ;
"6953685267526651654D644C634B634A634A6249614A614E60505F515E535E545E545D565D565C575B5B5B615A645A6" + ;
"45AFFFF6C456C456C466C486C4A6D4E6E55715C74627666786B796E7A707C737C747E767F78817A81788171806B806" + ;
"680628060805E815E8261876689688B6C8C6C8D6B8E6A8E698F6891689265926093589451964B974797449743974297" + ;

   local n, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2 
   for n = 1 to Len( cSig ) step 4
      if substr( cSig, n, 4 ) == "FFFF" .or. substr( cSig, n + 4, 4 ) == "FFFF"
         n += 4
         if substr( cSig, n, 2 ) != "FF"
            nX1 = nHex( substr( cSig, n, 2 ) )
         if substr( cSig, n + 2, 2 ) != "FF"
            nY1 = nHex( substr( cSig, n + 2, 2 ) )
         if substr( cSig, n + 4, 2 ) != "FF"
            nX2 = nHex( substr( cSig, n + 4, 2 ) )
         if substr( cSig, n + 6, 2 ) != "FF"
            nY2 = nHex( substr( cSig, n + 6, 2 ) )
         MoveTo( hDC, nX1, nY1 )
         LineTo( hDC, nX2, nY2 )

return nil
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Gary Woodley
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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Gary Woodley »

Works perfectly thanks!

Next question, How do I save the image to a file?


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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Antonio Linares »


oWnd:SaveToBmp( cFileName )
regards, saludos

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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by fraxzi »

Dear Mr. Antonio,

Similar to the subject..

How about cStr := BmpToStr( oImg:hBitmap ) to be use with this construct..

Code: Select all

"Update sql_table Set thisfield = '"+cStr+"' where field_id = 'abc' "    //not saving..  thisfield type is blob or binary

Hope you can help.

Kind Regards,

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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Antonio Linares »


Do you mean that SQL errors with such string ?

Maybe it has to be encoded so the bytes are not higher than some certain value. What database engine are you using ?
regards, saludos

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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by fraxzi »

Antonio Linares wrote:Frances,

Do you mean that SQL errors with such string ?

Maybe it has to be encoded so the bytes are not higher than some certain value. What database engine are you using ?

Dear Mr. Antonio,

I'm using ADS 9.1

There's no error but not saving cStr := Bmp2Str(oImg:hBitmap).. if using cStr := '{1231412-41234123-123423}' saves the example string in BLOB field as binary..

Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: Convert HEX vector to image

Post by Antonio Linares »


I am afraid that I don' know how to help you on that issue,

Probably an ADS user may be able to help you. We use MySQL mostly here.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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