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Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:25 am
by E. Bartzokas
Hi all,
This is the first time that I register to this form, and would like
to wish to each and everyone the best.

Here is the problem:

(Please notice that I work for Paysoft Inc., a registered user of FWH)

We use FWH (Jan. 2006 download), and xHB Professional (Dec. 2005 download).

Our application uses approx. 600 forms in .WMF that are loaded at run time with function ImportWMF(cFile), and then we print whatever number and strings on the form. All these .WMF's have been created with Corel Draw.

It appears that it worked fine in the 16-bit environment, however, now that we are converting our program to 32-bits, we run into the problem of not been able to load those WMF's any more, due to the Enhanced Metafile (.EMF) used recently.

My question is: how can we resolve this problem without having to convert each and every form through Corel ?

I have notice that TENHMETA.PRG contains a Static Function WMF2EMF at the end, plus three DLL32 calls. Has this function anything to do with converting a WMF to EMF, and if yes how ?
The two of the DLL32 calls at the end of the file contain calls to GDI, that according to Microsoft are now not supported, such as GeTEnhMetaFileBitsEx (now GeTEnhMetaFileBits) and SetWinMetaFileBits (now SetMetaFileBits).

As you understand, I am lost now :shock:

How can I deal with this problem?
Any advise and a working sample would be appreciated, by me and my boss Mr. Chris Makris.

Thank you for your attention.

Evans Bartzokas

Re: ImportWMF

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:31 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
From the whatsnew.txt file of July 2005 build:
* Enhancement: Class TPrinter Method ImportWMF() is already available for 32 bits.
You have to save your WMF files as EMF (enhanced metafiles) ones. You may use a tool
like "Paint Shop Pro" to do this conversion. Please review samples\corel.prg.

Re: ImportWMF

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:36 am
by E. Bartzokas
Enrico hi,
Thanks for the info, but am already aware of this (it is noted on my post).
I do not think that there is no other solution or another way...
I just think that I should wait for more replies, especially from our best of the best "Antonio Linares". Antonio can workout some solution.
I'm sure that if we can read an .EMF, we can also read a .WMF and convert it on the fly...


EnricoMaria wrote:From the whatsnew.txt file of July 2005 build:
* Enhancement: Class TPrinter Method ImportWMF() is already available for 32 bits.
You have to save your WMF files as EMF (enhanced metafiles) ones. You may use a tool
like "Paint Shop Pro" to do this conversion. Please review samples\corel.prg.

Re: ImportWMF

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:39 am
by Enrico Maria Giordano
E. Bartzokas wrote:Enrico hi,
Thanks for the info, but am already aware of this (it is noted on my post).
I do not think that there is no other solution or another way...
I just think that I should wait for more replies, especially from our best of the best "Antonio Linares". Antonio can workout some solution.
I'm sure that if we can read an .EMF, we can also read a .WMF and convert it on the fly...
Yes, it maybe. :-)


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:47 pm
by Antonio Linares

Have you considered to use a tool like this ? ... mf-emf.htm

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:00 pm
by Sakis

I know the right person who may solve your problem. He is seating next to me.... MANOS SV1COD.


Dionisis and MANOS

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:46 pm
by E. Bartzokas
Sakis wrote:Evans

I know the right person who may solve your problem. He is seating next to me.... MANOS SV1COD.


Dionisis and MANOS
Yia sas paidia!

Looks like there is something that can be done, with automatic conversion at run time, or am I wrong?

My phone is 693-919-6457. Any time you want to contact me, please give me a ring and I'll call you back to revert phone charges, or we may continue our conversation through Net Meeting.

Thanks a lot
Vagelis KD3HNA (by the way I have a US general radio amt. license)

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:02 pm
by E. Bartzokas
Sakis wrote:Evans

I know the right person who may solve your problem. He is seating next to me.... MANOS SV1COD.


Dionisis and MANOS
Mano, xachkame !
Twra se cymhchka.
Pare me sto 693-919-6457... perimenw